Low DHEA-S levels causing symptoms?

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Hi forum.

I started TRT about 2 1/2 years ago due to low levels, no libido/ed, fatigue, low mood.

Initially I was on 150mg a week split twice, which put my levels too high out of reference range at trough. The above symptoms came back about 1 1/2 years ago.

I dropped down to 125mg which still had my TT/FT levels out of reference range at trough so have dropped down to 100mg a week split twice which puts FT/TT/E2 and bloods all within range.

I have still been experiencing fatigue and zero libido while on this dose, although it has only been 6 weeks. I decided to get other hormones checked and DHEA came back at 4.5 umol/L (reference range 4.8-13.9). I have never checked DHEA prior to this so have no reference point.

Research shows that low DHEA levels can cause the symptoms i'm experiencing, I doubt its from the FT/TT/E2 which are all within range. I am in Australia so DHEA isn't OTC here and I'm waiting to hear back if my clinic can prescribe which I am doubtful.

Has anyone been in a similar situation and how did they rectify it?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
ahh, i dunno about that. isnt DHEA produced in testies? doesnt estrogen cause lowering DHEA? if werent hypogonadal perhaps less likely but yes it is VERY possible it lower DHEA..

Just run a test and see what your DHEA levels are :) best not to take hormones unless specific reason.

anyway, there is mental issue that can cause yoru symptoms, there is a whole cascade of hormones that gets lowered when on TRT so that could be it.

ask if can start low dose HCG as that helps libido :)

its normal to find other dopamine hits as you age vs sex.
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