I would like to consult with you my case. I am 24 old man and from my puberty I suffer from some issues.
1. Energy swings (sometimes I have letargy and sometimes I have energy throughout the day - letargy more often)
2. Low asertivity
3. Tendencies to anxieties or depressions
4. Low libido (but sometimes my libido is good - It is related to energy swings)
5. Dry skin and oily / dry hair
6. Blood sugar problems sometimes while doing sport
7. Digestive issues
8. Easily burnout
9. Sensitive to many things (fried food, or white wheat etc. makes me lethargy)
My stats:
Age: 24
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 76 Kg
I prefer eating mainly raw food. I eat about 100 g / proteins daily and a lot of fats and carbs. Still more carbs than fats but I do prefer more and more good fats.
I do excerices around 3 - 4 / week usually. I am riding bike or going to gym.
History of testing:
I have 2mm microadenom on my pituitary. Doctor said it is too small to cause problems but there is no other reason in my eyes why my pituitary is working this way.
Also few months ago I had a lot of stress during one week. The day after big event I got sick. From that moment I may say that my values got worse but bellow I am sending entire my history.
Also about one year ago I tried anastrozole to increase my testosterone / estradiol ratio. But didnt worked long term for me. Worked fine for 2 monts but than anxieties started again. And was not able to find stable dose which would stabilize me long term.
Blood test 1 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
LH 2,5 U/L <1,2 - 8,6>
THS 3,32 mU/L <0,34 - 5,60>
Free T4 10,1 pmol/l <7,9 - 16,0>
Free t3 5,1 pmol/l <3,8 - 6,0 >
T4 total 90,01 nmol/l <78,00 - 157,00>
T3 total 1,68 nmol/l <1,34 - 2,73>
FSH 2,7 U/l <1,3 - 19,3>
Estradiol 130 pmol/l <0 - 173>
Prolaktin 408,7 mIU/l <56,0 - 278,0>
Testosteron 14,1 nmol/l <6,1 - 27,1>
SHBG 25,0 nmol/l <13,2 - 89,5>
FAI ( free androgen index ) 56,4 % <22,2 - 110,2>
Testes and thyroid gland was reviwed as OK by sono.
All E2 results are not a sensitive panels. Not possible to check it in Czech r. Also in Czech no possible to check RT3.
Blood test 2 (2 years or more old) - Measured in early morning
UREA = 6.7
BIL = 8.3
prolactin=22.93 (ref. range is up to 15 doc sayed)
U-LEURO=2 (higher than range)
Blood test 3 - This blood test was done 3 hours after I woke up - Prolactin is now lowered
igf-1 290 <265-410>
STH 0,03 <0-20>
SHBG 38.1 <12-75>
LH 2.26 <1,5-9,3>
FSH 2.43 <1.4-18.10>
Prolactin 12.04 <2.1-17.7>
Estradiol <0.09 <0.04-0.19>
Korizol 504 <118-618>
testosterone 12.5 <5.4-30.4>
T4 - free 15.9 <11.5-22.7>
TSH 1.707 <0.5-4.9
ACTH 28.2 <10-60>
Blood test 4
Na 141 <136-145>
K 4,1 <3,5-5,1>
CI 104 <98-107>
Ca 2,35 <2.15-2.55>
Mg 0.8 <0.66-1.07>
Cu 10.9 <12.4-20.6>
Zn 17.7 <7-23>
Glukosa 4.63 <3.33-5.59>
Fe 12 <10.6-28.3>
Blood test 5
Na 142 <137 - 146>
K 4,3 <3,8 - 5,0>
CI 100 <97 - 108>
Ca 2,57 <2,00 - 2,75>
Fosfor anorg. 1,07 <0,65 -1,61>
Iron 26,1 <7,2 - 29>
Copper 15,3 <10,99 - 21,98>
Zinc 23,3 <9,1 - 13,7>
Osmolality 292 <275 - 295>
Ferritin 134,6 <22 - 322>
Glucose 4,6 < 3,9 - 5,6>
Urea 5,8 <2,8 - 8>
Kreatinin 95 <44 - 110>
Liver function tests
Bilirubin total 17,6 <2 - 17>
ALT 0,51 <0,1 - 0,78>
AST 0,37 <0,1 - 0,72>
GGT 0,25 <0,14 - 0,84>
ALP 1,01 <0,66 - 2,2>
Albumin 50,6 <35 - 53>
Protein total 79,6 <65 - 85>
