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Hello all
Man I wish I would have found this site 10 years ago. Started TRT in my twenties, no drug use or injury caused the loss of production. My doc is great and was excited about the challenge of my case. I was super resistant to testosterone, but at the same time hyper sensitive to estrogen conversion. He got my system up and running to the point that the therapy gaps were up too 13 months.
Well times have changed and now I’m having to start therapy more often. Getting old sucks. Researching the pros and cons of long term or duration therapy programs vs the 3-4 month programs I have done in the past. That search lead me here. Spent the last few days reading and watching the videos, can’t believe the quality of information here. Anyways, thanks for letting me join and hope to learn a lot more.
First of all, welcome to the forum!

I am bit confused because TRT is for life, not something that ones does for a 3-4 month "cycle" and then goes back off only to start again later. By then your HPTA axis has completely shut down and your body is trying to re-start "cold-turkey" - which often does not work without a re-start protocol of a SERM like Clomid.

What was your protocol and what are the numbers from your latest blood work?
In my experience there is no set TRT protocol. Some people use AIs, test solo, test and something, hcg, and ect. My TRT was designed to see if a restart of the natural production could be acheaved. It was, I was able to go longer and longer between therapy on my own natural production. Nevertheless, at some point I would crashed again and would need to go back on. I understand this is not most peoples experiance. But I also know that most Doctors don't attempt it either.

Basic protocall was a 1.5 to 1 ratio of test to Deca. Amounts varied as the quality of some of the compounding pharmacy's varied greatly. That was finally solved by switching to brand name Depo Test. Arimidex used e3d as I'm hyper sensitive. Post therapy therapy (instead of post cycle therapy) varied as the information on TRT changed. In the old days it was clomid and tamoxifen. No hcg ever. Now it's evolved into hcg during therapy, boosted up a bit post therapy then stoped to start clomid run. Getting blood work Monday. Will post when I comes in. Interesting to hear what suggestions come up.
I have a million questions about how a long term program works.

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