List of compounds that have a propensity to aromatize to estradiol.


Well-Known Member
I recently came across a thread where someone (@Cataceous ?) posted a nice chart showing many different compounds, family, propensity to aromatize to E2.

Can’t find it now.

If anyone could find it based on my vague description, I’d appreciate it!
This could be it?

I recently came across a thread where someone (@Cataceous ?) posted a nice chart showing many different compounds, family, propensity to aromatize to E2.

Can’t find it now.

If anyone could find it based on my vague description, I’d appreciate it!

As you know seeing as we are on trt/hrt and the only steroids used for therapeutic purposes would be testosterone and other AAS such as the addition of low-dose nandrolone, oxandrolone, stanozolol.

Screenshot (2239).webp

All anabolic/androgenic steroids are preparations containing one of the above three natural steroid hormones, or chemically altered derivatives thereof. In creating new synthetic compounds, one of the three natural hormones is selected as a starting point, typically due to the possession of particular traits that may be beneficial for the new compound. For instance, of the three natural steroids above, dihydrotestosterone is the only steroid devoid of the possibility of aromatization and 5-alpha reduction. It was likewise a very popular choice in the creation of synthetics that lack estrogenic activity and/or exhibit a more balanced androgenic to anabolic activity ratio. Nandrolone was typically used when even lower androgenic action is desired, due to its weakening upon interaction with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. Nandrolone also aromatizes much more slowly than testosterone. Testosterone is our most powerful muscle-building hormone and also exhibits strong androgenic activity due to its conversion to a more potent steroid (dihydrotestosterone) via 5-alpha reductase.

William Llewellyn's ANABOLICS

TESTOSTERONE all forms: esterified injectables, patch, pellets, oral, transdermal, buccal, intranasal, (a moderately estrogenic steroid)

Testosterone derivatives

Boldenone (mildly estrogenic steroid. Aromatization studies suggest that its rate of conversion to estradiol is roughly half that of testosterone)

Boldenone is testosterone with an added double-bond between carbon atoms one and two. However, this bond changes the activity of the steroid considerably. First, it dramatically slows aromatization, such that boldenone converts to estradiol at about half the rate of testosterone. Secondly, this bond causes the steroid to be a very poor substrate for the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. The more active 5-alpha reduced metabolite 5alpha-dihydroboldenone is produced only in very small amounts in humans. The hormone instead tends to convert via 5-beta reductase to 5beta-dihydroboldenone (a virtually inactive androgen). This makes it lean towards being an anabolic instead of an androgen, although both traits are still notably apparent with this steroid. The c1-2 double bond also slows the hepatic breakdown of the structure, increasing its resistance to 17- ketosteroid deactivation and its functional half-life and oral bioavailability.

Methyltestosterone (high estrogenic activity due to its aromatization to 17-alpha methyl estradiol)
This is the most basic derivative of testosterone, differing only by the added 17- alpha methylation that makes the steroid orally active. Conversion to 17-alpha methylestradiol makes this steroid extremely estrogenic, despite the fact that this alteration actually reduces interaction with the aromatase enzyme.

Methandrostenolone (moderately estrogenic steroid)
In many regards, methandrostenolone is very similar to boldenone, as it too exhibits reduced estrogenic and androgenic activity due to the c1-2 double-bond. However, this steroid does have a reputation of being somewhat estrogenic, owing to the fact that it converts to a highly active form of estrogen (17alphamethylestradiol See: Methylated Compounds and Oral Dosing). Methandrostenolone is also much more active milligram for milligram, as the 17-alpha methyl group also gives it a longer half-life and allows it to exist in a more free state than its cousin boldenone.

Fluoxymesterone (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)
Fluoxymesterone is a c-17alpha alkylated oral derivative of testosterone. The 11-beta group functions to inhibit aromatization, so there is no estrogen conversion at all with this steroid. It also works to lower the affinity of this steroid toward restrictive serum binding proteins, increasing its relative activity. The introduction of fluorine at the 9-position also potentiates the action of this steroid.

NANDROLONE (low tendency for estrogen conversion, estimated to be only about 20% of that seen with testosterone) and has some activity as a progestin in the body.

Nandrolone derivatives

Trenbolone (Trenbolone is not aromatized by the body and is not measurably estrogenic. It is of note, however, that this steroid displays a significant binding affinity for the progesterone receptor (slightly stronger than progesterone itself ).
Although a derivative of nandrolone, the two additional double-bonds present on trenbolone make any similarities to its parent hormone extremely difficult to see. First, the 9-10 bond inhibits aromatization. Nandrolone is very slowly aromatized, however, some estrogen is still produced from this steroid. Not so with trenbolone. The 11-12 bond additionally increases androgen receptor binding. This steroid also does not undergo 5-alpha reduction like nandrolone, and as such does not share the same dissociation between anabolic and androgenic effects (trenbolone is much more androgenic in comparison).

DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE (is not aromatized by the body and is not measurably estrogenic)

Dihydrotestosterone derivatives

Mesterolone (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)

Mesterolone is a potent orally active derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Similar to methenolone, it possesses a non-toxic 1-methyl group, which increases its resistance to hepatic breakdown. This alteration does not increase the stability of the 3-keto group, however, and as such, this steroid is a poor anabolic like its parent.

Drostanolone (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)
Drostanolone is simply dihydrotestosterone with an added 2- methyl group. This addition greatly increases the stability of the 3-keto group, vital to androgen binding. As such, the activity of this steroid in muscle tissue is greatly enhanced (see: Anabolic/Androgenic Dissociation).

Oxymetholone (highly estrogenic steroid)
Oxymetholone is an orally active derivative of dihydrotestosterone. The 17-methyl group is well understood at this point as we have discussed it with many steroids, however, the 2-hydroxymethylene group is not seen on any other commercial steroid. We do know that this group greatly enhances anabolic potency by increasing the stability of the 3-keto group and that the configuration of this substituent also appears to allow this steroid to bind and activate the estrogen receptor.

Stanozolol (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)

Stanozolol is a potent anabolic steroid, owing to the fact that the 3-2 pyrazol group creates a stable configuration of the A-ring that allows for androgen receptor binding (this steroid is one of the few that does not possess an actual 3-keto group). As such, it is highly active in muscle tissue, unlike dihydrotestosterone.

Methenolone (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)
Methenolone also is a potent anabolic steroid, due to the fact that the c1-2 double bond increases the stability of the 3-keto group. The 1-methyl group works to increase its oral bioavailability, making methenolone (as methenolone acetate) one of the few orally active non-17-alkylated orals. The c 1-2 bond may also help increase hepatic resistance (slightly) to 17-ketosteroid deactivation as well.

Oxandrolone (not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic)
Oxandrolone is an orally active derivative of dihydrotestosterone, due to its 17-methylation. It also differs from DHT by the substitution of its 2-carbon molecule with oxygen. This is the only commercial steroid to carry this group, and further, the only one to have a modification to the base carbon structure of the Steran nucleus. The 2-oxo group increases the resistance of the 3-keto group to metabolism considerably, making oxandrolone a potent anabolic.

*DHT, mesterolone, and drostanolone would be considered to have anti-estrogenic properties.
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