Looking for much needed help - Low T, younger, HCG monotherapy

Hey all,

New member here looking for some relief to my exhaustive struggle to correct my low T. I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on my situation. I apologize in advance for my very thorough post! I'm not really sure where to start for the sake of boring you all to death so I'll just try to give the facts of what I think may be linked to my problem.

-Long time Lexapro user for anxiety
-Long time smoker
-Quit both of the above about two years ago and since have felt like crap, very stressed out all the time, anxious, pissed off etc.
-When I was about 18 I rolled a car and was hospitalized, totaled a couple more cars which made me very soar but was for the most part Ok
-During a physical on 2/2014 I decided to have my testosterone checked, and the results:
total test: 252
Free Test: 62.5 - I was told i'm normal
-4/2014 Saw Endocrinologist, he did the following blood work:
Total Test: 264
Free Test: 69.7

TSH: 2.00
T4: 1.2
SHBG: 15
FSH: 4.2
LH: 4.2
Prolactin: 7.0
Again, I was told everything is normal.
-Not happy with those answers I travelled to see a Dr who is known in this field, he did new blood test:
Total Test: 275
Estradiol: 27

DHEA Sulfate: 3.7
SHBG: 17
Cortisol: total 20.4
FSH: 3.7
LH: 2.3
Prolactin: 4.2
Vitamin D, 25 OH total: 42
Vitamin D, 25 OH D3: 42
Vitamin D, 25 OH D2: <4

-He then put me on Pregnyl, 500IU every other day (3 X week)
-3 weeks on Pregnyl my new labs showed a raise in Test:
Total Test: 452
Estradiol: 32

-We raised my dose up to 600IU per shot 3 times a week.
HOWEVER, I then switched to compounded HCG (cheaper than Pregnyl) and 3 weeks at higher dose my new labs:
Total Test: 337
Estradiol: 30
I feel that the reason it dropped was from one of these reasons:
My body responded better to the Pregnyl Vs compounded HCG
I was injecting directly into thigh before, latest labs I was injecting into my belly fat. Maybe I was doing IM shots Vs SubQ beings I am lean and have very little fat on my thigh
I do my shots Mon, Wed, Fri - during my higher labs my blood was drawn on a Thursday so I had more HCG in my system Vs latest lower labs, my blood was drawn on Tuesday so I had only Monday's shot in my system and went all weekend without it.

Now we're at present day and I am debating my next move. I'm unable to see my doc for a while but his nurse said he suggested going up to 800IU per shot 3 X a week for 3 weeks and retest my blood. I'm worried about desensitizing my testis with that large dose and becoming primary. Should I try daily shots instead? I mentioned that to my nurse and she said I could try that for better coverage and do 400IU every day except Sunday. I would really like to make HCG work for me, I'm not ready to step it up to TRT.

Lastly, I attached below the questionaire that Nelson recomended us to use. Any help is MUCH appreciated!

Health and quality of life information:

Age: 37

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 185

Waist size: 32

Neck size: 16

Have you lost weight in the past 6 month? If yes, how many pounds? 5

Have you gained weight in past 6 months? If yes, how many pounds?

Has your body tone changed in the past 6 months (harder, softer)? a little harder

When was your last complete physical examination? 9 months

What were the results of that exam? Normal

Are you taking testosterone now? No

If answer to above question is NO, have you taken testosterone in the past? How long and when did you last stop? Never

Do you urinate alright? Yes

How many times do you get up at night to urinate ? 0

Does it hurt when you urinate? No

Is there any blood in your urine? No

Have you had prostatitis (prostate/urinary infections) in the past? Possibly once

Describe any acne history: Random bouts of cystic zits, like waves here and there

Do you have cold intolerance? Sometimes I did last winter

Do you bruise easily? No

Do you have:

Depression: Possibly very slightly, most likely cause from trying to get this stuff all straightened out which has been very challenging

Anxiety: YES, also comes in waves but definitely have anxiety and sometimes panic attacks for a long time.

Decreased sexual potency (erection quality). If so, is this causing stress in your relationship? No

Decreased sex drive: slightly

Sleep disturbances: No

Generalized muscle aches and pains: No

Joint pain: Yes, mainly upon waking up

Fatigue: Yes, feel my muscles fatique somewhat quickly

Lethargy: No

Sensitive or swollen nipples? No

Did you have swollen or painful nipples BEFORE you ever used steroids (for men who have used anabolics AAS)? N/a

Can you feel any lumps around your nipples? No

Are you losing your hair? No

Have you ever taken Propecia or Proscar (finasteride) for hair loss or prostate inflammation? No

Were you losing it before you started using steroids (AAS only)? If so, is it falling out more quickly now? N/A

Have you had:

Loss of appetite: No

Unexplained weight loss or weight gain ? which ? Last winter I gained a lot of fat around my stomach

Do you consider yourself to be in good health? Yes

Do you sleep well? Yes

Average hours of sleep per night: 8

Do you regularly self examine your testicles? No

Tell us about your diet (The more details, the better) Healthy for the most part, drink water, eat fruit every day, no red meat but a lot of chicken and veggies.

