Maximizing Benefits with the Bodybuilder Blood Test Panel

Maximize Benefits Today: Bodybuilder Blood Test Results

What are the key parameters that bodybuilders should look for in their blood test results?​

Key parameters bodybuilders should focus on in blood test results include testosterone levels, liver function markers, kidney function markers, iron levels, and cholesterol levels. Monitoring these can help optimize performance, prevent injuries, and ensure overall health while pursuing bodybuilding goals.

Bodybuilders who take testosterone and anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) must be smart about maximizing benefits and limiting short- and long-term side effects while exercising and eating well to achieve respectable muscle gain, fat loss, and quality of life. Harm reduction is crucial, mainly when the stigma and prejudice of medical professionals act as barriers to care. However, it's important to note that training hard puts the body under a lot of stress, so it's essential to give your body enough time to recover and rebuild. Overtraining is a real risk for bodybuilders and passion and commitment to training may sometimes be the thing that prevents progress.

There are 14 carefully selected lab tests and panels listed below that are vital for maintaining health while boosting strength and body composition.
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What Tests are Included in the Bodybuilder Blood Test Panels?

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A complete blood count (CBC) test panel measures immune cells, hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells; hemoglobin concentration, the proportion of red blood cells to fluid in your blood (called hematocrit, which correlates with blood thickness); and platelets, which help in blood clotting.

All androgens, including testosterone and AAS (polycythemia), raise the percentage of red blood cells (hematocrit), which affects blood thickness. High hematocrit can result in high blood pressure, headaches, and cardiovascular risks. This panel is essential because it indicates when your hematocrit reaches 53 and you need to donate blood or undergo therapeutic phlebotomy.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

The complete metabolic panel (CMP panel), a preliminary medical screening tool for evaluating overall health, consists of 14 blood tests. The CMP blood test panel measures kidney, liver, glucose, electrolytes, and fluid balance levels. FASTING IS REQUIRED.

Lipid Panel​

This panel has triglycerides, LDL (bad cholesterol), and HDL (good cholesterol) (fatty acids dissolved in the blood). Greater dosages of T and AAS can cause an increase in LDL while decreasing HDL and triglycerides. Cardiovascular issues may develop over time if HDL levels are significantly low. FASTING IS REQUIRED.

EGFR and cystatin C kidney test

Cystatin C is a more accurate method to evaluate renal function in people with higher muscle mass because growing muscle mass, consuming more protein, and supplementing with creatine can all change creatinine levels. Another measure of renal function is the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and the cystatin C kidney test. The glomerular filtration rate is the rate at which fluid filters through the kidney. The creatinine clearance rate (CCRCr or CrCl), which measures the amount of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit of time, is a useful indicator of the estimated GFR. A low eGFR could indicate issues with renal function, as well as high levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN).

Accurate Liver (GGT) Test

The GGT blood test looks for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), an enzyme or protein, in your blood. GGT is found in the liver's cells. This examination helps your doctor look for damage to the liver or the liver ducts. Alkaline phosphatase results, a separate blood test, can help distinguish between liver and bone diseases if they are abnormal. A test result that is higher than normal could be a sign of liver damage from cirrhosis, tumors, or pancreatic cancer, among other diseases. GGT is superior to liver enzymes included in the CMP, like AST and ALT, in that resistance training has no effect on its value, making it a more accurate method to diagnose liver disease in bodybuilders.

Gold Standard: Total and Free Testosterone Tests

Equilibrium ultrafiltration to determine free testosterone and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to determine total testosterone.

Men with high testosterone levels cannot use the standard total testosterone test based on immunoassays since its upper limit is 1,500 ng/dL. Our testosterone test uses mass spectrometry, the most advanced and accurate testosterone test. Also, some laboratories offer computed free testosterone rather than the equilibrium ultrafiltration-based method we use, which is more accurate for this important number.

