latest Defy consult going to everyday injections


Active Member
I just had my latest Defy consult friday afternoon. Since I have had no results with HCG and do not care about testicle size, she has agreed to take me off. Also agreed to drop DHEA.
My E2 sensitive has always been 15ish for 5 years. We added HCG in Dec and dhea in March and E2 has steadily climbed to 32 and I have been symptomatic. My redd T has always been 15 is as well over the last 5 years.
She wants to move me to daily from my 3x times a week protocol. Claims that it will help in the aromatization keeping E2 lower. I am not sure it will be necessary since it seems that the hug and dhea are what gave me problems. But we will give it a try for 10 weeks and see. I am a low dose T guy, been doing 25mg 3x weekly, which has TT 700-800 and FT 20-22. SO I am going to go with 10mg daily. She wanted me to go 16mg daily, but that is higher than what I was doing
I also am a high hct guy, so possibly this can help with that.
I will post results
Dunno, is a low dose, but with free T at 20-22 on 75mg/week. Maybe 10/day is OK? Will be interesting to hear the result.

Moose, how are you feeling otherwise on 75/week taking into consideration the E2?
Blackhawk, even though 75mg weekly is low dose, it has worked fine for me. I am a champion at making RBC, so I have to watch hct like a hawk. Still donate every 3-4 months
My libido is strong, able to put mass on in gym, no anxiety, clear thoughts. So yeah it works. Hopefully E2 will get back in line quickly and erection and dull sensitivity
That's not what I meant; 10mg is too low and you won't be happy.
Thanks Mooseman,

I am still adjusting to 84mg/week administered 24mg EOD. That's only 2mg/day off from your new dosage ED. Lowered for the same reason as you, Hematocrit. Seems to be below my Free T threshold. Time will tell.
Moose, interested to see your results. I recently adjusted to 10 mg per day subq. I was at 100 weekly 2 injections per week but E2 and T was too high. Was good around 80 per week with injections two times per week. For me, too soon to see if I like it. Injections are fast and easy but bit of a pain to do it every day.
Blackhawk and Saul, good to see some other low dose guys here. I have been in the board for a few years now, was buggies100,got lost in the switch over. Anyway, over the years there have been quite a few guys that have flat out told me my dose was too low and it would not work! Ha, funny how the key oard makes you so smart
So I have results in from my little experiment with daily dosing. I went 11 weeks on 10 mg / day, dropped all HCG and DHEA as well. SO my total T and free T dropped. Just prior to switching over to daily my old protocol was 25 mg every other day, 350 HCG EOD and 25mg DHEA
Prior to start total T 793 / free t 18 / E2 31.6 / HCT 52.6

After 11 weeks total T 503 / Free T 11.2 / E2 20.6 / HCT 51.2

My SHBG is always between 48 and 54.

E2 was high on test prior due to HCG and or DHEA, typically my E2 is 15-18 for last few years. My HCT prior was down as well, I typically run 53-54.

Morning wood good, libido not bad, still difficult finishing in midweek evenings, but likely not due to TRT issues. That problem even happens with daily low dose cialias. Mentally good, energy wise I am bit low, will fall asleep on couch if i sit down to read in evenings. Sleep at night is great. I would like a bit more sex drive and more penile sensitivity. That has been down a bit as well.

Seeing E2 at 20.6 was a surprise for me, I thought it would have gone back to mid teens like before DHEA and HCG. Maybe I aromatize to much for daily injections. Again was never this high on twice a month, weekly, or EOD. I do not feel symptomatic at all, other than maybe it is cause of penile sensitivity. I did not do well when my E2 went up to31.6, anxiety and emotional issues roared back into play. Shortness of breath, chest tightness. I even did an echo stress test during that time, I am 55 and my dad had his first heart attack at 58, so it was something I wanted to do anyway.

I will go ahead and bump up to 16mg every day, I have an appt with dr Calkin at Defy soon. I have complete thyroid tests, ferreting and iron work up to go over along with lipids, CBC,CMP, vitamin D.
Let the journey continue!!!!
The E stuff for me getting mine close(r) to being right has helped some sensitivity and orgasm issues. 16mg/D seems to be that I remember on the forum the most common daily dose that keeps Free T at the upper lab range.
The E stuff for me getting mine close(r) to being right has helped some sensitivity and orgasm issues. 16mg/D seems to be that I remember on the forum the most common daily dose that keeps Free T at the upper lab range.

I’ve been on 16mg/day for 6 weeks and that put my free T at 30.1 pg/ml. I’m still well above the lab value range. Vince Carter, do you have any suggestions on if I should cut back my daily dosage and if so by how much to get my free t to just below or at top of range. Low SHBG sucks.
Mooseman FWIW My shbg is higher than yours, normally 65-70 and I'm only doing 64mg once weekly and feel the best I ever have on TRT. My 7 day trough is right around 600ng +- and I feel consistent all week. Not much I haven't tried over the years and splitting the dose at all even to twice weekly makes me feel horrible. For me once weekly is the only way to go. I also cannot tolerate any of the ancillary medications i.e. dhea, hcg, prenenolone etc...
T only for me is the only way and it takes all the other BS variables out of the equation.

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