Decided to go ahead and post my labs and tell you my treatment as a reference for the "collective knowledge". These were taken after 7 months of Androgel, and I didn't use the gel the morning of or the day before these tests.
My DHEA is high (I don't take any supplements for this) Estrogen is super-low (have no idea why).
Some symptoms I've experienced have been low sex-performance abilities, low libido, sleepiness during the day, inability to sleep at night, very hard if not impossible to either put on muscle or lose fat (this one super-pisses me off). Curious as to what role low Estrogen or higher DHEA would play in any of this?
Personal stats: 39 years old, healthy in every other way, don't take any medication outside vitamins, labs taken at 195 lbs & 14% bodyfat, been working out for two solid years (first year P90X, second year weights) 6-7 days a week, healthy diet with around 3000 calories a day including 214 grams of protein.
Doctor has me on 160 mg of Cypionate once a week, and a shot of 500iu HCG the two days before the Cypionate injection (so 1000iu each week).
5th Cypionate shot will be this Saturday. Can't say I'm reallllly noticing a difference yet, but I'm keeping hope alive.
Comments/insight welcome
My DHEA is high (I don't take any supplements for this) Estrogen is super-low (have no idea why).
Some symptoms I've experienced have been low sex-performance abilities, low libido, sleepiness during the day, inability to sleep at night, very hard if not impossible to either put on muscle or lose fat (this one super-pisses me off). Curious as to what role low Estrogen or higher DHEA would play in any of this?
Personal stats: 39 years old, healthy in every other way, don't take any medication outside vitamins, labs taken at 195 lbs & 14% bodyfat, been working out for two solid years (first year P90X, second year weights) 6-7 days a week, healthy diet with around 3000 calories a day including 214 grams of protein.
Doctor has me on 160 mg of Cypionate once a week, and a shot of 500iu HCG the two days before the Cypionate injection (so 1000iu each week).
5th Cypionate shot will be this Saturday. Can't say I'm reallllly noticing a difference yet, but I'm keeping hope alive.
Comments/insight welcome