Ultra-Sensitive Estradiol Testing (E2)

The commonly used test may overstate estradiol. The combination of estradiol and C-Reactive Protein, which is associated with inflammation, is interpreted as estradiol by the immunoassay technique employed in that test because it is unable to differentiate between the two substances. This ultrasensitive estradiol test is based on the liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) assay technique, which does not have that limitation. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that DHT analogs like oxandrolone drastically suppress estradiol, which can lead to joint discomfort and other low estradiol issues. Interestingly, estradiol aromatization occurs in 0.4% of total testosterone. The body achieves balance by doing this to counteract the opposing effects of testosterone and estradiol on lipids. If your total testosterone is high, your estradiol will also be high. Use extreme caution when assuming that an aromatase inhibitor is necessary. For more information, please click on the effect of high and low estradiol on men's health. calculating estradiol using different testosterone dosages.

Prolactin Test

Many bodybuilders worry about elevated prolactin since it has been linked to erectile problems.

DHT Test

This test determines the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood. High DHT has been linked to benign prostatic inflammation, acne, and hair loss in a small number of men. Low libido has been connected to decreased DHT.

IGF-1 Test

IGF-1 Test Human growth hormone levels in the blood are measured using the biomarker insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1. It is a hormone that the liver and other organs produce and that affects processes supporting glucose metabolism and growth. Low IGF-1 may impede muscle growth.

Ferritin Test

A protein known as ferritin is where iron is kept. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. Low amounts of ferritin cause anemia. TRT and anabolic steroids increase red blood cell production in the body (erythrocytosis). This increased production lowers ferritin levels and iron stores.

Testosterone is known to cause ferritin levels to drop. Due to their high hematocrit (increased blood thickness from TRT and anabolics), men who use TRT and anabolics frequently donate blood or undergo therapeutic phlebotomy. Every donation causes a 30-point or more drop in ferritin. Low ferritin can cause fatigue, restless legs syndrome, muscle aches, and other issues.

Get your bodybuilder test panel today!

bodybuilder blood test

Bodybuilder Blood Test Guide:

Are you a bodybuilder looking to keep track of your blood test results? A bodybuilder blood test can help monitor changes in hormone levels caused by the use of anabolic steroids and high doses of testosterone. But finding accurate and affordable tests can be challenging. Fortunately, DiscountedLabs offers comprehensive yet inexpensive lab tests for bodybuilders across the United States; no doctor’s visit is required. Get informed on how to prepare for a bodybuilder blood test, also known as bloodwork, and what results to expect with this helpful guide.

What is a Bodybuilder Blood Test?

A bodybuilder blood test is a series of tests that measure various aspects of health, such as hormone levels, cholesterol, and other markers. It can also measure the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood, which is important for bodybuilders as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. The results of these tests can provide valuable insight into how to optimize your training and nutrition for better results.

Overview of the Test​

A doctor or other healthcare professional typically orders and has a laboratory perform blood tests on bodybuilders. These tests measure different components in the blood, including hormones, electrolytes, enzymes, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Depending on what type of test you get done, it will determine which specific biomarkers are tested for, especially if you are taking any dietary supplements.

Benefits of the Test​

The primary benefit of getting a bodybuilder blood test is gaining insight into your overall health status, including general health, so you can make informed decisions about optimizing your diet and exercise routine for maximum gains in muscle mass and strength. Additionally, these tests can also reveal any potential deficiencies or imbalances that could be hindering progress toward achieving fitness goals. Finally, they may uncover any underlying medical issues that need further investigation from a physician before continuing with an intense workout program or taking certain supplements/medications without proper guidance from an expert healthcare professional first.

Types of Tests Available​

How to Prepare for a Bodybuilder Blood Test?

Pre-Test Instructions:​

Before taking a bodybuilder blood test, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or healthcare provider. These may include avoiding certain medications and supplements for a period of time before the test, as well as fasting for 8 to 12 hours prior to having your blood drawn. It is also important to inform your doctor about any recent illnesses or medical procedures you have had in order to ensure accurate results.

