is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

procrastinating ? are you serious ? ive been to 2 doctors in 2 weeks ?
none of which would prescribe me a blood let or venesection
they wanted to get to the 'root' of the problem first!!! you think this wouldnt piss anyone off ?
MY doctor does do them but is away on leave until this week
i havent been procrastinating one bit or avoiding blood letting so your a strait out idiot saying that, you have no idea what ive been doing

and i also have a sleep test coming up,, i cant just walk to get a cpap , im waiting on call for sleep study machine to come in and i have to learn how to configure it and wear it for the night

also as stated my white, red, mcv, mch, mchc, rdw, wcc, platelets and every thing else is all in range

i want to know where i blamed anyone ? yes i blamed doctors for not prescribing me venesection but isnt that what your saying im avoiding ? so again i think your an idiot for saying those things

and according to the donation bank im only 2 points off being able to donate?
they said 188 max, im 190
i might possibly be in range today for all i know considering how much both hemo and hemotocrit came down with 12 days ??????

so you tell me what i should do then ??? do you think i dont want this fixed or something ???????????

i still cant figure your little cheap shots saying im procrastinating and blaming others when i seen to have dropped points on my last test, and also asking people online like here and going to multiple doctors ? ?? i literally messaged bodybuilding gurus etc dave palumbo even told me the numbers are fine, and points to dehydration too and i should be taking the cbc tests midday when im hydrated etc

that part where you saying im blaming others and procrastinating really pisses me off because im stressing hardcore over this and some people are saying im fine and to relax a bit and numbers dropping is a great sign, but when people are saying im procrastination and laying the blame are complete morons and not helpful at all

and are you sure your getting the conversions right? because im .4 of a point on HCT to be within range ??? one doc even said im just a bit of range and that will fall within range because im back on telmisartan
the range is 0.40-0.55 and im 0.59

Hey sorry, I misinterpreted. That's great that you are pursuing it as you are. I am truly glad to hear that.

They are not cheap shots. I perceived something wrongly, but be assured that my intention is for you to get the care you need, not attack you as such. My post comes of caring for your well being.

Please know I am eating some humble pie here, and thank you for calling me out/explaining. You are right, my assumptions about procrastination and denial were wrong, and I apologize.

You have to understand that 0.59 is a different way of expressing the Hematocrit. The difference in decimals is indeed 0.04 according to the number you received. But that is misleading. Hematocrit is a percent figure. 0.59 is 59%.

55% is the highest figure I have ever heard to be considered normal range. Again, don't look at this as 4% of 100%. Because of the non linear curve I mentioned before, every point higher is proportionally more than any point below when you pas about the 50% mark. The points themselves are not equal in terms of the increasing hazard. At 59, the risk is not 10% higher than at 49 in a linear fashion, it is greater. The rate of increase increases per point. I'll try to find a graph of this for you.

EDIT: here you go, from an article cited here on excelmale: High and Low Hematocrit Increase Cardiovascular Risks

Normal ranges vary depending on the lab/organization who is interpreting. Look, I have a blood cancer, you would not believe the number of labs I have had in the past few years. Seriously well over a thousand lab tests, hundreds in short periods during hospitalizations... I've worked with four hematologists and had CBCs run by many labs. The highest normal range I have seen has been 54, otherwise from 50 to 52. Labcorp's is 51. The 54 is my current Cancer center's normal range. I asked the doctor about why it is higher than any other. He said because the patients are so sick that such complications are secondary. i.e. he is concerned for treating the cancer foremost, and they've loosen the standards to not actually treat just about everything else, same for liver enzymes, EGFR , creatinine, electrolyte levels etc. I don't like this lower standard of care one bit man! My hormone doc was concerned when I was at 49 approaching 50. He had me get a phlebotomy before I even hit 50%. So make you assumptions and take your chances...

And I have been dealing with high hematocrit for reasons other than taking Testosterone. I have had over 25 phlebotomies in the last year. including one just this week.

So when you look at it as it's just .04, and that's very little... I am worried for you man.

EDIT, I found your post stating you are going to decrease to 150... I do not think that is enough to make a difference. I'll be impressed and pleased if it does.

And I don't know if you have knowledge about how hematocrit moves. The red blood cells live about 6 months, so natural decreases take a very long time. You have been talking about more rapid changes, but you should not expect rapid changes without blood letting.

I also have just been going through the sleep study, cpap thing. CPAP didn't work for me, I do not have obstructive apnea, but I do have sleep hypoxia and some central apnea. I've been put on oxygen while sleeping which has brought my SPO2 from mid 80's with drops into the 70's up to mid to upper 90's so there is some blessed progress. I know exactly what you are going through with this. There is such high demand and it takes forever. I had my initial consult in the beginning of August. I did not get a CPAP until late November, and did not get put on the appropriate treatment with O2 until January, all the while having frequent phlebotomies.

