New here and at a fork in the road


New Member
Hello all!

I am new here and have a question that I hope the knowledgeable members of this site can help me with.

A little about me:
I am 28 years old. When I was 22-23 I took prohormones. I abused them, rather. I got sick, ended up getting my gallbladder removed (not sure if related), got gyno and had to have surgery, had hormone chaos. Eventually, everything leveled out. 3 years ago, I got my levels checked and was in the normal range. My total was 450 and I can't remember my free but it was normal.

I then (at 25) went through a lot of life issues and some depression and drank a lot for 2 years. I have stopped drinking almost entirely for over a year (only social drinking now). I don't drink during the week and rarely drink enough to be hammered. I have watched my diet, exercised, and I still have been feeling tired all the time. I get headaches, feel mentally foggy, irritable, low interest in sex, etc. I got my numbers checked recently and I am low for my age. My total test is 268 (350-1200 is normal). My free is 10.2 (9.3-26.5 is normal).

Thyroid is as follows:

T3 - 113 (71-180)
T4, Free (Direct) - 1.28 (.82-1.77)
Thyroxine (T4) - 9.3 (4.5-12.0)
TSH - 1.880 - (0.450-4.500)

LH - 3.5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.8 (1.5-12.4)

Prolactin - 8.7 (4.0-15.2)

Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum - 16.2 (16.5-55.9)

I am 6 feet tall and weigh 215. I am in decent shape, just have some extra weight around my mid section. My doctor prescribed HRT using the gel. She was very quick to prescribe it. I've heard the risks and I am very hesitant to start this at 28 years old, but don't want to live out my youth with this low of test levels. I am not sure what to do here! I still want children eventually so that is also a concern. Any advice is greatly appreciated and nice to meet you all!
How is your sleep these days? Poor or not enough sleep per night can hammer your T levels way down. Also, you might try what is basically PCT (even though you are totally natural now) to try and get your natural production up. I would contact Defy medical if at all possible as well. Guys always want to use their regular doc and to be honest, that usually ends poorly unless their doc happens to be a TRT expert.
Hey ERO, thanks for the reply.

I am getting at least 8 hours a night. I usually go to bed around 10:30 - 11:00 and don't wake up until 7:30 or 8. I find myself needing to go to the car during work to take a power nap for 30 minutes or so (I'm not proud of it). I have been much more susceptible to stress and often get tension headaches, feel weak, get blurred vision, all symptoms of stress and anxiety that I never used to get despite being very stressed out at many points in my life. I'm not sure if this is because of the cortisol levels not being counteracted by testosterone or what, I'm no endocrinologist. When I saw my doc today, she seemed to be fairly certain that I needed to take action concerning my low T levels. I don't want to sound sexist, but should I be seeing a male endocrinologist about this issue?

Again, I am very hesitant to start HRT because of the things I've heard about it. However, being 28 and having numbers this low is a huge downer. I definitely notice mood issues and lack of energy.
I agree with you that trying everything else first is the best choice at your age. Try a 4 tube cortisol test for starters to get a useful baseline. Just the stress/cortisol issues alone are enough to cause you to have low T.

Another option is to try just HCG alone to raise your T levels and see if the higher levels retain over 30 days after you stop the HCG. Also, the success rate for topical TRT (gel, creme, etc...) is low. It works for some, but for many of us that have tried it, it never raises your T levels enough to make a difference. Twice weekly shots are a better choice from a statistical standpoint, and TRT with HCG can allow you to retain your fertility.
Thanks Vince and Ero!

I am going back to the endo today to discuss some of the things you all have suggested and to let her know my concerns. I will get back to you with an update later this evening!

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