Latest Anti-TRT hype before study results are even released


Touted as the "latest in the medical saga that started 15 years ago when testosterone which for decades had been used mainly in rare clinical circumstances, increasingly is prescribed for middle-aged and older men whose testosterone levels decline" MedPageToday "reports"

The specter of TRT-related cardiovascular disease, blood clots and prostate cancer are once again raised.

Preliminary study results addressing thus far only the benefits libido and "vitality" among elderly obese white men are published here:

The study participants were elderly obese symptomatic white men averaging 72 years included no one younger than 65. Only subjective benefits of "vitality" and only using Androgel for 12 months are reviewed at this point..

"Four more arms of the trial (cognitive function, anemia, bone density, and cardiovascular health) won't likely be published until late 2016 or 2017"

The rush to judgement:

"it does not make me feel comfortable recommending this medication for routine use in otherwise healthy men," "I would not be inclined to prescribe this medication."
James Stein, MD, professor of cardiovascular medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

"Concerns about increased risk of prostate cancer, blood clots, and cardiovascular problems have been raised about testosterone"
""Millions of men take testosterone, hoping for a fountain of youth,"
"This therapy is too risky for widespread use"
Steven Nissen, MD, chairman of cardiovascular medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

"Therapy was not a panacea and the findings alone might be insufficient to support a decision to initiate testosterone therapy in symptomatic older men," wrote Eric Orwoll, MD, physician, Oregon Health and Science University.
Dear Dr. Stein,
You won't prescribe TRT to "otherwise healthy men". Are patients presenting with bone loss and obesity "healthy" up to the moment you begin treating fractures and diabetes? If their complaints are "merely" quality of life such as excessive fatigue do you prescribe anti-depressants instead?
Re-Ride, thanks for posting this news article. I read that, this morning in my local newspaper. Some doctors hate TRT.
Yes. If you eyesight starts to fail due to age, glasses or contacts are no problem. If your hormones fail due to old age, "(replacement) therapy is not a panacea..." and "it does not make me feel comfortable recommending this medication for routine use in otherwise healthy men."
When big Pharma starts coming to their offices pushing T, their attitudes will change. Right now there's no money in HRT compared to most any other "ailment". There's no money in making you better, the money lies in keeping you "sick", diagnosing with every malady and condition they can find in their PDR, and then (over) prescribing.

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