New blood and 24 hour urine tests in today. Looks a little off. Any opinions?


New Member
A little info about me. I´m 32 years old. I train about 3 times a week. Eat strict paleo. Walk a lot. Live a pretty stress free life. Sleep 9 hours a night.

My symptoms are: Loss of libido, low level depression, low level anxiety, low resilience to stress, occasional panic attacks and not gaining muscle mass despite regularly training.

I hope that these are easy to read on not messy put together. This is a full anti-aging panel done by a lab in Belgium. I was well rested before the sample was drawn.

Any thoughts and opinions on this is highly appreciated

The first part is just me copy/pasting the stuff that the lab showed was out of range

What looks a little off is/ out of reference ranges:
Τ3 499 pmol/24h 800-2500

SHBG that is 88 nmol/L.
Transcortine 65 mg/L 20 – 50
Cortisol free (8 AM) 2.1 Hg/L 10 – 30
Estradiol 30 ng/L <30
Progesterone 1.5 Hg/L 0 - 1
Testosterone 10781 ng/L 3000 – 10000
Testosteron free 271 ng/L 50 – 280 <--- Does this mean that I have a lot of free testosterone?
Androstanediol-gluc 3.00 ug/L 3.4 – 22
|GFBP-3 2.93 mg/L 2.96 - 4.96 I

Etiocholanolone 7.67 mg/24h 1,90 - 5.70
11-Keto-etiocholanolone 0.03 mg/24h 0.05 - 1.00

lodine <20 Hg/L
checked results
|odine <65 Hg/24h 170 – 280

extrapolated standards WHO Urinary volume (24h) 3250 mL/24h 600 – 2500
Creatinine 46 mg/dL
Creatinine 1,50 g/24h 1.0 - 2.2
Calcium 2.24 mmol/24h 3.30 - 7.00

Phosphorus 35.75 mmol/24h 12.9 - 25.8

17-OH steroids-chromatography Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol 1.01 mg/24h 0.05 - 2.30
Tetrahydrocortison | 1.43 mg/24h 2.40 – 5.20
Tetrahydrocortisol J. 0.52 mg/24h 1.50 – 3.30
Allo-tetrahydrocortisol J, 0.20 mg/24h 1.00 – 2.60
Total 17-OH-steroids: J, 3.12 mg/24h 6.10 – 11.70
Aldosterone 13.4 pg/24h 2.8 – 30.0
Growth hormone f 24.25 ng/24u 0 - 10
6-sulfatoxy-melatonin 14.2 pg/24h 15.6 – 58.1

Triglycerides 77 mg/dL 30 - 170
Total Cholesterol ↑↑ 341 mg/dL 140 - 200
Rec. BLC
HDL cholesterol 69 mg/dL 40 - 109
LDL Chol.(calculated) TT 257 mg/dL 0 - 114
Cholesterol/HDL-C 4.94 2.8 – 4.97

Below is the full blood test results
I have highlighted all the results that where out of range

TSH 1.82 mL/L 0.3 - 4.5
T3 free 4.08 pmol/L 3.23 - 6,47
T4 free 15.28 pmol/L 9.03 – 23,22
Thyroid antibodies Ab to thyroglobulin <15 kU/L <60 Neg Anti-TPO <28 kU/L <60 Neg
Cortisol (8h) 7.4 Hg/dL 7 – 25
Transcortine 65 mg/L 20 – 50
Cortisol free (8 AM) 2.1 Hg/L 10 – 30
FSH 11.2 |U/L 2 - 15
Estradiol 30 ng/L <30
Estrone 20 ng/L 10 – 60
Progesterone 1.5 Hg/L 0 - 1
Testosterone 10781 ng/L 3000 – 10000
Testosteron free 271 ng/L 50 – 280
Testostérone liée 97.5 %
S.H.B.G. 88 nmol/L 20 – 55
Androstanediol-gluc 3.00 ug/L 3.4 – 22
DHEA sulfate 187 Hg/dL 140 – 530
Pregnenolone 1.42 Hg/L 1.17 – 7.72
Somatomedin-C (IGF-1) 294 ug/L 190 - 490
|GFBP-3 2.93 mg/L 2.96 - 4.96 I
GFBP-3/IGF1 2.63 mol/mol 0 - 4.5


Τ3 0.10 |g/L
Τ3 499 pmol/24h 800-2500
T4 0.43 Hg/L
T4 1800 pmol/24h 550 – 3160
Cortisol libre 35.8 Hg/24h 10 – 100
17-ketosteroids chromatography
Androsterone 3.74 mg/24h 2.10 - 6.30
Etiocholanolone 7.67 mg/24h 1,90 - 5.70
DHEA 0.07 mg/24h 0.05 - 1.40
11-Keto-androsterone 0.23 mg/24h 0.05 - 0.80
11-Keto-etiocholanolone 0.03 mg/24h 0.05 - 1.00
11-OH-androsterone 1.53 mg/24h 1.20 - 2.60
11-OH-etiocholanolone 1.37 mg/24h 0.05 - 2.10
Total 17-Ketosteroids: 14,56 mg/24h 6,50 – 17.90
Pregnanediol 1.11 mg/24h 0.40 - 1.20
Pregnantriol 0.49 mg/24h 0.40 - 1.40
17-OH steroids-chromatography Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol 1.01 mg/24h 0.05 - 2.30
Tetrahydrocortison | 1.43 mg/24h 2.40 – 5.20
Tetrahydrocortisol J. 0.52 mg/24h 1.50 – 3.30

