New guy struggling with TRT


Hi I have been on TRT for a year now and it's not really working out.

I first tried Sustanon, Anastrazole with Proviron but that was up and down and I could not stabilise either T or E2 and so was on one long rollercoaster the result is that a year later I was a couple of thousand pounds lighter and feeling no better.

I have now switched suppliers and I am now on Test E 50mg with HCG every 3.5 days after 6 weeks this has my Test at 800 ng/dl and free T at top of range as well. the trouble is my E2 has rocketed to 58 pg/mol and my Prolactin is way over range at 430 miu/L

I have not been able to speak to my doctor yet but I am not sure what the best way forward is - the prolactin is a concern as it always used to be in range, even when I was on Sustanon it was rock solid mid-range. Has the addition of HCG pushed it up?
Prolactin: Should Men with Erectile Dysfunction Be Tested ?

Substantial elevation in prolactin (>150 ng/mL) usually indicates a pituitary tumor. Very high levels of prolactin are associated with larger tumors. Prolactinomas are classified as microadenomas (<10 mm) and macroadenomas (>10 mm). The finding of a substantial elevation in blood levels of prolactin association with a pituitary lesion larger than 10 mm by radiographic analysis supports the diagnosis of a macroprolactinoma.

Modest levels of prolactin elevation (25&#8211;100 ng/mL) may be associated with several diagnoses. All other causes of hyperprolactinemia should be excluded before a tumor is considered. Primary hypothyroidism and chronic renal disease is associated with elevations in prolactin, probably because of altered metabolism or clearance of prolactin.

Some medications can increase prolactin blood levels in men, as shown in this table (source: Pharmacological causes of hyperprolactinemia

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