Fasting Requirements:​

Fasting is an essential part of preparing for a bodybuilder blood test. This means not eating or drinking anything other than water for at least 8 hours before the test. During this time, it is best to avoid strenuous physical activity and alcohol consumption in order to get accurate results from the tests.

Certain medications can interfere with bodybuilder blood tests, so it is important to inform your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are taking before getting tested. Your doctor may recommend that you stop taking some medications temporarily while waiting for the results of your tests in order to ensure accuracy. Additionally, if you take vitamins or herbal supplements regularly, be sure to let your doctor know so they can advise whether these should be avoided prior to testing as well.

Preparing for a bodybuilder blood test? Make sure to fast 8-12 hours, avoid strenuous activity & alcohol, and inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you take. #bodybuilding #bloodtest

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Understanding the Results of a Bodybuilder Blood Test

This type of test can help diagnose medical conditions related to hormone imbalances or deficiencies, as well as monitor progress during bodybuilding training. It’s important to understand what each component measures and how it affects your health before undergoing this type of testing.

Common Abnormalities Detected in Tests:​

A bodybuilder blood test typically includes measurements for testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), albumin/globulin ratio (AGR), and luteinizing hormone (LH). High or low levels of any one of these components may indicate an underlying medical condition, such as hypogonadism or hyperthyroidism. Other abnormalities that may be detected, highlighting the critical role of these hormones in bodybuilding, include high cholesterol levels, elevated liver enzymes, abnormal red blood cell counts, or white blood cell counts.

Interpreting Bodybuilder Test Results with Your Doctor:​

After receiving your results from a bodybuilder blood test, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor so they can explain what the numbers mean and if any further testing is needed. Depending on the results, you may need additional lab work to confirm a diagnosis or rule out certain conditions. Your doctor will also be able to recommend lifestyle changes or medications that can help improve your overall health, including heart health, based on the results of this type of testing.

The Risks and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids and High Doses of Testosterone on Bodybuilder Blood Test Results

Anabolic steroids and high doses of testosterone can have serious effects on a person’s health, including their blood tests. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with anabolic steroid use or high doses of testosterone, as well as how it may affect your bodybuilder's blood test results.

A. Potential Health Risks Associated with Anabolic Steroids and High Doses of Testosterone: Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone in the body. They are often used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance, but they come with many side effects, such as liver damage, heart problems, depression, aggression, infertility and more. High doses of testosterone can also cause similar side effects as anabolic steroids but at a lesser degree due to its natural origin in the body.

The use of anabolic steroids or high doses of testosterone can lead to changes in certain blood tests, such as increased levels of red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT). These changes could indicate underlying medical conditions such as polycythemia vera, which is caused by too many red blood cells being produced by the bone marrow, leading to thickening of the blood, increasing risk for stroke or heart attack if left untreated. Other possible changes include decreased levels in white blood cell count (WBC), indicating infection or inflammation; increased creatinine levels pointing towards kidney damage; elevated cholesterol levels increasing risk for cardiovascular disease; elevated liver enzymes suggesting liver toxicity; decreased thyroid hormone production resulting in hypothyroidism; decreased potassium levels causing fatigue among other symptoms; and increased calcium levels causing kidney stones among other issues related with calcium metabolism imbalance. These changes in blood tests serve as a baseline for understanding your general health and can also reveal potential health conditions that may interfere with your bodybuilding training and nutrition requirements.

It is important that you discuss any abnormal results from your bodybuilder's lab test panel with your doctor so they can provide further guidance on what treatment options may be best suited for you depending on your individual situation. DiscountedLabs offers affordable lab testing without a doctor’s visit, so you can get tested regularly without breaking the bank.

Where to Buy Affordable Bodybuilder Blood Tests from DiscountedLabs?

