In my experience over the past 5 years that is not true at all. I have lived in 3 different states in the past 5 years and have been to at least 5 supposed clinics who are "mens health" experts in TRT. Only 1 of them had a clue what they were doing and all of them charged me ridiculous amounts of money and had good reviews. Far and away the best experience I had was in Ohio with a real doctor that was a fertility and TRT specialist.
I already went to 1 clinic in Vegas and they wanted $500 just for a consult and discuss my options. Again glowing reviews from the online community. I think each state and situation is different for everyone, however I am not willing to spend $500+ a month to go to a clinic again.
Mr S I do see an endocrinologist here in Vegas. I shouldn't have said he knows nothing about TRT. He just isn't very progressive and believes that I shouldn't be on it because I am too young (38).
All in all in my experience I get better info from this website from people with actual experiences and results than I have received from any Dr or specialist. Cost is not the only issue but some of the clinics out there will charge an arm and a leg. Currently I pay $65 for a 10ml vial of T that I give injections to myself. I get labs done quarterly and my insurance covers 100% of it. And I get a 12,000IU bottle of HcG from Empower Pharm for $75. Basically I pay around $50/mo for everything and after I get my labs I discuss with my doctor, friends, and online.