Guys I am giving up TRT
I did inject myself 80 mg sustanon just sunday and after 2 hours my blood preasure went up up ı could not breat and ı felt heavy chest pain after my head was like baloon and next day too much sweating arimidex helped
ı think ı will just contioue with HCG small amounth because just jun 22 ı started this trt now ı have pain on my left side kidney testesteron gave me too much problem ı am done ı will change my lifestyle thanks a lot to everyone.
What you need is a consultant with a specialists here who can guide you in the right direction, you can't do it on your own. A lot of guys just don't tolerate HCH well, perhaps HCG is the reason why you feel bad.
Dear systemlord I think its not hcg sustanon injection after 2 hours ı felt all bad things with nebido ı did not
this week ı got my test resault total testestoron more then limit free is on the middle estradial in the range but heart rate and apne too much worry me so ı gave up only continue with hcg at the moment and all fine at the moment I cant find cypionate in turkey otherwise ı was going to use
the other thing my cholesterol is lower then before now after testesteron
my main problem ı felt like ı was gona die ı felt my heart beat and very bad apne and shortness breath