melatonan 1+2 experience


Well-Known Member
my primitive understanding is that melatonan works like PT141, except without crossing the BBB. since I got a bad response to PT141 (headaches, strong flush, nausea) but no benefits, I gave melatonan 1+2 a try. first, i had no negatives. my skin color got really really dark. I am of white/caucasian decent, and typically tan pretty dark as is. but with doing a 5 day course with M2 and a 5 day with M1 (at 250mcg) i got extremely dark with 30m noon full body sun exposure daily. to the point where I stopped, since it became to extreme. I am the darkest type around no matter where I go (living in AZ).
second, my libido ramped up really high. this effect was delayed, happened within 2-3 days, and lasted quite some time.
third, overall wellbeing went up massively. I can definitely recommend this peptide, just start low and slow and observe
This raises a good point which is that people who want to try this class of drug should probably start with MT2 unless they are required to be in the sun a lot, in which case it is too strong of a tanning agent and can produce skin issues which don't necessarily resolve. Of the people who have tried both for sexual function, I never remember anyone reporting better results from PT-141, which is a sub-set of MT2. Canthaxanthin and tyrosine are much better options for tanning IME.
you mean MT1? MT2 is much stronger with a longer half life. despite getting dark I have not seen any negatives. the color looks pretty good. but heard people getting strange dark spots etc
No, for sexual function MT2 is supposedly much better. I prefer to avoid the tanning affects as I get very dark as it is and it gave me an unnatural tan with uneven spots on my skin which have never completely resolved, so I use MT2 in the winter and PT-141 in the summer, although PT-141 also has a significant tanning affect.
how long did you use MT2 to get those dark spots? after 7 injections, while significantly darker haven't gotten any yet, seems pretty even, but tired of comments 'wow you are tan' type of stuff. have to say that the tan looks pretty natural with no skin damage. i don't think i could technically sunburn at this point
Yeah I've used Melanotan 2 a lot for the passed probably 10 years or so. I have light skin and pretty much getting a tan was impossible unless spending hours in sunbeds and still. Stuff is potent and works really well. For me personally I get sides even if I do 50mcg. Even that is enough for me to run for say 3-5 days, then light tanning session and its game on from that day. Then load more towards the tan I want and repeat the process. I like to take it 30mins before tanning session despite long half-life. But even this low amount gives me dizziness post injection some minutes. So the best technique for those that get sides is to have it in the evening right after the last meal while still full and then go sleep. That ain't optimal for those that can't sleep while full but this way it minimizes the sides. I got dark af using this shit to the point where I was spending all day at the beach +30c and never burning just getting darker and darker. Even hair colour gets darker, barber was shocked lmao Will give it a go this season as well to get ready for summer. Also there is intra nasal version which also supposedly works well but I haven't tried it.
how long did you use MT2 to get those dark spots? after 7 injections, while significantly darker haven't gotten any yet, seems pretty even, but tired of comments 'wow you are tan' type of stuff. have to say that the tan looks pretty natural with no skin damage. i don't think i could technically sunburn at this point
I know some people get dark spots but I actually got white spots. I had only used it at a very low dose for a couple of weeks every few days. I am a big believer that sun exposure in general is important for good health so I like to have a bit of a tan to hopefully help protect my skin, but I like the compounds above much better for that.
I have some MT-ll but have never used.
What is the lowest dose and still get some tanning effect?
i injected 330mcg at a time (due to dilution math, 3ml on 10mg). for a week or so daily. followed by mt1 for a week. a 1/2 week course like this will be visible. you do need sun exposure

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