Cholesterol 4,66 <2,9 - 5>
Triacylglyceroly 0,78 <0,45 - 1,7>
Cholesterol HDL 1,44 <1 - 2,1>
Cholesterol LDL 2,87 <1,2 - 3>
IGF-I 342,9 <265 - 410>
STH 0,17 <0 - 20>
LH 1,41 <1,5 - 20>
FSH 2 <1,5-9,3>
Prolactin 16,59 <2,1 - 17,7>
Estradiol < 0,090 <0,04 - 0,19>
Progesteron 0,8 <0,9 - 3,9>
Cortizol 594 <118 - 618>
Testosteron 13,57 <5,4 - 30,4>
T3 total 1,45 <0,9 - 3>
T4 total 110,7 <60 - 150>
T4 Free 16,2 <11,5 - 22,7>
TSH 2,509 <0,5 - 4,9>
Anti Tg <15 <0,0 - 60>
Anti TPO 28 <0 - 60>
PSA 0,66 <0,0 - 1,4>
ACTH 40 <10 - 60>
Leukocyts 6,8 <4,1 - 10,2>
Erytocyts 5,44 <4,19 - 5,75>
Hemoglobin 164 <135 - 174>
Hematokrit 0,469 <0,390 - 0,510>
Blood test 6 ( - test was done at 3.2.2014)
Vit. B12 413 <141-489>
TSH 1,29 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 Free 16,5 <12 - 22>
FT3 Free 4,9 <3,1 - 6,8>
FSH 3,8 < 0 - 12,4>
LH 4,1 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 49,4 <28 -156>
Prolactin 10,79 <4,04 - 15,2>
Testosteron Total 15,25 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 292,6 <171 - 536>
Anastrozole experiment
At 6.2.2014 (February 6 2014)
I started using Anastrozole at dosing of 0,20 Mg / twice a week. My goal was to improve the testosterone and estradiol ratio, to boost LH, FSH and Testosterone levels .
Blood test results from 17.3.2014 (March 17 2014)
FT4 17,25 <12-22> +0,75 (compared to bloodwork done at 3.2.2014 - Before starding Anastrozole low dose protocol)
FT3 4,9 <3,1-6,8> +-0
FSH 4,5 <1,5-12,4> +0,7
LH 3,4 <1,7-8,6> -0,7
Estradiol 27,2 <28-156> -22,2
Testosterone 18,29 <8,64-29> +3,04
Until 10.4.2015 (2 months) I felt much better than ever before in my history. But one day I started feeling anxieties. So I decreased dose and felt few days good. Than anxieties agains so I changed the dose again and never than find a stable dose when I felt good.
Next blood work results (no drug usage from 7.8.2014) - In 2 weeks before this test I had a lot of stress and after the stres I god "flue". From this moment values got worse I believe.
TSH 2,1 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 free 14,9 <12 - 22>
LH 2,6 <1,7 - 8,6>
Testosteron 11,13 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 47,6 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,28 <4,04 - 15,2>
Early morning Cortisol 568 <171 - 536> (doctor checked as a possible culprit of my fatigue).
Blood tests from 21.1.2015
TSH 1,66 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 14,3 <12-22>
FT3 4 <3,1 - 6,8>
T4 total 75,6 <66 - 181>
T3 total 1,1 <1,2 - 3,1>
AntiTG <20 <0 - 40>
AntiTPO <10 <0-35>
(RT3 is unfortunately not measured in Czech)
Other hormones:
LH 1,7 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 66,5 <28 - 156>
PRL 9,04 <28 - 156>
Testosteron 10,65 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 270 <171 - 536>
Blood test from 10.2.2015
Mg 0,88 <0,66-1,07>
CU (měď
9,3 <12,4-20,6>
CU free 1,1 <0-1,6>
ALT 0,5 <0-0,68>
AST 0,46 <0-0,62>
GMT 0,21 <0-1>
ALP 0,93 <0 - 2,15>
Fe 22,8 <10,6 - 28,3>
Ceruloplasmin 0,18 <0,15-0,30>
Blood testing from 4.3.2015
Metanefrin 0,051 <0,140 - 0,540>
Normetanefrin 0,354 <0,130-0790>
Saliva testing from 18.3.2015
[TABLE="width: 417"]
[TD]Cortisol high[/TD]
[TD]Cortisol low[/TD]
View attachment 1277
So what do you think? Where to start? What does it appear to you is my main problem? Steroids / thyroids / adrenals?
