Lab results, low estradiol - suggestions


New Member
Quick run down; I'm 31 years old and I've been on TRT for about six years now, seeing the same doctor. I had some common issues with low testosterone and went and saw him and he ended up putting me on TRT. I started at 200MG a week with HCG and Anastrozole. I was doing two injections a week (100mg) and taking, I believe, 1mg of anastrozole with that. I felt pretty good, got into really good shape and felt like I could keep the fat off even when eating my fair share of crappy food.

I bounced around with my TRT as at one point I actually was prescribed a higher amount by the doctor (400mg) a week, which at the time I didn't know was a lot, but reading here it is. I then found this website and started reading about the different injection methods (stomach, every other day etc) and tried to follow some of that while lowering my dose. I got to where I was having extreme joint pain, especially in my elbows, so I got off of everything completely (bad idea, I'm sure) for several months. I also had sensitive nipples.

I went back to the doctor and told him I had been off but wanted to see what my levels were so they did a blood test and my testosterone (free) was in the 200 range.

So a couple months ago I started back on TRT injecting twice a week of 80-90mg but the difference this time is I was taking less of anastrozole. My doctor recommended 1mg with each injection but I just felt like that was too much and I had issues with joint pain and erections already. I began to cut my 1mg pill into four (or at least tried my best) and would take one of the four pieces with each injection. I still have HCG but I do it randomly, maybe one injection .5 ML a week before the day of my test injection.

So being on the above schedule for a couple months initially I noticed my erections came back. Morning time... middle of night... sexual activity.. all there. I also began to notice some nipple sensitivity in my left nipple. I can feel a small lump under the nipple, but the other side if fine. I feel like I'm carrying a decent amount of fat, especially in my chest area. I also notice that it seems harder to cut fat and that if I eat bad for one day or two you can definitely see and feel it.

One of the things I had read on here that I wasn't doing, nor have I ever been told to, was donate blood while on TRT. After reading some of the side effects of having high hematocrit I began to wonder if some of my joint pain, loss of breath, running hot etc. were due to that.

So last week I went to discountlabs and bought the test for Testosterone, Estradiol and hematocrit. I took the test the morning before my injection. Here are the results from Labcorp.

Testosterone Serum, 725 ng/dl
Testosterone Free, 24.36 ng/dl - This was flagged as high?
% free testosterone 3.36

Estradiol, Sensitive 14.8 pg/mL
Hematocrit 44.6

So, my levels appear fairly fine to me in relation to what was tested, other than the Estradiol appears low? Any comments or suggestions? Also suggestions on how to get my Estradiol levels up? Should I just do a 1/4th of a 1mg pill once a week instead of twice?

Sorry for the wall of text guys and I appreciate any help or suggestions.
stop anastrozole continue with t only (80) mg weekly split into 2 shots (40mg each). thats best protocol by far for me i have 5 year plus minus 1 year trt experience.. you might feel off first month or 2 but your body will stabilize you will see yourself
your doctors protocol is awful.. he doesnt understand how to administer proper trt im sorry but that protocol will hinder best results from trt for you for at least a couple of months now that you can be on proper protocol.. high dosages of testosterone bring side effects and good luck removing these side effects with anastrozole it will only work temporarily and will lower your dopamine production if you will take it long enough. you might want hcg i personally hate it and for me it's better low t than t+hcg
your joint pain is from anastrozole impact to your body
Hi Matt. Welcome to the forum. 200 mg a week of testosterone was probably too much in the beginning and 400 mg a week is ridiculously high. The anastrozole dose was also very high and for most people would crash their estradiol which is what looks like what is happening to you with a level below 15. I would definitely stop the anastrozole and let your estradiol rebound. The anastrozole can create some of the symptoms you are having such as joint pain, hot flashes, and loss of breath. Your hematocrit looks really good as does your testosterone levels. You total t is in good range for the blood draw being the day before your lab work and your free t is right at the top of the range or just over it which is good. Free t should between 2% to 3% of your total t and your at 3.36% which is very good. I think the best thing you could do is get on a regular schedule and injection a total of 100 mg per week split into two 50 mg doses and take them 3.5 days apart. I would stop the anastrozole completely at least for the time being. It will be better for you to drop the dose and then monitor how you feel and then have more blood work in 6 weeks to see where you are.

As far as the tender nipple I couldn't say based on your numbers you have shared. Have you had your prolactin tested and do you know what your SHBG is? Years ago I had tenderness in my right nipple and felt like I was starting to get a small lump behind the nipple. It worried me because my grandmother and mother had breast cancer and while rare, men can also have breast cancer. I went to the doctor and had scans and test run and it ended up being nothing. Doctor thought I might had just got hit hard in that area which caused the soreness. Anyway, the tenderness and lump went away and never returned. This was prior to me being on TRT.

I's sure others with much more knowledge will weigh in and help you.
Some basic links and book recommendations if you have not read...
First step is
Cannot tell how much research you have done on TRT.
If not a lot, I recommend you get a few books.
Get a few good books and educate yourself now:
1. Get Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide".
2. Get Lee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
3. Get “Testosterone for life - Dr. Abraham Morgentaller “.
4. Get “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to OptimizeYour Testosterone For Lifelong Health And Happiness” by Jay Campbell.
These books will give you a much better understanding of TRT....

ExcelMale.comGuide to Testosterone Replacement
One other forumthat has great info that might be useful to you is:
GREAT article onE2 – A MUST READ
Dr Saya's Videos on Testosterone Therapy and Side Effect Management
Some additional links to read before you receive the books you have already ordered
Go here:
and download:
TRT: Recipe For Success
Print out.
HCG Update.
and the TRT Power Point presentation.

