Levels checked

Well said. This has been my thought process my whole TRT journey. Up until I was 27 I felt amazing. Always felt happier and with more energy than people around me. I’m about to be 32 and haven’t gotten back there yet. People around me can’t understand what I mean when I say I know what i’m supposed to feel like, and my only goal is to just get back to that “happy place”. You’re definitely not alone, and I also have high hopes to get back there as well. Nice to hear my exact thoughts said through someone else’s mouth, makes me feel like I’m not alone as well
Gman86- I began my journey on 200mg every 2 weeks, then the city Dr stopped prescribing testosterone for some odd reason, my new Dr started me on 100mg a week, I didn't take to that well, so he up'd my dosage to 150mg a week with no Al for a few years and felt great, this past February I told my Dr I feel like I have low T again but all my labs showed good numbers, then in march I had my panic attack and since then anxiety and depression, in April I was prescribed Al and took 1mg the first time and then .5 mg a week, I wasn't really told how to take, just what I've read, my levels dropped to 18 last month, I stopped taking Al to bring back up and now they are at 41, I took .25 this week, I always get levels checked at my lowest before next injection
So you felt good on 200mg every two weeks for a while at the beginning? How long did you feel good for while on the 200mg every two weeks?

im very surprised you felt worse on 100mg/ week. You would think that since it’s the same dosage as you were on, just split into weekly injections opposed to taking the whole 200mg in one injection every two weeks, that you would feel better not worse

And would you say you felt better on 150mg/ week for those few years than you did at 200mg every two weeks?
I felt good on 200mg every 2 weeks from what I can remember, I think because my body was so used to getting that big jolt going down to 100mg a week I didn't feel right, I was also forced off till I found a new Dr, maybe a month off, I felt back to regular on 150mg a week
So that labwork was while on 150mg/ week?

Did you ever get your blood work done while on 150mg/ week when you felt good those few years? I’m curious what your labs looked like. Specifically total t, free t and E2.
Yes I did, every few months, only problem is they switched to an online program and whichever idiot put all the old records in screwed up, I've asked numerous times for my old numbers so I can compare when I was at my best, no luck so far
Damn, ya having your labs when you felt amazing would be priceless to have for comparison. Wished I would of gotten my labs done so bad at some point throughout the years when I felt my best.

You don’t remember what your E2 was on any of your old labs when you felt great? I have a feeling that you probably don’t need an AI to feel good again. And there’s a good chance that the AI could be hindering your ability to get back to that happy place. I personally always struggle when I try to add an AI. But everyone’s different.
I stopped the Al after my levels hit 18, my wife talked me into taking. 25mg tonight since they rose to 41, my old labs were on paper and I honestly never checked any, they would just call and say everything was good, lmao, I was feeling too good to give a shit back then
I do plan to push the issue more, but I'm wondering if my LH of .07 has anything to do with anything, my vitamin D was low also, which I read could cause some issues, I don't know maybe I should stop for a while and restart my system and hope for the best
Nah, LH and FSH are gonna be suppressed for anyone on TRT and will be close to zero for all of us. That LH level has nothing to do with it.

I would definitely get your vitamin D level up. Do I think it's what's causing your issues, most likely not. But it can only help. I would get most of your vitamin D through sunlight, and also supplement with a low dose. Like 1,000 - 2,000iu's per day. Don't go too crazy. I personally have very low magnesium which I feel like is a large contributor to my brain fog. And I think this might of happened due to long term high vitamin d supplementation. Vitamin D can deplete magnesium, so just don't go overboard with it.

Me personally, I would not even mess with a restart. That's just me though. Your natural levels are only gonna get worse as you get older. So if you needed TRT 5 years ago, chances are when you come off your levels are gonna be either the same or worse than they were 5 years ago
Problem is I drink lots of milk, really all I've ever drank, maybe half a gallon a day, and also work outside, I get really tan almost too tan, and my vitamin D is still on the low side, not sure why
Ya for some reason even with sufficient sunlight some people still require supplementation at low doses. From what I've read this is not uncommon.

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