Hey guys,
I’d like some feedback on this, as I’ve heard arguments from both sides . I’m currently on TRT and supplement with HCG 350 ius twice a week . I’ve never tested my pregnenolone levels or Dhea levels, but am aware that exogenous Test can disrupt the pathways and potentially lower pregnenolone and Dhea overtime.
I’m prone to anxiety and depression; therefore, I am scared of adding Dhea or pregnenolone to my regimen, as I’ve heard some people feel great on it and some get moody, anxious, and bloat .
Do y’all think the LH mimicking of HCG is enough to keep the production of pregnenolone and other up stream hormones ? ( Side note “ before hcg I actually took a low dose clomid daily while on TRT and testicles, mood, memory felt great! Not sure if this was contributing to keeping endogenous production going , but I know it was doing something anecdotally for me )
If yes ....great! If not ...what brand of products do you recommend for pregnenolone and/or Dhea as there are so many out there.
I’d like some feedback on this, as I’ve heard arguments from both sides . I’m currently on TRT and supplement with HCG 350 ius twice a week . I’ve never tested my pregnenolone levels or Dhea levels, but am aware that exogenous Test can disrupt the pathways and potentially lower pregnenolone and Dhea overtime.
I’m prone to anxiety and depression; therefore, I am scared of adding Dhea or pregnenolone to my regimen, as I’ve heard some people feel great on it and some get moody, anxious, and bloat .
Do y’all think the LH mimicking of HCG is enough to keep the production of pregnenolone and other up stream hormones ? ( Side note “ before hcg I actually took a low dose clomid daily while on TRT and testicles, mood, memory felt great! Not sure if this was contributing to keeping endogenous production going , but I know it was doing something anecdotally for me )
If yes ....great! If not ...what brand of products do you recommend for pregnenolone and/or Dhea as there are so many out there.
How does 125IU of HCG ED affect hormones production while on TRT?
I have read the two case studies presented by Dr. Saya on HCG 150IU and 500IU, I understand how the two differ in terms of peak, and half life levels in the blood. Do we have any data, perhaps anecdotal, of what can we expect in regards to Testosterone, Estrogen and Pregnenolone production...