Human in vitro spermatogenesis as a regenerative therapy

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Human in vitro spermatogenesis as a regenerative therapy — where do we stand? (2023)
Meghan Robinson, Sydney Sparanese, Luke Witherspoon & Ryan Flannigan


Spermatogenesis involves precise temporal and spatial gene expression and cell signaling to reach a coordinated balance between self-renewal and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells through various germ cell states including mitosis, and meiosis I and II, which result in the generation of haploid cells with a unique genetic identity. Subsequently, these round spermatids undergo a series of morphological changes to shed excess cytoplast, develop a midpiece and tail, and undergo DNA repackaging to eventually form millions of spermatozoa. The goal of recreating this process in vitro has been pursued since the 1920s as a tool to treat male factor infertility in patients with azoospermia. Continued advances in reproductive bioengineering led to the successful generation of mature, functional sperm in mice and, in the past 3 years, in humans. Multiple approaches to studying human in vitro spermatogenesis have been proposed, but technical and ethical obstacles have limited the ability to complete spermiogenesis, and further work is needed to establish a robust culture system for clinical application.


Spermatogenesis is the foundation of male reproduction. Following the pubertal transition, males typically produce tens to hundreds of millions of motile sperm1. During natural conception, these sperm will navigate the female reproductive tract to find and fertilize the oocyte2. However, ~15% of couples globally experience challenges with natural conception, and approximately half of these instances can be ascribed to male factors3. Advances in assisted reproductive technologies have enabled the reproductive community to overcome most forms of male infertility, and pregnancies and live births can be achieved with techniques such as in vitro fertilization–intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI) using as few as one viable and functional sperm4,5. However, IVF-ICSI is not a suitable solution in patients with no detectable sperm, a condition known as azoospermia.

Azoospermia is diagnosed when a complete absence of sperm is observed in at least two semen samples, although microscopic evaluation of a centrifuged sample is performed. Azoospermia ascribed to abnormalities in sperm production is termed non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA).
Amongst European men, NOA with an intrinsic etiology (due to genetic abnormalities) occurs in <25% of patients6,7. Therapeutic options in these patients are limited to microdissection testicular sperm extraction, which leads to surgical sperm retrieval in ~50% of patients and, in combination with IVF-ICSI, might result in a live birth in 10–25% of couples8–10. However, the remaining patients have no therapeutic options to father a biological child. NOA might also be ascribed to extrinsic factors such as gonadotoxic therapies including chemotherapy and radiotherapy11,12. Sperm banking might be offered to patients who undergo these iatrogenic insults after puberty13. With regard to patients with prepubertal iatrogenic insults, some centers offer testicular biopsy and cryopreservation, with the hope that future technologies will be developed to facilitate complete differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) into mature sperm capable of producing offspring14. Thus, regenerative treatment strategies for patients with NOA are strongly needed, particularly for patients with no retrievable sperm or prepubertal cancer survivors15–22. A possible approach is in vitro spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis (IVS), in which spermatozoa are generated from SSCs in a laboratory setting. Considering ethical concerns and the scarcity of human fetal tissue, animal models have provided an invaluable tool to optimize technologies that can be applied to support human spermatogenesis. Approaches developed in animal models have laid the foundation for the potential use of in vitro spermatogenesis for infertility treatment. Successful ex vivo production of mature spermatids with fertilization capacity from immature germ cells using mouse testicular organotypic culture was first described in 2011 (ref. 23). In this study, fertile, haploid sperm were obtained with similar efficiency from fresh and cryopreserved testicular samples from neonatal mice. Moreover, using a similar culture method, differentiated spermatogonia were produced from testis tissue obtained from adult mice with spermatogenic defects24

*In this Review, we comprehensively discuss the approaches used to date in developing human IVS, emerging technologies that might be integrated to advance this field, and safety considerations necessary before implementing future IVS technologies into regular clinical use.

Human spermatogenesis

Human spermatogenesis is a complex process in which precise temporal and spatial events are coordinated by local support from somatic cells through direct contact, and juxtacrine and paracrine signalling25–28 (Fig. 1). The entire process of spermatogenesis occurs in cycles of 74 days, with new waves of SSCs entering differentiation every 16 days29

Approaches for human in vitro spermatogenesis

IVS requires spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis to occur outside the body. Preliminary findings have suggested that partial differentiation can occur in vitro47–51, but the entire process has been shown to be challenging. To date, several approaches have been attempted, spanning 2D and 3D culture systems (Fig. 2), and a variety of media and biomaterials (Table 1). These approaches have been tested in numerous animal models with impressive results17,23,52–73. Owing to the increasing breadth of research in model systems, this Review focuses on human IVS.

*2D culture systems

*Sertoli cell feeder systems

*Vero cell feeder systems

*Pluripotent stem cell-derived systems

*2D IVS systems — considerations

Organotypic culture systems

A possible approach to IVS is in vitro culture of the complete testicular niche (known as organotypic culture (Fig. 2c)), with the idea that spermatogenesis can resume in vitro with the support of the natural microenvironment. A major challenge with this approach has been to keep the tissues viable and functional without bodily support, including delivery of oxygen, vitamins, nutrients, and trophic factors through diffusion from the local vascular system.

