Male hot flashes causes ED


New Member
Hello I’m new here and looking for some good information and help. I posted this on th wrong spot earlier.
I’m a WM 42 5’9” 260 ( losing weight now goal is 200) non smoker or drug user I have one or two mixed drinks a month before bed. I work outside 9-10 months a year in Landscaping and commercial fishing.

I started testosterone treatment in May 2017 because of a lack of energy and not able to lose weight but no sexual problems. My PC doctor tested showed 269 for my T 2 days later at the Men’s Wellness Center they said my T was 156. So I started treatment I saw increased energy as they adjusted the dose but in the first week of October my issues started. I began having trouble maintaining a erecting. I get hot in the head, face and neck my DW said I’m flush and feel like on fire. Once this starts it’s over until i cool off. I had my 6 month recheck in the beginning of November they said my T was 1126 and estrogen was 31 I started anastrozole 1 mg every Tuesday. The hot flashes have gotten worse and start to cause issues with my DW as she said I’m not turned on by her. I had a recheck in December and February my estrogen is at 27 both times and doctors said it in the range but they don’t know of every hearing if hot flashes and sweating causing ED. They act like men can’t have a hot flash

I told the doctors office yesterday I was going to discontinue T treatment do to this. I then meet a guy at the office having the same issues we talked about what we had found out about the issues and it seems most sites men said leaves need to be close to 20 for The estrogen. He was taking 1.5 mg of anastrozole a week he was mid 50’s but in great shape.

I need help my DW thinks it a issue with her I have tried Viagra to try to cover it some but the hot flash hits I stay hard but can’t finish. I have been hiding the fact of Viagra use until a few nights ago I just couldn’t lie anymore or make excuses . She knows all the other stuff and I share what I find online about my issues and she has done a bunch of research. I did not have a ED issue before treatment I hate to give up my energy as I lose that at 40 just started felling tried all the time but we had sex 4-5 times a week sometimes multiple times a day.

She has asked me to have an fling to see if it’s her it’s missing with her mind and self confidence. I worried it’s going to ruin my marriage if I can’t fix this.I’m not going anywhere I love my DW.

I bet it's not your high estradiol levels are causing all your issues but low estradiol levels. Did you have the right test, the sensitive test for men. Stop the anastrozole and I bet you will feel a lot better.
It sounds like your doctors might ordering the wrong E2 labs, most doctors are unaware of the E2 sensitive labs designed for men. If in fact their ordering the female E2 labs, it would overstate your actual E2 levels making appear you're in range when in fact your below it. Low E2 would make any man emotionless. Most doctors get TRT wrong.

Symptoms of low E2 is soft erections.

E2 Sensitive labs for men -> LC/MS/MS method
When my estradiol level was at 6.8 on the sensitive method, I had bad night sweats, joint pain, tendon pain, and erectile dysfunction.

My latest reading was 46.1 (sensitive) and most of my symptoms have subsided. My left elbow is still bothering me, but all the rest of the issues went away.

Now, do you want bad news? It took 8 weeks post estradiol crash before I started feeling a lot better, and here it is nearly 3.5 months later and my left elbow is still bothering me. Granted, it's not in constant pain, but it doesn't feel right when I lift either.

Symptoms of low E2 is soft erections.

E2 Sensitive labs for men -> LC/MS/MS method[/QUOTE]

I have had this softness as my wife has noticed it in October
I just called the doctors of it’s The Men’s Wellness Center. They told me they do the E2 test is that the sensitive one. I googled it and it seems like the right one but I’m still studying on the subject.
27pg/ml was my last numbers 2 weeks ago.

My erections are not as firm as they where before and I need physical stimulation now to gain an erection not like before just a thought would do it. I do have morning wood but not like in my younger days. The hot flashes but I had hot flashes in first of October and did not start 1mg of Anastrozole until a month after the flashes started. They did increase my dose of Testosterone in September could my T levels be to high I was happy before the increase.can to high T cause this?

Thanks I’m going crazy trying to fix this. I don’t mind putting in the time to fix it just the Doctor said he never heard of a male hot flash but they only do male hormone therapy at that office .
Well you're missing a lot of labs, if your SHBG is on the lower end than your E2 could be too high for you. If SHBG is lower than that means so to is your free hormones, that could mean free estrogen is higher. Some low SHBG guys can tolerate almost no estrogen, there's a believe from a leading doctor that believe if a guy has an SHBG levels of 20 that his estrogen needs to be below 20 do to all the free circulating hormones.

Erections could take up to a year to fully resolve provided your levels are right for you.

If your SHBG is on the lower end, your current levels would be problematic.

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