Managing blood pressure


New Member
A few years ago I was on blood pressure meds. After my health worsen - and I lost a bit of weight - my BP actually dropped below 120/80 for a while. After being on androgel for over year and generally being ineffective, I switched to shots earlier this year and the difference has been night and day.

However, my BP appears to be on the rise. Today, at the dentist office, it was measured at 140/91, although I don't think she did not measure it all that well, as I had just walked in, and talked for a while before she used a wrist monitor. Still - even if it's possibly inaccurate, I am going to assume that I need to get serious about the BP, especially given my previous history.

I am going back to my daily BP measurements and would like to try some alternative solutions to managing it. I want under all circumstances to avoid going back on BP meds because I felt like they contributed to my prior health issues.

As of now, my T trough is in the low 700's, my E2 was only 19 as of 2 months ago, I have no ED issues, and I have consistent morning erections. I am very lean, I cannot lose any more weight.

I have read Gene's NO stack thread, and I believe there's a few things there that could help. I take magnesium and just started taking some ubiquinol. I exercise diligently, eat a primarily vegetarian diet, no beef or dairy, just fish; but lots of nuts/seeds/beans.

Appreciate some other suggestions to help devise an overall BP management plan.

56 years old, and a possible family history - my mom does not have high BP, but my Dad does, but his father/grandfather did not have it. Also - it appears my Dad's BP started going up after he retired
and assumed a more sedentary life-style with a worse diet but who know...

Do you have big biceps? They have to use a big cuff for me. Smaller cuffs read 10-20 percent higher than what my real BP is.

Did you drink coffee or rushed to get to the doctor? Did you take cold medications? Were you talking while the reading was being taken? etc, etc.

What are your height, weight and waist size? What is your TRT protocol?

I would not freak out but for sure would monitor at home.

I hate blood pressure meds. They are one of the main causes of ED and fatigue.
a) Big biceps? Not at all - I'm very lean all over. Slightly muscular but lean.
b) I did my bi-weekly shot about an hour before the appt. No coffee or other meds. Rushing, no. Talking, quite a bit before but not during. Actually now I recall - the first time she did the monitor on my wrist the wrong way, and it was an even higher reading, and I asked her - was that how you are supposed to do it? She said, oops, then did it again.
c) 5'9, 145 pounds. Waist is 31, my shoulders are 42.
d) Protocol - 100 ml of cypionate per week, split in half, Wed and Sat.

Not freaking out - but I had gotten complacent and I want to put a plan into place. This was just a wake-up call. I have learned a lot since joining this group and I see guys here who are experts on NO.
a) Big biceps? Not at all - I'm very lean all over. Slightly muscular but lean.
b) I did my bi-weekly shot about an hour before the appt. No coffee or other meds. Rushing, no. Talking, quite a bit before but not during. Actually now I recall - the first time she did the monitor on my wrist the wrong way, and it was an even higher reading, and I asked her - was that how you are supposed to do it? She said, oops, then did it again.
c) 5'9, 145 pounds. Waist is 31, my shoulders are 42.
d) Protocol - 100 ml of cypionate per week, split in half, Wed and Sat.

Not freaking out - but I had gotten complacent and I want to put a plan into place. This was just a wake-up call. I have learned a lot since joining this group and I see guys here who are experts on NO.

Wrist monitors are regarded as less reliable than those that measure at the bicep. Try personal monitoring at random times throughout the day with a good home monitor.
140/90 is not that high ( border line only). Maybe you just suffer a bit from white coat syndrom like me. I couldn´t donate blood because of my high blood pressure 180/100 just before entering donating room and at home I had 120-130/80.
Tommy - I had high BP in the past - that resulted in some issues with my right eye. I was placed on lisinopril and like Nelson was saying about how he hated BP meds - I found myself hating it also - feeling more tired, and not having any libido and so on. So anything to avoid taking that crap.
I am not a doc but I understand that it is better to medicate high blood pressure if it is needed rather than not. I take a small dosage of Calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitors and feel just fine with that without any side effects.

Try to avoid beta blockers which can cause ED issues. I would not take anything at all unless your blood pressure is above 135--140/85.

Drink beetroot juice every day and your blood pressure should go down and you will also have nice NO boost as well.

Good luck!

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