Nelson's Coaching Session

Nelson Vergel

Someone reminded me that I have not been good at telling guys that I do coaching sessions. Follow the instruction link and fill out the health questionnaire before setting up a date (required lab tests included).

1-hour coaching: Review of blood work and answers to your questions. A follow-up email will be sent after the coaching with relevant information, resources and action items to improve health goals. If needed, a referral to a physician, lab, compounding pharmacy and supplement sources will be provided.

Men's Health Coaching | Testosterone Wisdom

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Nelson Vergel is the author of "Testosterone: A Man's Guide" and co-author of the book "Built to Survive", the founder of the Body Positive Wellness Clinic in Houston, and an expert speaker on exercise, nutrition, testosterone replacement, metabolism , sexual function, body changes, lean body mass gain and fat loss. Aided by his chemical engineering degree and obsession with scientific data, he adds his own personal experience as he demystifies all testosterone and health myths. He has been involved in several clinical studies of supplements, hormones, and exercise through his association with the National Institute of Health and private investigators. Via over 500 lectures, he has provided patient-friendly information accessible to all, independently of their knowledge base. For the last 30 years, his trial-and-error experience to improve his quality of life has paved the way for others to learn from his knowledge.
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To all members:

I apologize for the lengthy summary below, but I feel it is important to share and try to help others.

I joined this site last month. I am a 52 year old business owner who has always exercised, eaten healthy foods, and tried to stay on the path of wellness. For the last ten years or so, I've noticed a decline in the positive results I'd been getting due to walking this path: loss of energy, loss of focus, belly fat. Like most people, I attributed this to getting older. As a teenager, I was a skinny kid who wanted to gain muscle, so I started eating more and working out. I would read muscle magazines and research what supplements to take. Back then, I saw consistent positive results and was inspired to continue the path. The problem for me as I aged was that these results were fewer and farther apart. Some thirty years later I found myself swimming around trying to find the magic supplement, and becoming more and more discouraged. As a result, approximately ten years ago, I started looking for a "wellness" doctor.

In addition to the above mentioned issues, I have for my entire life suffered with migraine headaches. I'd tried all sorts of fixes and various prescriptions with minimal results. The problem with most mainstream doctors is that they have to follow a certain protocol. They are ignorant to the fact that drugs and/or surgery are not the only fix.

Two years ago, the stars aligned and I landed on a nutritionist and also a holistic MD. I started with the nutritionist first, and within three weeks, I noticed a difference. I had been a "meat and potatoes" guy all of my life. I discovered that the carbohydrates in addition to the lack of enzymes in my system were fueling my headaches. Therefore, I am on a sort of modified Adkins diet. To date, my headaches are 95% cured.

The next step was to see the holistic MD. She tested my testosterone levels and they were at the time at 470. While this number was on the low side of normal on the conventional scale (400-600), I was blessed with a doctor who was not just looking at the numbers, but at my symptoms. I started a TRT regiment approximately fifteen months ago. The combination of diet change, supplements, and TRT transformed me into what she, my doctor, calls me: Ironman. Currently I am at 717 total/25.8 free testosterone.

Most people want a quick fix. They have to understand that there are NO quick fixes in this world. If they find one, it is short-lived or many sometimes very bad side effects to go along with it.

The main question I ask many people is-- why can't health be the number one priority? I see new faces in the gym all the time. They are out of shape and trying hard to make a change. Most of them are there on doctor's orders. Don't wait for a health catastrophe to hit before you make a change. The secret to good health is a complete life style commitment. No TRT program by itself is a magic bullet.

Are you currently on a wellness program or considering starting one? If you are reading this, you know you have found the right guy to help you with the whole process. Nelson Vergel is by far one of the leading authorities, I believe, in this field. I have read numerous books on wellness/hormone replacement therapy over the last couple of years and found his book to be the most informative, which led me to join this forum. Last week I decided to sign up for a coaching session with Mr. Vergel. He contacted me immediately right after I paid the $120 fee. I completed his on line questionnaire, and put together 30+ pages of my blood work and complete history. The more complete information you supply the better he can guide you to achieve your goals. He is a wealth of knowledge. Between Mr. Vergel, my Dr., and the nutritionist, I now have a complete team! I strongly believe everyone should consider doing this.
What could be more important than your health?
Tim L
Tim this hit home with me - minus the headaches. I hope to find success in my endeavor of continued health. I get you in the idea of TRT is not the magic bullet, but if Diet is good, and clean, work out are good my only last idea is that my T is low. My biggest struggle is getting buy in on the research I have done. My Family Dr. and my wife do not seem to get it. So on my journey I start again....Family Dr. then referral to Endo.
I think my wifes fear is the T for life bit.... I guess I am a little worried about that also.

Thanks again for your post
Mr. Clean, I understand the whole T thing completely. For me it was a life changer. My wife, of 30 years, started HRT a few years before me. She had some good and bad with the process,.Not until she found the right doctor to balance her hormones, she was a changed women. We are both in tuned with each other.We research together and enjoy each other more now then ever. I would recommend finding the correct Doctor and encourage your wife to get on board as well.
This whole Hormone thing is a big deal for women, they lose approx 80% around 50 years of age, while men the process is much slower.

Good Luck
Does Nelson still offer Coaching Sessions?
The link above did not work for me .... Is there a better link?

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