DiscountedLabs is a great resource for bodybuilders looking to purchase affordable blood tests. DiscountedLabs offers a wide variety of lab tests, including those specifically designed for bodybuilders. These tests can help provide insight into the health and wellness of an individual, as well as their progress in achieving their fitness goals.

DiscountedLabs provides convenient access to laboratory testing services without the need for a doctor’s visit or insurance coverage. They offer discounted rates on many types of lab tests, including those specifically designed for bodybuilders, such as hormone panels, cholesterol levels, liver function tests and more. In addition to providing discounts on these specific types of lab tests, they also offer additional services such as free shipping and 24/7 customer support via phone or email.

FAQs About Bodybuilder Blood Tests

What blood tests do bodybuilders get?​

Bodybuilders typically get a variety of blood tests to monitor their health and performance. These include tests such as complete blood count (CBC), lipid panel, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), testosterone, cortisol, iron levels, electrolytes, and energy levels. Higher levels of testosterone can also lead to increased energy levels, improved mood, and a higher sex drive, making it an important factor for bodybuilders to monitor. All these tests help bodybuilders assess their overall health status and determine if they are getting the proper nutrition for optimal muscle growth. Additionally, some bodybuilders may opt for additional specialized testing depending on their goals or medical history. Discounted Labs offers affordable lab testing in most cities across the U.S., allowing bodybuilders to easily access the necessary tests without having to visit a doctor’s office.

What blood test do I need for steroids?​

The type of blood test you need for steroids depends on the specific steroid being used. Generally, tests are done to measure levels of testosterone, estradiol, and other hormones related to steroid use. Additionally, tests may be done to check for markers of liver damage or kidney function that can be affected by long-term steroid use. It is important to speak with a doctor before taking any form of steroids in order to determine which blood tests are necessary and how often they should be taken.

Is there a blood test for muscle mass?​

Yes, there is a blood test for muscle mass. It's called the Creatinine Kinase (CK) test and it measures the amount of an enzyme in your bloodstream that is released when muscles are damaged or stressed. The CK test can help determine if you have too much or too little muscle mass, as well as provide insight into other health issues such as kidney damage or a heart attack. Results from this type of lab test are usually available within 1–7 business days after taking the sample. Discounted Labs offers affordable CK tests in most cities across the U.S., including measures of muscle tissue, so you don't need to visit a doctor's office to get tested.

What is TRT blood work?​

TRT blood work is a type of lab test used to measure the levels of testosterone in the body. It is commonly used to diagnose and treat conditions related to low testosterone, such as hypogonadism or male infertility. The test measures both total and free testosterone levels, which can help determine if hormone replacement therapy, also known as testosterone replacement therapy, may be necessary. TRT blood work can also provide insight into other health issues that may be affecting overall well-being.


It is important for bodybuilders to monitor their blood tests regularly, especially if they are using anabolic steroids or high doses of testosterone. A bodybuilder's blood test can provide valuable insight into the health and wellness of a person's body. With DiscountedLabs, you can purchase affordable and reliable bodybuilder blood tests without having to visit a doctor's office. So don't wait any longer - get your bodybuilder blood test today.

Continue reading...bodybuilder test

Maximize Benefits Today: Bodybuilder Blood Test Results

What are the key parameters that bodybuilders should look for in their blood test results?​

Key parameters bodybuilders should focus on in blood test results include testosterone levels, liver function markers, kidney function markers, iron levels, and cholesterol levels. Monitoring these can help optimize performance, prevent injuries, and ensure overall health while pursuing bodybuilding goals.

Bodybuilders who take testosterone and anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) must be smart about maximizing benefits and limiting short- and long-term side effects while exercising and eating well to achieve respectable muscle gain, fat loss, and quality of life. Harm reduction is crucial, mainly when the stigma and prejudice of medical professionals act as barriers to care. However, it's important to note that training hard puts the body under a lot of stress, so it's essential to give your body enough time to recover and rebuild. Overtraining is a real risk for bodybuilders and passion and commitment to training may sometimes be the thing that prevents progress.