Thank you very much for any review.
I would like to consult with you my case. I am 24 old man and from my puberty I suffer from some issues.
1. Energy swings (sometimes I have letargy and sometimes I have energy throughout the day - letargy more often)
2. Low asertivity
3. Tendencies to anxieties or depressions
4. Low libido (but sometimes my libido is good - It is related to energy swings)
5. Dry skin and oily / dry hair
6. Blood sugar problems sometimes while doing sport
7. Digestive issues
8. Easily burnout
9. Sensitive to many things (fried food, or white wheat etc. makes me lethargy)
My stats:
Age: 24
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 76 Kg
I prefer eating mainly raw food. I eat about 100 g / proteins daily and a lot of fats and carbs. Still more carbs than fats but I do prefer more and more good fats.
I do excerices around 3 - 4 / week usually. I am riding bike or going to gym.
History of testing:
I have 2mm microadenom on my pituitary. Doctor said it is too small to cause problems but there is no other reason in my eyes why my pituitary is working this way.
Also few months ago I had a lot of stress during one week. The day after big event I got sick. From that moment I may say that my values got worse but bellow I am sending entire my history.
Also about one year ago I tried anastrozole to increase my testosterone / estradiol ratio. But didnt worked long term for me. Worked fine for 2 monts but than anxieties started again. And was not able to find stable dose which would stabilize me long term.
Blood test 1 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
LH 2,5 U/L <1,2 - 8,6>
THS 3,32 mU/L <0,34 - 5,60>
Free T4 10,1 pmol/l <7,9 - 16,0>
Free t3 5,1 pmol/l <3,8 - 6,0 >
T4 total 90,01 nmol/l <78,00 - 157,00>
T3 total 1,68 nmol/l <1,34 - 2,73>
FSH 2,7 U/l <1,3 - 19,3>
Estradiol 130 pmol/l <0 - 173>
Prolaktin 408,7 mIU/l <56,0 - 278,0>
Testosteron 14,1 nmol/l <6,1 - 27,1>
SHBG 25,0 nmol/l <13,2 - 89,5>
FAI ( free androgen index ) 56,4 % <22,2 - 110,2>
Testes and thyroid gland was reviwed as OK by sono.
All E2 results are not a sensitive panels. Not possible to check it in Czech r. Also in Czech no possible to check RT3.
Blood test 2 (2 years or more old) - Measured in early morning
UREA = 6.7
BIL = 8.3
prolactin=22.93 (ref. range is up to 15 doc sayed)
U-LEURO=2 (higher than range)
Blood test 3 - This blood test was done 3 hours after I woke up - Prolactin is now lowered
igf-1 290 <265-410>
STH 0,03 <0-20>
SHBG 38.1 <12-75>
LH 2.26 <1,5-9,3>
FSH 2.43 <1.4-18.10>
Prolactin 12.04 <2.1-17.7>
Estradiol <0.09 <0.04-0.19>
Korizol 504 <118-618>
testosterone 12.5 <5.4-30.4>
T4 - free 15.9 <11.5-22.7>
TSH 1.707 <0.5-4.9
ACTH 28.2 <10-60>
Blood test 4
Na 141 <136-145>
K 4,1 <3,5-5,1>
CI 104 <98-107>
Ca 2,35 <2.15-2.55>
Mg 0.8 <0.66-1.07>
Cu 10.9 <12.4-20.6>
Zn 17.7 <7-23>
Glukosa 4.63 <3.33-5.59>
Fe 12 <10.6-28.3>
Blood test 5
Na 142 <137 - 146>
K 4,3 <3,8 - 5,0>
CI 100 <97 - 108>
Ca 2,57 <2,00 - 2,75>
Fosfor anorg. 1,07 <0,65 -1,61>
Iron 26,1 <7,2 - 29>
Copper 15,3 <10,99 - 21,98>
Zinc 23,3 <9,1 - 13,7>
Osmolality 292 <275 - 295>
Ferritin 134,6 <22 - 322>
Glucose 4,6 < 3,9 - 5,6>
Urea 5,8 <2,8 - 8>
Kreatinin 95 <44 - 110>
Liver function tests
Bilirubin total 17,6 <2 - 17>
ALT 0,51 <0,1 - 0,78>
AST 0,37 <0,1 - 0,72>
GGT 0,25 <0,14 - 0,84>
ALP 1,01 <0,66 - 2,2>
Albumin 50,6 <35 - 53>
Protein total 79,6 <65 - 85>
