here is a copy of my current blood tests... from last week.... on 50mgs of androgel a day ...before i freak out and think i have a tumor on my putuatoary gland (sorry i suck at spelling) i want to point out i am on an opoid.....which i know can raise prolactin......also i have been under severe stress.....but have had been getting head aches and sleepless nights lately.......i think i want to get my gland checked.... thyroid is fine t1 2 3 4 all good.... but this is high.... my friend went on the Caber - and had terrible side effects....
im trying b6 300mgs qd and vitamin E 400IU qd to start could that help lower it? if not any suggestions would help......... thanks
prolactin is at 22.4 ML in blood .......thats high!!!!!!

im trying b6 300mgs qd and vitamin E 400IU qd to start could that help lower it? if not any suggestions would help......... thanks
prolactin is at 22.4 ML in blood .......thats high!!!!!!

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