There are 14 carefully selected lab tests and panels listed below that are vital for maintaining health while boosting strength and body composition.
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What Tests are Included in the Bodybuilder Blood Test Panels?

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A complete blood count (CBC) test panel measures immune cells, hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells; hemoglobin concentration, the proportion of red blood cells to fluid in your blood (called hematocrit, which correlates with blood thickness); and platelets, which help in blood clotting.

All androgens, including testosterone and AAS (polycythemia), raise the percentage of red blood cells (hematocrit), which affects blood thickness. High hematocrit can result in high blood pressure, headaches, and cardiovascular risks. This panel is essential because it indicates when your hematocrit reaches 53 and you need to donate blood or undergo therapeutic phlebotomy.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

The complete metabolic panel (CMP panel), a preliminary medical screening tool for evaluating overall health, consists of 14 blood tests. The CMP blood test panel measures kidney, liver, glucose, electrolytes, and fluid balance levels. FASTING IS REQUIRED.

Lipid Panel​

This panel has triglycerides, LDL (bad cholesterol), and HDL (good cholesterol) (fatty acids dissolved in the blood). Greater dosages of T and AAS can cause an increase in LDL while decreasing HDL and triglycerides. Cardiovascular issues may develop over time if HDL levels are significantly low. FASTING IS REQUIRED.

EGFR and cystatin C kidney test

Cystatin C is a more accurate method to evaluate renal function in people with higher muscle mass because growing muscle mass, consuming more protein, and supplementing with creatine can all change creatinine levels. Another measure of renal function is the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and the cystatin C kidney test. The glomerular filtration rate is the rate at which fluid filters through the kidney. The creatinine clearance rate (CCRCr or CrCl), which measures the amount of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit of time, is a useful indicator of the estimated GFR. A low eGFR could indicate issues with renal function, as well as high levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN).

Accurate Liver (GGT) Test

The GGT blood test looks for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), an enzyme or protein, in your blood. GGT is found in the liver's cells. This examination helps your doctor look for damage to the liver or the liver ducts. Alkaline phosphatase results, a separate blood test, can help distinguish between liver and bone diseases if they are abnormal. A test result that is higher than normal could be a sign of liver damage from cirrhosis, tumors, or pancreatic cancer, among other diseases. GGT is superior to liver enzymes included in the CMP, like AST and ALT, in that resistance training has no effect on its value, making it a more accurate method to diagnose liver disease in bodybuilders.

Gold Standard: Total and Free Testosterone Tests

Equilibrium ultrafiltration to determine free testosterone and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to determine total testosterone.

Men with high testosterone levels cannot use the standard total testosterone test based on immunoassays since its upper limit is 1,500 ng/dL. Our testosterone test uses mass spectrometry, the most advanced and accurate testosterone test. Also, some laboratories offer computed free testosterone rather than the equilibrium ultrafiltration-based method we use, which is more accurate for this important number.

Ultra-Sensitive Estradiol Testing (E2)

The commonly used test may overstate estradiol. The combination of estradiol and C-Reactive Protein, which is associated with inflammation, is interpreted as estradiol by the immunoassay technique employed in that test because it is unable to differentiate between the two substances. This ultrasensitive estradiol test is based on the liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) assay technique, which does not have that limitation. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that DHT analogs like oxandrolone drastically suppress estradiol, which can lead to joint discomfort and other low estradiol issues. Interestingly, estradiol aromatization occurs in 0.4% of total testosterone. The body achieves balance by doing this to counteract the opposing effects of testosterone and estradiol on lipids. If your total testosterone is high, your estradiol will also be high. Use extreme caution when assuming that an aromatase inhibitor is necessary. For more information, please click on the effect of high and low estradiol on men's health. calculating estradiol using different testosterone dosages.

