Looking for Fast Response TRT Referral


New Member
Hi. I'm in the Los Angeles area, but I am open to local or online treatment. I've spent two days digging through various websites and looking at reviews here (and other places) has helped on pricing/customer service, etc - but my main concern right now is ease and speed. In person would prefer late or weekend hours, and SFV, DTLA, or Pasadena area more convenient than the Westside.

My husband has been receiving treatment for 4 years (T, HCG, and Anastrozole). When it was time to contact for the latest refill, crickets. The clinic has been flaky in the past but always caught up so we didn't immediately jump on finding a new place, and really I wouldn't be at all surprised if this doctor finally replied, like I said, he has gone silent in the past, but never for so long.

We are now at the point where he has run out of meds (some Anastrozole left) and his normal shot day is tomorrow.

Of course because he has been in treatment a blood test right now will not show a problem. I have all his RX info and his most recent blood test was less than 12 months ago. He does have an order in for a full blood panel through insurance too, but we don't have that taken yet.

We know he is rapidly going to be feeling terrible, so pretty stressed out right now and looking for what is most likely to be able to get us a quick response. I am seeing so many places where the first appointment isn't available for weeks.

I see generally good things about Defy and the pricing is reasonable, but several mentions of delays. I've seen some positive comments about the Helix app, but that looks expensive.

I've left some messages places to get info, but since I am feeling under time pressure would love to hear if anyone has been in a similar situation and found a good, quick, solution.

Thanks for any insights.
If treatment is interrupted it's not going to be the end of the world so you can relax a bit where thats concerned. Defy has top prices and the best medical care but lead times are out there and you'll have to have a fresh set of labs.
Welcome to the forum socali, Well the good news is no body dies from not taking their T shot. But that is about all the good new I have for you. No doc or clinic is going to start treatment without current bloods no older than 2 months and they need to be the right bloods if you are relying on your PCP/ins you will probably be missing quite a few important ones. They most likely will also want a current physical anything 1 year old is pretty much not usable.

The typical road to TRT via the internet is Fillout their paper work/application, get a physical, get the right bloods then schedule a phone appointment after the bloods have been received. All this usually takes 6-8weeks and that is if you are really on top of things.

Best of luck to you two.
In case anyone in the future is interested.

Androgenix in Glendale - very nice, but you have to go in weekly for shots, but seriously their front office staff was so very friendly and helpful. It isn't what I am looking for, but they seem decent.

MetroMD in Hollywood - $75 per shot! I don't know, I didn't get more information after they said that part.

Helix - mobile, they come to you. Appointments available pretty quickly. Two to three weeks to get on meds post blood draw.

Calling more places.
Have an appointment for Thursday at The Man Clinic in Woodland Hills and they should be able to provide meds the same day.

Edited to add - they are not always that quick, but because we have a whole history of blood tests, all current RX information, recent letter of medical necessity from the previous doctor, etc. they expect the process to be a very smooth transition.

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