Cholesterol 4,66 <2,9 - 5>
Triacylglyceroly 0,78 <0,45 - 1,7>
Cholesterol HDL 1,44 <1 - 2,1>
Cholesterol LDL 2,87 <1,2 - 3>
IGF-I 342,9 <265 - 410>
STH 0,17 <0 - 20>
LH 1,41 <1,5 - 20>
FSH 2 <1,5-9,3>
Prolactin 16,59 <2,1 - 17,7>
Estradiol < 0,090 <0,04 - 0,19>
Progesteron 0,8 <0,9 - 3,9>
Cortizol 594 <118 - 618>
Testosteron 13,57 <5,4 - 30,4>
T3 total 1,45 <0,9 - 3>
T4 total 110,7 <60 - 150>
T4 Free 16,2 <11,5 - 22,7>
TSH 2,509 <0,5 - 4,9>
Anti Tg <15 <0,0 - 60>
Anti TPO 28 <0 - 60>
PSA 0,66 <0,0 - 1,4>
ACTH 40 <10 - 60>
Leukocyts 6,8 <4,1 - 10,2>
Erytocyts 5,44 <4,19 - 5,75>
Hemoglobin 164 <135 - 174>
Hematokrit 0,469 <0,390 - 0,510>
Blood test 6 ( - test was done at 3.2.2014)
Vit. B12 413 <141-489>
TSH 1,29 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 Free 16,5 <12 - 22>
FT3 Free 4,9 <3,1 - 6,8>
FSH 3,8 < 0 - 12,4>
LH 4,1 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 49,4 <28 -156>
Prolactin 10,79 <4,04 - 15,2>
Testosteron Total 15,25 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 292,6 <171 - 536>
Anastrozole experiment
At 6.2.2014 (February 6 2014)
I started using Anastrozole at dosing of 0,20 Mg / twice a week. My goal was to improve the testosterone and estradiol ratio, to boost LH, FSH and Testosterone levels .
Blood test results from 17.3.2014 (March 17 2014)
FT4 17,25 <12-22> +0,75 (compared to bloodwork done at 3.2.2014 - Before starding Anastrozole low dose protocol)
FT3 4,9 <3,1-6,8> +-0
FSH 4,5 <1,5-12,4> +0,7
LH 3,4 <1,7-8,6> -0,7
Estradiol 27,2 <28-156> -22,2
Testosterone 18,29 <8,64-29> +3,04
Until 10.4.2015 (2 months) I felt much better than ever before in my history. But one day I started feeling anxieties. So I decreased dose and felt few days good. Than anxieties agains so I changed the dose again and never than find a stable dose when I felt good.
Next blood work results (no drug usage from 7.8.2014) - In 2 weeks before this test I had a lot of stress and after the stres I god "flue". From this moment values got worse I believe.
TSH 2,1 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 free 14,9 <12 - 22>
LH 2,6 <1,7 - 8,6>
Testosteron 11,13 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 47,6 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,28 <4,04 - 15,2>
Early morning Cortisol 568 <171 - 536> (doctor checked as a possible culprit of my fatigue).
Blood tests from 21.1.2015
TSH 1,66 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 14,3 <12-22>
FT3 4 <3,1 - 6,8>
T4 total 75,6 <66 - 181>
T3 total 1,1 <1,2 - 3,1>
AntiTG <20 <0 - 40>
AntiTPO <10 <0-35>
(RT3 is unfortunately not measured in Czech)
Other hormones:
LH 1,7 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 66,5 <28 - 156>
PRL 9,04 <28 - 156>
Testosteron 10,65 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 270 <171 - 536>
Blood test from 10.2.2015
Mg 0,88 <0,66-1,07>
CU (měď

CU free 1,1 <0-1,6>
ALT 0,5 <0-0,68>
AST 0,46 <0-0,62>
GMT 0,21 <0-1>
ALP 0,93 <0 - 2,15>
Fe 22,8 <10,6 - 28,3>
Ceruloplasmin 0,18 <0,15-0,30>
Blood testing from 4.3.2015
Metanefrin 0,051 <0,140 - 0,540>
Normetanefrin 0,354 <0,130-0790>
Saliva testing from 18.3.2015
[TABLE="width: 417"]
[TD]Cortisol high[/TD]
[TD]Cortisol low[/TD]
View attachment 1277
So what do you think? Where to start? What does it appear to you is my main problem? Steroids / thyroids / adrenals?
Thank you very much for any review.