Allo-tetrahydrocortisol J, 0.20 mg/24h 1.00 – 2.60
Total 17-OH-steroids: J, 3.12 mg/24h 6.10 – 11.70

Aldosterone 13.4 pg/24h 2.8 – 30.0
Growth hormone f 24.25 ng/24u 0 - 10
6-sulfatoxy-melatonin 14.2 pg/24h 15.6 – 58.1
IgE Rast IgE 27 kU/L 20 - 100

Lipemic index 8.4 <30
Icteric index 1.1 <1.6
Hemolysis index 19.5 <70

Haemoglobin 15.1 g/dL 13.5 - 18.0
Haematocrit 43.5 % 40 – 54
RBC(Erythrocytes) 4,86 10°/uԼ 4,5 – 5.9
MCV 90 fL 80 - 95
MCHC 35 g/dL RBC 31 – 36
ΜΟΗ 31 pg/cell 27 – 32
WBC(Leucocytes) | 2.52 10°/ul 3.6 – 11.0
checked results

Vitamin B12 402 ng/L 300 – 835

Erythrocytaire folate f 657 Hg/L 140 - 628

Ferritin 64 Hg/L 50-290 : ) pt, 30–290:V.N

Uric Acid 5.1 mg/dL 3.4 - 7.0
Urea 36 mg/dL 10 - 50 Creatinine 0.88 mg/dL 0.70 - 1.30


Glucose 82 mg/dL 60 – 110 Insulin J. 18.2 pmol/L 21 – 153
Index HOMA J. 0.53 0.74 – 2.26
Index Quicki f 0.43 0.35 - 0.41

Sodium 138 mmol/L 135 - 145
Total Calcium 2.44 mmol/L 2.05 - 2.65
lonized calcium 1.11 mmol/L 1.00 - 1.15
Erytrocytair Magnesium 4.94 mg/dL 4.40 – 5.80
25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D 37.8 Hg/L 30,0-60.0


Triglycerides 77 mg/dL 30 - 170
Total Cholesterol ↑↑ 341 mg/dL 140 - 200
Rec. BLC
HDL cholesterol 69 mg/dL 40 - 109
LDL Chol.(calculated) TT 257 mg/dL 0 - 114
Cholesterol/HDL-C 4.94 2.8 – 4.97


Total Protein 66.8 g/L 57 – 82
Ceruloplasmine 0.28 g/L 0.25 - 0.44

hS CRP 0.53 mg/L 0 - 1.00

Gamma-GT 12 U/L 8 – 61

GPX meas. 210 U/L
GPX 57 U/g Hb 40 – 62
SOD meas. 2.21 U/ml
SOD 1464 U/g Hb 1010 – 1580
ProtéineS SH 636 |Imol/L 396 – 734
ΜΡΧ -8.1 -10 – 10
Vitamine E f 20.4 |g/mL 10.0 - 19.0
Vitamine E/Chol 5.98 mg/g 5.4 - 9.2
Vitamine A 49.8 Lig/dL 43 – 111
Zinc 86 |g/dL 84 – 135
Copper 94 Lg/dL 86 – 148

Homocystein 4.5 |Imol/L <8.0 : ) pt.


lodine <20 Hg/L
checked results
|odine <65 Hg/24h 1 70 – 280

extrapolated standards WHO Urinary volume (24h) 3250 mL/24h 600 – 2500

Creatinine 46 mg/dL
Creatinine 1,50 g/24h 1.0 - 2.2

Potassium 110.5 mmol/24h 35 - 128
Sodium 139.8 mmol/24h 100 - 220
Calcium 0.69 mmol/L
Calcium 2.24 mmol/24h 3.30 - 7.00
Magnesium 1.33 mmol/L

Magnesium 4.32 mmol/24h 2.46 - 4.62
Phosphorus 35.75 mmol/24h 12.9 - 25.8

Specific IgG o
Candida albicans 4.9 mg/L <80 négatif
80-200 douteux
>200 positif
+ : doubtful ++: positive
PSA 0.39 |g/L 0.1 - 1.8
Vitamine C in hospital mg/dL 0.2 - 2
Yeah, seems like I have SHBG like an 90 year old man.

The stuff below is just me "thinking" out loud.
Why is the SHBG so high? From what I could figure out when looking at it, it could be one of three different things.
Cirrhosis(the liver), hyperthyroidism or male hypogonadism.