Prolactin Test

Many bodybuilders worry about elevated prolactin since it has been linked to erectile problems.

DHT Test

This test determines the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood. High DHT has been linked to benign prostatic inflammation, acne, and hair loss in a small number of men. Low libido has been connected to decreased DHT.

IGF-1 Test

IGF-1 Test Human growth hormone levels in the blood are measured using the biomarker insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1. It is a hormone that the liver and other organs produce and that affects processes supporting glucose metabolism and growth. Low IGF-1 may impede muscle growth.

Ferritin Test

A protein known as ferritin is where iron is kept. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. Low amounts of ferritin cause anemia. TRT and anabolic steroids increase red blood cell production in the body (erythrocytosis). This increased production lowers ferritin levels and iron stores.

Testosterone is known to cause ferritin levels to drop. Due to their high hematocrit (increased blood thickness from TRT and anabolics), men who use TRT and anabolics frequently donate blood or undergo therapeutic phlebotomy. Every donation causes a 30-point or more drop in ferritin. Low ferritin can cause fatigue, restless legs syndrome, muscle aches, and other issues.

Get your bodybuilder test panel today!

bodybuilder blood test

Bodybuilder Blood Test Guide:

Are you a bodybuilder looking to keep track of your blood test results? A bodybuilder blood test can help monitor changes in hormone levels caused by the use of anabolic steroids and high doses of testosterone. But finding accurate and affordable tests can be challenging. Fortunately, DiscountedLabs offers comprehensive yet inexpensive lab tests for bodybuilders across the United States; no doctor’s visit is required. Get informed on how to prepare for a bodybuilder blood test, also known as bloodwork, and what results to expect with this helpful guide.

What is a Bodybuilder Blood Test?

A bodybuilder blood test is a series of tests that measure various aspects of health, such as hormone levels, cholesterol, and other markers. It can also measure the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood, which is important for bodybuilders as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. The results of these tests can provide valuable insight into how to optimize your training and nutrition for better results.

Overview of the Test​

A doctor or other healthcare professional typically orders and has a laboratory perform blood tests on bodybuilders. These tests measure different components in the blood, including hormones, electrolytes, enzymes, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Depending on what type of test you get done, it will determine which specific biomarkers are tested for, especially if you are taking any dietary supplements.

Benefits of the Test​

The primary benefit of getting a bodybuilder blood test is gaining insight into your overall health status, including general health, so you can make informed decisions about optimizing your diet and exercise routine for maximum gains in muscle mass and strength. Additionally, these tests can also reveal any potential deficiencies or imbalances that could be hindering progress toward achieving fitness goals. Finally, they may uncover any underlying medical issues that need further investigation from a physician before continuing with an intense workout program or taking certain supplements/medications without proper guidance from an expert healthcare professional first.

Types of Tests Available​

How to Prepare for a Bodybuilder Blood Test?

Pre-Test Instructions:​

Before taking a bodybuilder blood test, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or healthcare provider. These may include avoiding certain medications and supplements for a period of time before the test, as well as fasting for 8 to 12 hours prior to having your blood drawn. It is also important to inform your doctor about any recent illnesses or medical procedures you have had in order to ensure accurate results.

Fasting Requirements:​

Fasting is an essential part of preparing for a bodybuilder blood test. This means not eating or drinking anything other than water for at least 8 hours before the test. During this time, it is best to avoid strenuous physical activity and alcohol consumption in order to get accurate results from the tests.

Certain medications can interfere with bodybuilder blood tests, so it is important to inform your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are taking before getting tested. Your doctor may recommend that you stop taking some medications temporarily while waiting for the results of your tests in order to ensure accuracy. Additionally, if you take vitamins or herbal supplements regularly, be sure to let your doctor know so they can advise whether these should be avoided prior to testing as well.

