189 and 190 a month apart earlier this year (90-278)
Took Zomacton HGH prescribed from IAMHRT/Florida Alternative (junk company). 2iu EOD before bed, after 3 weeks my IGF went DOWN to 180. Their PA tried to tell me not to expect my IGF1 to go up on growth hormone. Lol
Switched to 4iu eod, the next day lethargy became bad, switched to 2iu daily before bed and finished out the few months on it at 221 IGF1 level, I had been on TRT for 2 out of 3 weekly shots during this blood work. Since then I have found a whole milk that doesn't give me acne, and have been on TRT, after 10 weeks my IGF1 was 261. So TRT and possibly milk did more than the weak/fake HGH from FAM
MULTIPLE people on Reddit have messaged me saying their IGF1 dropped or barely raised on it, there's ******** groups saying it's fake, I called the manufacturer Ferring and they think it may be fake and are looking into it, and other clinics down there by them say they have heard it's Chinese Hgh. That would make sense since they told me the on the phone they compound it themselves.
So that's my experience with very weak HGH.