My Prework Out Supplement - Input?


I thought this might be helpful to others and wanted to get anyone's input. I saw a helpful post from SteveP about pre-work out supplements. I often get up to work out at 5:30, which for me is unnaturally early and I have no energy, so I thought I would give it a go.
So, I did my research and decided Jym Pre-workout Supplement looked good. Got up early one morning, and loaded up a dose. I did back off the full serving figuring I would start out slow. Mother Mary it was sweet (like concentrated sugar) and after about 15 minutes my heart was racing and I was getting freaked out from all the caffeine. It has 300 mg of caffeine per scoop - way too much for me.
Notwithstanding that I thought my heart was going to explode, I was alert and had a good workout.

I did some more research and tried to focus in on the best supplements to take pre-work out and focus on what SteveP was taking, other member's input, what the Jym pre-workout bragged about. I bought the following from Nutricost and Bulk Supplements to build my own so I could control the content and keep the cost in check. Here is my new formulation for morning workouts.

- Creatine HCL
- Beta Analine
- Citrulline Malate (2:1)
- L-Carnitine Tartrate
- Pre-Jym Powder (1/4 dose) - ~ 75 mg of caffeine (most I tolerate well pre-workout when fasted) along with lower doses of other pre-work out supplements
I pre-make servings into small containers and store them until needed, then just dump in my drink.

If I am working out after 2:00 pm, then I leave out the Jym powder since I don't drink caffeine after 2:00 pm. So far this is working well. I did not include amounts in my list because I am increasing the amounts of each based on research and starting slow to see how I tolerate each bump up.

I have protein rich breakfast and a protein drink after working out, but I do work out fasted in the morning. So far it is working well.

Anything I should add to this? Thanks.
I’ve used bulk supplements for years to....supplement other products

that being said, I currently use mesomorph for preworkout
I make my own due to the cost but even moreso was the caffeine, 300+ is just way too much. I bought some 100mg caff capsules and I just open those up and dump in the powder mix. I use heavy doses like Citrulline 6-7g, big whop of Beta Alanine, and Arginine. I measure the amounts but I can't think of what it is as I'm typing this, like 1 tsp or tbsp, something like that, I'm rather hapzard about taking a big scoop and just dumping it in there:

Beta Alanine
Citrulline ( I don't like the taste of Malate so I use pure L-Citrulline)
AAKG (Arginine)
Beet Root
Creatine (CreaPure ON Nutrition)
Caffeine 100mg
Thanks All. I will research those.

VCs is a good basic stack and all one would need to achieve positive benefits towards muscle/strength gains,endurance/pumps,energy/focus and of course recovery. Buy caffeine capsules as they are dirt cheap and drop the JYM pre-workout from your stack as it is a waste of money seeing as most of your own formulation contains the same ingredients and highly doubtful the lower dose of JYM you are consuming is going to be of any extra benefit aside from the caffeine but buy your own. If you own a juicer buy fresh beets and drink 500ml with your pre-workout stack as it is extremely dense in nitrates which through a few pathways in converted to the much loved NITRIC OXIDE and not only will you notice increased pumps/endurance but the love stick may very well throb!

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