Preparing for a bodybuilder blood test? Make sure to fast 8-12 hours, avoid strenuous activity & alcohol, and inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you take. #bodybuilding #bloodtest

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Understanding the Results of a Bodybuilder Blood Test

This type of test can help diagnose medical conditions related to hormone imbalances or deficiencies, as well as monitor progress during bodybuilding training. It’s important to understand what each component measures and how it affects your health before undergoing this type of testing.

Common Abnormalities Detected in Tests:​

A bodybuilder blood test typically includes measurements for testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), albumin/globulin ratio (AGR), and luteinizing hormone (LH). High or low levels of any one of these components may indicate an underlying medical condition, such as hypogonadism or hyperthyroidism. Other abnormalities that may be detected, highlighting the critical role of these hormones in bodybuilding, include high cholesterol levels, elevated liver enzymes, abnormal red blood cell counts, or white blood cell counts.

Interpreting Bodybuilder Test Results with Your Doctor:​

After receiving your results from a bodybuilder blood test, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor so they can explain what the numbers mean and if any further testing is needed. Depending on the results, you may need additional lab work to confirm a diagnosis or rule out certain conditions. Your doctor will also be able to recommend lifestyle changes or medications that can help improve your overall health, including heart health, based on the results of this type of testing.

The Risks and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids and High Doses of Testosterone on Bodybuilder Blood Test Results

Anabolic steroids and high doses of testosterone can have serious effects on a person’s health, including their blood tests. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with anabolic steroid use or high doses of testosterone, as well as how it may affect your bodybuilder's blood test results.

A. Potential Health Risks Associated with Anabolic Steroids and High Doses of Testosterone: Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone in the body. They are often used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance, but they come with many side effects, such as liver damage, heart problems, depression, aggression, infertility and more. High doses of testosterone can also cause similar side effects as anabolic steroids but at a lesser degree due to its natural origin in the body.

The use of anabolic steroids or high doses of testosterone can lead to changes in certain blood tests, such as increased levels of red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT). These changes could indicate underlying medical conditions such as polycythemia vera, which is caused by too many red blood cells being produced by the bone marrow, leading to thickening of the blood, increasing risk for stroke or heart attack if left untreated. Other possible changes include decreased levels in white blood cell count (WBC), indicating infection or inflammation; increased creatinine levels pointing towards kidney damage; elevated cholesterol levels increasing risk for cardiovascular disease; elevated liver enzymes suggesting liver toxicity; decreased thyroid hormone production resulting in hypothyroidism; decreased potassium levels causing fatigue among other symptoms; and increased calcium levels causing kidney stones among other issues related with calcium metabolism imbalance. These changes in blood tests serve as a baseline for understanding your general health and can also reveal potential health conditions that may interfere with your bodybuilding training and nutrition requirements.

It is important that you discuss any abnormal results from your bodybuilder's lab test panel with your doctor so they can provide further guidance on what treatment options may be best suited for you depending on your individual situation. DiscountedLabs offers affordable lab testing without a doctor’s visit, so you can get tested regularly without breaking the bank.

Where to Buy Affordable Bodybuilder Blood Tests from DiscountedLabs?

DiscountedLabs is a great resource for bodybuilders looking to purchase affordable blood tests. DiscountedLabs offers a wide variety of lab tests, including those specifically designed for bodybuilders. These tests can help provide insight into the health and wellness of an individual, as well as their progress in achieving their fitness goals.

DiscountedLabs provides convenient access to laboratory testing services without the need for a doctor’s visit or insurance coverage. They offer discounted rates on many types of lab tests, including those specifically designed for bodybuilders, such as hormone panels, cholesterol levels, liver function tests and more. In addition to providing discounts on these specific types of lab tests, they also offer additional services such as free shipping and 24/7 customer support via phone or email.