When FSH is low and T3 and T4 is high. My T3 is low (&#932;3 499 pmol/24h 800-2500), and my T4 is in the middle. My FSH seems also to be somewhere in the middle (TSH 1.82 mL/L 0.3 - 4.5).

Cirrhosis (the liver)
It does not seem like I did any of the tests for Cirrohsis. Putting that on my to do list.

male hypogonadism
It does not seem to be male hypogonadism since my total testosterone is higher than the normal range.
And treating my high SHBG with testosterone seems to be out of the question since my levels are so elevated in the first place

Any thoughts?
Awesome! Good stuff!
It seems like I have to buy some D-vitamin, zinc, magnesium, fish oil and boron tomorrow :)

I found some study´s where Danazol were used. But I cant post links yet.
It seems like danazol binds to the SHBG and makes the SHBG bound up testosteron free again.
Now I have a plan of action if it is male hypogonadism I have, and not Cirrhosis.
Looks promising
Some results from Danazol studies

Study 1

Use of danazol in the treatment of hyypogonadism in men
EP 1079836 B1
Abstract (text from WO1999052533A1)
Treatment of androgen deficiency using a pharmaceutically effective dose of ethisterone or an ethisterone derivative such as danazol. In particular, androgen deficiency in the aging male, also known as the male climateric andropause or the male menopause, can be treated by ethisterone or ethisterone derivatives. Treatment of hypogonadism using ethisterone or ethisterone derivative in combination with testosterone is also effective

It has now been found that using danazol in the male at dose level reduced from that at which it would be conventionally used, for example at a daily dose of not more than 100 mg, reintroduction of testosterone to the systemic circulation in the form of Free Active Testosterone is remarkably effective; that is the FAT is increased leading to a highly effective treatment of the symptoms associated with hypogonadism and with the male menopause.
Danazol is effective, non-hepatotoxic, and does not have intrinsic androgenic, oestrogenic or progestogenic actions. It is an ideal agent for displacing and hence activating testosterone as it has a high affinity for androgen receptors, low affinity for progesterone receptors, and does not interact with oestrogen receptors to any significant extent.
The importance of only giving low doses of danazol , for example not more than 50 -100mg daily, to men being treated for hypogonadism is because at this low dose, as shown by the clinical studies described later in this application, there is direct suppression of SHBG synthesis by the liver, with a corresponding increase in FAI, apparently without reduction of endogenous total testosterone production.
According to the present invention, danazol is used in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of hypogonadism in the male

Study 2

. The method of treating hypogonadism in the adult male which comprises administering to the person an amount of norgestrol (a therapeutic similar to danazol in its efficient displacement of bound testosterone from SHBG in the hypogonadal male) or pharmaceutical composition thereof effective in reducing hypogonadism in the adult male.

12. The method of treating hypogonadism in the adult male which comprises administering to the person an amount of 2-methoxyestradiol (a therapeutic similar to danazol in its efficient displacement of bound testosterone from SHBG in the hypogonadal male) or pharmaceutical composition thereof effective in reducing hypogonadism in the adult male.

A man of 50 years reports a lethargic and depressed mood. Blood tests show a hypogonadism in which total testosterone is borderline normal range but SHBG levels are higher than normal. Free testosterone levels are abnormally low and the patient is diagnosed as hypogonadal. Treatment with one 25 milligram danazol capsule three times daily would begin. After one month, he reports greater vigor and an improved mood. Also, blood tests would show that free testosterone has increased and total testosterone and SHBG levels have remained stable.

A man of 61 years reports a general physical weakening and decreased libido. Blood tests show a high total testosterone level but SHBG levels are also in the very high range. Free testosterone levels are abnormally low and the patient is diagnosed as hypogonadal. Treatment with one 25 milligram danazol capsule twice a day would begin. After one month, patient reports an increased libido. Also, blood tests would show a new higher level in free testosterone and lower levels of SHBG.
And this one

Free testosterone levels during danazol therapy.


Danazol is a testosterone (T) derivative widely used in the clinical treatment of endometriosis. Its mechanism of action is poorly understood, but is side effects are mainly androgenic. Previously it was demonstrated that danazol can displace T from sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The binding properties of danazol to SHBG and albumin were studied with the use of labeled danazol in an aqueous two-phase equilibrium partition system. Levels of total T, SHBG, and albumin were measured in 16 women undergoing danazol treatment for endometriosis. Thereafter, free and protein-bound T levels were calculated. A marked rise in free T was found during danazol therapy as compared with pretreatment levels. The data suggest that many of the effects of danazol could be explained by increased levels of free T during treatment
Your regular general practitioner Doc may not be willing to prescribe this, but a TRT specialty provider like Defy Medical may. It might be worth giving them a call. (I am not affiliated with them)

Oh, and while getting you liver checked is a definite must, I doubt that you have cirrhosis at your age unless you are a huge drinker and based upon your diet and exercise I would guess that you are not.

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