Do you exercise? If yes, what type and how frequently? 3 -4 days a week, cardio and lift weights

Do you feel that you procrastinate a lot and do not have enough mental focus to finish projects? No

Are you experiencing a lot of stress lately? For how long and why? Yes, stress has been highly bothersome, especially since I quit smoking and taking Lexapro a couple years back.


Do you take any prescription medications or medications bought on the internet or black market?
If so, please list, and give dosages:
xanax as needed (.25 once or twice a month)
HCG 600IU X 3 days a week

What supplements do you take (vitamins, minerals, neutraceuticals, etc.)? List all (with amounts or dosages) each day.
1,000 Vitamin D
Protein shakes

Do you plan on having children?


Have you ever been diagnosed with sleep apnea via a sleep study? If yes, do you use a CPAP machine? No

Do you take frequent naps? No

Thanks for the detailed question. I am glad someone finally used that questionnaire.

Your drop in total testosterone with a higher dose of HCG after also switching to compounded HCG could also mean that your new HCG may not have been good.

Are you on HCG monotherapy because you need to preserve fertility? You could also use a protocol of TRT+HCG since that combination has been shown to preserve sperm quality and count as well as raise testosterone levels better than HCG monotherapy. I describe this in this video:

Video: How to Use HCG with Testosterone To Preserve Fertility, Libido and Testicle Size

Can I ask you where you got the compounded HCG?

Also, next time you go for blood tests please ask for a CBC test that shows your hematocrit.

Thanks for the detailed question. I am glad someone finally used that questionnaire.

Your drop in total testosterone with a higher dose of HCG after also switching to compounded HCG could also mean that your new HCG may not have been good.

Are you on HCG monotherapy because you need to preserve fertility? You could also use a protocol of TRT+HCG since that combination has been shown to preserve sperm quality and count as well as raise testosterone levels better than HCG monotherapy. I describe this in this video:

Video: How to Use HCG with Testosterone To Preserve Fertility, Libido and Testicle Size

Can I ask you where you got the compounded HCG?

Also, next time you go for blood tests please ask for a CBC test that shows your hematocrit.

Hi Nelson, thank you for answering my post! You could be right, it could've been a bad batch of HCG because I upped my dose and definitely didn't feel as good as I did on the Pregnyl. I received my compounded HCG from Empower, I took advantage of your free deal. Is there a way to test the HCG?

To be honest, I'm nervous about going on TRT for different reasons but I know I'll most likely have to do it one day just hoping I can get a way with HCG for a while. Your video made me feel better about preserving fertiility which was one of my concerns. It's also great to know I could use Insulin needles to inject with (partial phobia of needles).

I think my first test in Febuary 2014 had my hemocrit tested but I'll have to check again and will ask to include that in the future...thanks!

BTW, I purchased your book and it helped me learn a ton!!
It's amazing people like you take the time to help so many other people out! I know how hard this journey has been for me since most of the doctors I came across weren't well versed in this field which only makes it harder to get the right help.

I think my plan is to go back to Pregnyl at my increased dose for 3 weeks then retest my blood levels and see where I'm at. I'll take a look at their tests, $29 is a great deal if they're accurate.

What are your thoughts about doing smaller (300IU) daily doses Vs larger (600IU) doses 3 times a week with HCG monotherapy? Not really much different?
BTW, Nelson you mentioned next test get a CBC test that shows your hematocrit. Is this to make sure my hematocrit levels aren't too high? I was under the impression you only have to worry about that when your on TRT, this can happen on HCG too?
I'd like to update my situation and ask for some guidance with estrogen blockers.

I made the switch back to Pregnyl and have been injecting 700IU 3 times a week for 3 weeks and my T levels went up to 617 and my estorgen also raised to 94!

Couple questions I'd like to ask:
I know I need to control the estrogen but could this cause me problems in the meanwhile?

What options do I have to control estrogen? I looked into Armidex and noticed it's not recomended for people with lower bone mass and I was diagnosed with Osteopenia. So I'm looking for an all around safe drug with minimal side effects...as you can see I don't like taking drugs.

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