Quick run down;
Testosterone Serum, 725 ng/dl
Testosterone Free, 24.36 ng/dl - This was flagged as high?
% free testosterone 3.36

Estradiol, Sensitive 14.8 pg/mL
Hematocrit 44.6

So, my levels appear fairly fine to me in relation to what was tested, other than the Estradiol appears low? Any comments or suggestions? Also suggestions on how to get my Estradiol levels up? Should I just do a 1/4th of a 1mg pill once a week instead of twice?
I would stop the AI for a few weeks and see how you feel. If you start getting symptoms of high estrogen levels get your E2 tested again.
Thank you for the replies guys.

I haven't really kept up with my numbers or blood results in the past, as I get blood work done twice a year and see the doctor when I do so. The only time I have ever been contacted by the doctor's office in regards to my blood test was one time they got my results and told me I needed to do vitamin D supplementation.

With that said, probably about a year ago I called the doctor's office to see what my E2 levels were as I thought they may be really high. I can't recall the amount of testosterone I was taking at the time, it may have been the 400mg a week, but I recall my E2 being like 22 and my free testosterone was either 1000 or 1100. So my E2 levels have fluctuated obviously in the past but unfortunately I've bounced around a lot with the injections and amount of AI taken and haven't personally kept up with my blood work.

Mark- I haven't had either one of those tested, but will look into that for the next one. I just wanted to get a couple baseline tests done without spending a fortune on a test. As far as the nipple sensitivity I'm not sure, I do think it's related to TRT but i'll play it by ear and see.

I'm going to take the advice given and stop the AI for 6 weeks? and see how the numbers are.
I'm going to take the advice given and stop the AI for 6 weeks? and see how the numbers are.

The truth about these speculations is starting to emerge but we still do not have enough data to say what the upper value of the optimal range of estradiol really is. We have a lot of evidence about the lower side of the optimal range since it has been found that estradiol blood levels below 10-20 pg/ml can increase bone loss in men. A recently published study also nicely demonstrated that low estradiol can be associated with higher fat mass and lower sexual function in men. So, be very careful when a clinic wants to put you on this drug without first justifying its use.

Role of Estradiol in Men and Its Management[SUB][SUP]
Wanted to update my thread. I started doing 60mg injections twice a week with no anastrozole. I did the exact same blood test and my results came back

Testosterone Serum - 471
Testosterone Free - 16.44
% Free Testosterone - 3.49

Estradiol Sensitive - 22.9
Hematocrit - 41.8

This is Lapcorp. Obviously the testosterone levels dropped by quite a bit and the estradiol rose. I think what I am going to do now is a 60mg injection three times a week (M-W-F) to see if I can get my testosterone levels up while hopefully not pushing the estradiol up too much further. Any thoughts?
Wanted to update my thread. I started doing 60mg injections twice a week with no anastrozole. I did the exact same blood test and my results came back

Testosterone Serum - 471
Testosterone Free - 16.44
% Free Testosterone - 3.49

Estradiol Sensitive - 22.9
Hematocrit - 41.8

This is Lapcorp. Obviously the testosterone levels dropped by quite a bit and the estradiol rose. I think what I am going to do now is a 60mg injection three times a week (M-W-F) to see if I can get my testosterone levels up while hopefully not pushing the estradiol up too much further. Any thoughts?

Post ranges for labs and what is your SHBG?
Wanted to update my thread. I started doing 60mg injections twice a week with no anastrozole. I did the exact same blood test and my results came back

Testosterone Serum - 471
Testosterone Free - 16.44
% Free Testosterone - 3.49

Estradiol Sensitive - 22.9
Hematocrit - 41.8

This is Lapcorp. Obviously the testosterone levels dropped by quite a bit and the estradiol rose. I think what I am going to do now is a 60mg injection three times a week (M-W-F) to see if I can get my testosterone levels up while hopefully not pushing the estradiol up too much further. Any thoughts?

What problem/negative symptoms are you having at this time?
I don't feel that you would have any issues by increasing your testosterone dose. I believe everyone should do some type of experimenting with their protocol, so they can get completely dialed in. It would be nice to see your complete protocol.
Thanks for the replies, Vince and Vince!

Honestly the only things I notice at the moment right now is some nagging joint pain, mainly focused in my rotator cuff areas. I haven't been lifting weight or anything, so I can't attest it to that. It just kind of feels like my levels are off a bit with how my joints feel at times. With that said, it's hard to point at my levels regarding anything else, as my diet lately has been horrible and I've placed working out on the back burner as I've been working 15-16 hour days trying to pay off some debt. I work night shift and have very little movement or excercise, so it's all catching up to me. I try to get to the gym at least 3-4 times a week but it's just do some fast incline walking on a treadmill for 30-45 minutes.

I was going heavy and hard at lifting weights and keeping a decent diet for some time, which I put on some decent muscle mass, a lot in the chest area. Since my diet has went to hell and I haven't been lifting weights of course that has slowly turned into fat or I've just lost the mass.

Vince, what do you mean by complete protocol? I also have HCG, which I honestly haven't been consistent with taking and not sure exactly how much and when I should inject. I think for the time being I'm going to do the 60mg of test M-W-F with no anastrozole and see where that takes my levels. From what little I have read online a lot of people seem to point to 27 being the magic number for estradiol, with others saying a little bit higher is better? I know it can depend on person to person.

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