Need help with numbers


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I just had my blood test done and this time I did it closer to my next injection rather than shortly after one. Bloodtest was done sun night and last injection was thurs night. I’m a bit skeptical on my estradiol numbers. Can they really jump up like this? Only thing that’s changed from last time is doing all my injections in my abdomen, taking hydrocortisone for low cortisol, and gave blood mid feb. Dr. is gonna call me tmw to go over the numbers and I’m considering stoping since I haven’t really felt any different and don’t want to be on TRT if I don’t need to be and possibly stop my natural production if I haven’t already. If I do decide to stop then should I request to continue the HCG for a little longer? I’m a small slender (5’8” 135lbs)guy and my goal was to just have more energy because I always tend to be tired and can use a nap. I don’t work out.
You really can't compare labs side-by-side-by-side unless your fanatically maniacal about your therapy've introduced far too many variables over time, of course your numbers don't make any sense. You won't have any success doing things the way you have been. Get on and stay on a program for ~6 weeks.
You don't need two threads on the subject, your "stuff" makes a lot more sense when it's in your one existing thread where you were already given a ton of good advice that you're still not following.
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I just had my blood test done and this time I did it closer to my next injection rather than shortly after one. Bloodtest was done sun night and last injection was thurs night. I’m a bit skeptical on my estradiol numbers. Can they really jump up like this? Only thing that’s changed from last time is doing all my injections in my abdomen, taking hydrocortisone for low cortisol, and gave blood mid feb. Dr. is gonna call me tmw to go over the numbers and I’m considering stoping since I haven’t really felt any different and don’t want to be on TRT if I don’t need to be and possibly stop my natural production if I haven’t already. If I do decide to stop then should I request to continue the HCG for a little longer? I’m a small slender (5’8” 135lbs)guy and my goal was to just have more energy because I always tend to be tired and can use a nap. I don’t work out.

Wait - you had blood drawn on Sunday night and your last injection was Thursday night??? If blood was pulled Sunday night, when was your next injection? To make sense, your lab work must be rigidly consistent (or as rigid as our lifestyles permit). That means a test at trough, just prior to an injection. It captures total and testosterone at a low point, thus permitting you and your doctor to determine how the protocol is sustaining your levels over the time between injections. Remember that "E follow T," and your estradiol will be a bit higher than it would be at its low point - also valuable information. You want to see if where estradiol is peaking (if it is). It's a bit of a gamble to make decisions off labs drawn at any other time.
I inject Mon & Thurs nights. My 1st lab in sept was before I started trt. My next lab a few months after I started and was a day after I injected. So I was told to try and do it closer to my next injection which is what I did this time. It just seemed pretty sketchy that my E was boarderline low and from Dec-Mar it has jumped up 33 when I didn’t really think I’d done anything to change this aside from moving the injection site by Helix’s recommendation. I have been on their program for a while now and I don’t think I’m comparing things day-after-day when these labs are months apart and all the variables were introduced after each lab and not in the middle. Sorry for posting in 2 spots but I just received the numbers and wanted to try and get as much info as I could before the Dr calls me tmw since I’m considering stopping and just want to make sure it’s because it could be doing more harm than good.

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