My fertility journey



Long time since I have posted any..

We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :)

Fist time:

115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started trying). 5mg Cialis ED (for health not sex).

Since then I have lowered the test dosage. I want to take the least amount and feel good. I do not want to lose hair. I feel damn good on higher dosages, but It is just not worth it.

I have titrated down to 105 mg and now 95mg EW (Mon/Wed/Fri). No HCG. No AI or anything. 5mg Cialis ED (for health not sex). Feel awesome and have good amount on muscle. 187cm and 96kg. 95mg EW have been my dosage after we got pregnant.

Blood sample Monday morning before shot was 32 nmol/L on 105mg testosterone alone (around 922 for you in the US).

Blood sample Monday morning before shot was 26 nmol/L on 95 mg testosterone alone (around 750 for you in the US).

Second time:

I do NOT want to loose more hair, so I lowered my test dosage from 95mg to 75mg EW and 500IU HCG on the same days (3 times a week). Started Wednesday this week 07/17.

I stopped HCG in July 2022 btw. after we got pregnant.

I did NOT take a blood sample on 95mg (only 105mg --> 32 nmol/l). I did not want to wait until next Monday. Eager to start asap. :p

So I now hope that 75mg and 500iu HCG will keep my levels good and not make me loose a lot of hair or be lethargic. I think my decision was fine. Last time I got some mini gyno, but used Raloxifene afterwards with success. Hope I do not need to use it this time around.

What do you guys think? Good decision to lower test dosage and use 500IU 3 times a week?

We will start trying again in late October. So a lot less time for my to get my fertility upregulated. I have newer tested my sperm. I should have, but since I am on TRT and have been on for some years, I think my levels is not top notch. 5000 IU HCG only cost 25 USD from pharmacy.

Have a great day!
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Did you get a semen analysis last time?

No I did not. I should have, but since I already was years into my trt journey, and the cost of hcg being so low, I imagined that the counts wasn’t that good. I could absolutely been wrong about that, I would now newer know.

This time also, the cost of seemen analysis is high and when I “know” I need hcg anyways I jumped right into it.

Not the “correct” way probably. Btw. all my trt and hcg meds is from my doc.

Have a nice day

New blood sample in the books. Se attachment.

I want to use as little testosterone as possible. Feeling good and healty.

Lowered my dosage from 75mg to 60 mg EW. 9 units Mon/Tue/Friday, using insulin syringe.

500iu hcg on same days.

30mg Raloxifen. Gyno is less and less. Will continue. Does anyone have any negative to tell me about using it?

Blood taken Monday 2 hours after waking up, 8:30 ish am. Last shot Friday morning.

Tried to read up on it, but could not find any. My eyes is mor dry than before. I use pc a lot on job. Feeling of wind in my eyes.

SHB is high.. weird my free test did no show. I told them to test as usual.

Should I bee lowering dosages, hmm? I must have a very high test on day 1 and 2... This was day 3.

Wonder how much the 3*week 500 IU hcg is pushing my test levels. A litte mindboggling how high my serum levels is at that low dose of test. See my dosages and levels in first post.

Can Raloxifen contribute to higher test or shbg?

Feeling good, but a lot less libido then on 70mg EW. My libido was very good then.
More blue under eyes. We have a kid (1,5y old). Try to sleep 5,5-7-8 hours.

Tanks for your replies.


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