FAQs About Bodybuilder Blood Tests

What blood tests do bodybuilders get?​

Bodybuilders typically get a variety of blood tests to monitor their health and performance. These include tests such as complete blood count (CBC), lipid panel, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), testosterone, cortisol, iron levels, electrolytes, and energy levels. Higher levels of testosterone can also lead to increased energy levels, improved mood, and a higher sex drive, making it an important factor for bodybuilders to monitor. All these tests help bodybuilders assess their overall health status and determine if they are getting the proper nutrition for optimal muscle growth. Additionally, some bodybuilders may opt for additional specialized testing depending on their goals or medical history. Discounted Labs offers affordable lab testing in most cities across the U.S., allowing bodybuilders to easily access the necessary tests without having to visit a doctor’s office.

What blood test do I need for steroids?​

The type of blood test you need for steroids depends on the specific steroid being used. Generally, tests are done to measure levels of testosterone, estradiol, and other hormones related to steroid use. Additionally, tests may be done to check for markers of liver damage or kidney function that can be affected by long-term steroid use. It is important to speak with a doctor before taking any form of steroids in order to determine which blood tests are necessary and how often they should be taken.

Is there a blood test for muscle mass?​

Yes, there is a blood test for muscle mass. It's called the Creatinine Kinase (CK) test and it measures the amount of an enzyme in your bloodstream that is released when muscles are damaged or stressed. The CK test can help determine if you have too much or too little muscle mass, as well as provide insight into other health issues such as kidney damage or a heart attack. Results from this type of lab test are usually available within 1–7 business days after taking the sample. Discounted Labs offers affordable CK tests in most cities across the U.S., including measures of muscle tissue, so you don't need to visit a doctor's office to get tested.

What is TRT blood work?​

TRT blood work is a type of lab test used to measure the levels of testosterone in the body. It is commonly used to diagnose and treat conditions related to low testosterone, such as hypogonadism or male infertility. The test measures both total and free testosterone levels, which can help determine if hormone replacement therapy, also known as testosterone replacement therapy, may be necessary. TRT blood work can also provide insight into other health issues that may be affecting overall well-being.


It is important for bodybuilders to monitor their blood tests regularly, especially if they are using anabolic steroids or high doses of testosterone. A bodybuilder's blood test can provide valuable insight into the health and wellness of a person's body. With DiscountedLabs, you can purchase affordable and reliable bodybuilder blood tests without having to visit a doctor's office. So don't wait any longer - get your bodybuilder blood test today.

Continue reading...bodybuilder test
I wonder if it would be worth it to get a Cystatin C test done. I was surprised that my recent blood test went from 60 to 57. I'm no Hercules but I have a good amount of muscle - IMH :) My Creatinine was also elevated. I workout hard and take 3-4 grams of Creatine per PCP doesn't see concerned and won't order the Cystatin test..
what say you?

From last time.

Your eGFR is estimated from creatinine. Cystatin C provides an independent and less biased estimate. Difference between my two estimates was very large.
From last time.

Your eGFR is estimated from creatinine. Cystatin C provides an independent and less biased estimate. Difference between my two estimates was very large.
If you don't mind me asking, generally how large? You think it would be worth it to get it done? I'm not sure why my PCP won't order it. She has done pretty much everything else I've asked her for. She just said it's not an issue yet and we'll test yearly. Well, I want to know if it's an issue at all, or due to muscle. Thanks for your replies as always..
If you don't mind me asking, generally how large?

In the link i shared...

You think it would be worth it to get it done?

Yes, piece of mind. Good baseline for later. Nelson offers it cheap.

I'm not sure why my PCP won't order it. She has done pretty much everything else I've asked her for. She just said it's not an issue yet and we'll test yearly. Well, I want to know if it's an issue at all, or due to muscle. Thanks for your replies as always..
My pleasure. Here's to your health!
In the link i shared...

Yes, piece of mind. Good baseline for later. Nelson offers it cheap.

My pleasure. Here's to your health!
Haha, forgot about that post... Interesting that my hematocrit was 51.. last week it was back down to 46. I'm just going to order the cystatin test from Nelson.. I'll report back, thanks!

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