Iron Deficiency?

Anything I need to be concerned about with my Iron count being low?

I don't have the actual data from my Family Practice MD yet, Quest supposedly takes a week to get it put on the site. He said everything else was normal, but I don't know what all he looks at. Most likely cholesterol, liver, kidneys, etc. He does not test for Testosterone.

I've been on 200 ml which is .400 cc if I am not mistaken since around September. Just wondering if there is anything to note. I eat mostly a meat/veggie based diet, although it seems like lately a lot more chicken than beef. He put me on a 30 day with 2 refills prescription.

I have to go to him for my lisinopril and Omniprazole. Although between stopping caffeine for a bit (seeing if I have adrenal fatigue) and doing the Nitric Oxide stack the BP was good, 106/78.

My family practice doc said he does prescribe Test, but not at the levels I've been taking it. More than likely my test levels are high enough now to bring the dosage down, but we'll see. That is coming next. I wanted to run whatever tests he ran and possibly combine that with whatever else Defy needs. The thing is if your family practice doc will prescribe that's hard to walk away from, I would just have to monitor it myself.
Well I got the results back. 9 items were off, and I assume he sees prescribing Iron for three months is the way to go. One thing is my sleep has been horrible for about a year and a half, mostly due to not just going to bed.

Red Blood Cell Count - High - 6.04 (normal 4.2-5.8)
MCV - Low - 77.1 (normal 80-100)
MCH - Low - 24.4 (normal 27-33)
MCHC - Low 31.6 (normal 32-36)
RDW - High 17.3 (normal 11-15)

Metabolic Panel
Urea Nitrogen - High 28 (normal 7-25)
Bun/Creatinine ration - high 25 (normal 6-22)

Lipid Panel
HDL Cholestorol - Low 34 (normal is 40)

Cholesterol was 171, triglycerides 68. Wish I'd checked all these before I started eating Keto style close to two years ago.
I popped an iron pill, just to try it, grabbed something off the shelf at the grocery store and even accounting for some placebo affect I think I feel better.

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