Kisspeptin-10 Instead of HCG?

Howdy y'all,

As I've posted about in the past, I've been taking HCG Monotherapy for low T for about seven years now with good results - my last bloodwork had my total T at 707ng/dL with no change to my total weekly dosage since I started in 2017 (just tweaks to my dosing protocol).

Unfortunately, in April my insurance stopped covering it. I wasn’t too stressed because the cash price for the generic was $45/mo. However, in July, that shot up to $450/mo.

I've ordered some from my usual plan b, ReliableRX, but their shipping times have been slower every time I've ordered from them and I need something, well, reliable. I figure if I'm going to be ordering stuff off the internet or from UGLs, I might as well look into "newer" or more "cutting-edge" stuff.

So, Kisspeptin-10 interests me and as my low T is caused by a pituitary issue in the production of LH/FSH rather than something with the structure of the testes (ie, I think I'm primary rather than secondary?) it seems like it would do the trick.

Does anyone have any experience making this swap? If so, what was your experience like and how did you dose it as compared to HCG?

I assume you mean to say you have secondary hypogonadism, which applies when there's dysfunction at the hypothalamus or pituitary. Primary refers to testicular dysfunction.

If your problem is with the pituitary then kisspeptin or gonadorelin wouldn't be of much use. However, hypothalamic dysfunction is more common, and in this subset it may also commonly involve kisspeptin production rather than GnRH production. In sum, there's a decent chance that you can use kisspetin-10 for HPTA stimulation. However, I'm not aware of the development of any proven protocols. This means you're pretty much on your own. In the worst case you might find that multiple daily doses are needed to achieve decent results, which may make it impractical.
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I assume you mean to say you have secondary hypogonadism, which applies when there's dysfunction at the hypothalamus or pituitary. Primary refers to testicular dysfunction.

If your problem is with the pituitary then kisspeptin or gonadorelin wouldn't be of much use. However, hypothalamic dysfunction is more common, and in this subset it may also commonly involve kisspeptin production rather than GnRH production. In sum, there's a decent chance that you can use kisspetin-10 for HPTA stimulation. However, I'm not aware of the development of any proven protocols. This means you're pretty much on your own. In the worst case you might find that multiple daily doses are needed to achieve decent results, which may make it impractical.
Yes, secondary, thanks.

And yeah, the only two things I can find about doing this are one guy who switched his HCG out for Kiss10 while already on test, but he posted on Reddit and hasn't responded to my threads or DMs, and one guy on T-Nation in 2022 who was taking 100mcg an hour and at that point you might as well just hook yourself up to an insulin pump full of the stuff.
And yeah, the only two things I can find about doing this are one guy who switched his HCG out for Kiss10 while already on test, but he posted on Reddit and hasn't responded to my threads or DMs, and one guy on T-Nation in 2022 who was taking 100mcg an hour and at that point you might as well just hook yourself up to an insulin pump full of the stuff.
Of course delivering GnRH (gonadorelin) in pulsatile fashion via pump is already an approved treatment option for hypogonadism. I'm not sure if kisspeptin delivery needs to be pulsatile as well. If so then it seems likely that the frequency should correspond to that of GnRH. One study found that peripheral delivery of gonadorelin every 90 minutes resolved hypogonadism. I think the dose range was something like 1-30 mcg per pulse.

As a personal anecdote, I can tell you that taking 10 mcg kisspeptin-10 and 20 mcg gonadorelin 5.25 times daily results in low-normal gonadotropins under TRT. Enclomiphene is needed to reduce negative feedback from estradiol at the pituitary. The experiment is documented here. This was before the addition of kisspeptin-10.

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