OK, I hope you get where I am coming from. I did not post out of disrespect. It was intended as a wake up call, but I misinterpreted, and again I apologize. We are in the same boat here.

Peace man.
Last edited:
Hey sorry, I misinterpreted. That's great that you are pursuing it as you are. I am truly glad to hear that.

They are not cheap shots. I perceived something wrongly, but be assured that my intention is for you to get the care you need, not attack you as such. My post comes of caring for your well being.

Please know I am eating some humble pie here, and thank you for calling me out/explaining. You are right, my assumptions about procrastination and denial were wrong, and I apologize.

You have to understand that 0.59 is a different way of expressing the Hematocrit. The difference in decimals is indeed 0.04 according to the number you received. But that is misleading. Hematocrit is a percent figure. 0.59 is 59%.

55% is the highest figure I have ever heard to be considered normal range. Again, don't look at this as 4% of 100%. Because of the non linear curve I mentioned before, every point higher is proportionally more than any point below when you pas about the 50% mark. The points themselves are not equal in terms of the increasing hazard. At 59, the risk is not 10% higher than at 49 in a linear fashion, it is greater. The rate of increase increases per point. I'll try to find a graph of this for you.

EDIT: here you go, from an article cited here on excelmale: High and Low Hematocrit Increase Cardiovascular Risks

Normal ranges vary depending on the lab/organization who is interpreting. Look, I have a blood cancer, you would not believe the number of labs I have had in the past few years. Seriously well over a thousand lab tests, hundreds in short periods during hospitalizations... I've worked with four hematologists and had CBCs run by many labs. The highest normal range I have seen has been 54, otherwise from 50 to 52. Labcorp's is 51. The 54 is my current Cancer center's normal range. I asked the doctor about why it is higher than any other. He said because the patients are so sick that such complications are secondary. i.e. he is concerned for treating the cancer foremost, and they've loosen the standards to not actually treat just about everything else, same for liver enzymes, EGFR , creatinine, electrolyte levels etc. I don't like this lower standard of care one bit man! My hormone doc was concerned when I was at 49 approaching 50. He had me get a phlebotomy before I even hit 50%. So make you assumptions and take your chances...

And I have been dealing with high hematocrit for reasons other than taking Testosterone. I have had over 25 phlebotomies in the last year. including one just this week.

So when you look at it as it's just .04, and that's very little... I am worried for you man.

EDIT, I found your post stating you are going to decrease to 150... I do not think that is enough to make a difference. I'll be impressed and pleased if it does.

And I don't know if you have knowledge about how hematocrit moves. The red blood cells live about 6 months, so natural decreases take a very long time. You have been talking about more rapid changes, but you should not expect rapid changes without blood letting.

I also have just been going through the sleep study, cpap thing. CPAP didn't work for me, I do not have obstructive apnea, but I do have sleep hypoxia and some central apnea. I've been put on oxygen while sleeping which has brought my SPO2 from mid 80's with drops into the 70's up to mid to upper 90's so there is some blessed progress. I know exactly what you are going through with this. There is such high demand and it takes forever. I had my initial consult in the beginning of August. I did not get a CPAP until late November, and did not get put on the appropriate treatment with O2 until January, all the while having frequent phlebotomies.

OK, I hope you get where I am coming from. I did not post out of disrespect. It was intended as a wake up call, but I misinterpreted, and again I apologize. We are in the same boat here.

Peace man.
I will write back to all this when I get a chance
But thanks for the reply ! Muchly appreciated and no worries at all , don’t worry I am taking in all the tips I can get thank you
its been a long time but thought id update everyone

had to go to docs and he blood let me

latest bloods
hemoglobin 173
HCT 0.53
mcv 95
rdw 13.3
platelets 150

so went down alot

do you guys know of ways to keep it there?
im using ip6, nattokinase and telmisartan in the meantime and will see in future

didnt have sleep apnea either which i find very weird
i swear the sleep test is wrong, or i possibly managed to have 1 normal sleep on a one off chance day i tested

ive heard the ace inhibitor 'enalapril' can lower rbcs? but it comes with rare side effect of angioedema - which is way too much of a crazy side effect to be taking that chance..
think you can die from it fairly easy
its been a long time but thought id update everyone

had to go to docs and he blood let me

latest bloods
hemoglobin 173
HCT 0.53
mcv 95
rdw 13.3
platelets 150

so went down alot

do you guys know of ways to keep it there?
im using ip6, nattokinase and telmisartan in the meantime and will see in future

didnt have sleep apnea either which i find very weird
i swear the sleep test is wrong, or i possibly managed to have 1 normal sleep on a one off chance day i tested

ive heard the ace inhibitor 'enalapril' can lower rbcs? but it comes with rare side effect of angioedema - which is way too much of a crazy side effect to be taking that chance..
think you can die from it fairly easy
Just came in to say every time I come off telmisartan, my hct and hgb go way up. I'm just staying on for good.

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