*Air–liquid interface


*Organotypic systems — considerations

3D scaffolds, 3D organoids and 3D bioprinted systems

An alternative approach to organotypic systems is to bioengineer the testicular niche (Fig. 2d–f). With this method, physiological tissue structures can be recreated in vitro, as intercellular signaling, diffusion, and local concentration gradients of cell-secreted factors are recapitulated in the 3D histoarchitecture104. Thus, this approach could mimic in vivo tissue organization, but, differently from organotypic culture systems, cellular alterations or treatments can be performed before establishing the 3D cytoarchitecture. Moreover, the issue of cell viability is solved by the diffusion of nutrients from the medium and oxygen through porous scaffolding.

*3D scaffolds

*3D organoids

*3D bioprinting

*3D scaffolds, 3D organoids and 3D bioprinted IVS systems — considerations

*Lessons on successful IVS from animals

*Medium considerations

Future directions

An impressive body of work has been dedicated to developing complete human IVS; however, the establishment of a fully characterized system for clinical use remains an open challenge. Additional research is required to generate a robust model to recreate the native testicular microenvironment and spermatogenic functionality.

*3D-bioprinting, bio-inks, and microspheres

*In vitro rescue of somatic cell functions in patients with NOA

*Ethical and safety measures


Restoring sperm production as a potential therapeutic strategy for patients with infertility is urgently needed. To date, several approaches have been used to model human IVS. Organotypic and organoid cultures highlighted the importance of the testicular niche and, perhaps, have been the most promising approaches to support testicular microenvironment assembly and spermatogenesis94,97,111. However, in most studies to date, robust completion of spermiogenesis was not shown and was limited in part by the need to optimize medium factors for the delivery of physiological nutrients in vitro, and to recreate the testicular histological architecture and cell–cell signaling required for differentiation. Several promising technologies such as 3D organoid and bio-printed IVS systems are emerging with the potential to bring IVS technology close to clinical translation. However, numerous safety considerations and evaluations including the use of xenofree materials and the establishment of safety checkpoints to confirm the generation of genetically, epigenetically, and morphologically normal sperm will be necessary to achieve the direct application of these technologies to the clinical sphere.


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Fig. 1 | Human spermatogenesis. Simplified schematic cross-section of a seminiferous tubule and surrounding interstitial space. Reported cell–cell signaling pathways involved in the process of spermatogenesis are also shown. Notably, germ cells are not isolated as depicted, but are instead interconnected by intercellular bridges, enabling cytoplasmic exchange of contents until subsequent post-meiotic stages, in which these intercellular bridges disappear.
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Fig. 2 | Culture techniques for supporting in vitro spermatogenesis. an Example of 2D monolayer culture. Confocal brightfield image of freshly isolated human germ cells cultured on a 2D laminin-coated dish. The scale bar is 25 µm (R.F., unpublished work). b, Example of 2D feeder cell culture. Confocal brightfield image of human germ cells cultured on human testicular somatic feeder cells. Germ cells are rounded and have large nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratios, whereas somatic feeder cells are flat and fibroblast-like, with small nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratios. The scale bar is 100 µm (R.F., unpublished work). c, Example of 3D organotypic culture. Left: confocal brightfield image of freshly isolated human seminiferous tubules. Right: hematoxylin and eosin-stained section of a small fraction of human seminiferous tubules after organotypic culture. Scale bars are 100 µm (R.F., unpublished work). d, Example of 3D scaffold culture. Color microscope image of human testicular cells cultured in a 3D Matrigel scaffold. The scale bar is 100 µm (R.F., unpublished work). e, Example of 3D human testicular organoid culture. Confocal brightfield image of organoids generated in microwells from human testicular cells after 4 weeks in suspension culture. The scale bar is 100 µm (R.F., unpublished work). f, Example of 3D bio-printed culture. Confocal brightfield image of a hollow tubular bio print laden with human testicular cells. The scale bar is 100 µm (R.F., unpublished work).
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Fig. 3 | Proposed personalized and precision medicine workflow for restoring sperm production using IVS. Sequential phases of development describe the methodological components necessary to achieve in vitro spermatogenesis (IVS) and to translate this technology into clinical practice; these phases include pre-processing, processing, post-processing, evaluation, and application. During pre-processing, cellular function and dysfunction within the testicular niche need to be understood through a personalized and precision medicine framework in which single-cell RNA and epigenetic-based sequencing techniques can be used to characterize patient-specific and testicular-cell-type-specific function and dysfunction. The processing phase consists of sorting specific testicular cell types from a patient’s testis biopsy and expanding these cells in vitro to potentially recreate a functional niche using 3D organoids, 3D bioprinting, or other culture systems. During post-processing, culture conditions must be optimized by selecting the necessary growth factors and establishing culture system arrangements to facilitate the survival and progression of germ cell differentiation into haploid, elongated spermatids. For the evaluation phase, the states of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis must first be assessed through techniques such as hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, analysis of cell-type-specific protein and RNA markers, and single-cell RNA sequencing; spermatid functionality might then be evaluated using sex-chromosome-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization probes and flow cytometry with nuclear stains to confirm the haploid state, and single-cell DNA sequencing to assess short tandem repeat (STR) and confirm the success of homologous recombination during meiosis94. Bisulfite sequencing might also be considered to assess the epigenetic methylation status of the resultant spermatids. Copy number variants and STRs in the resultant embryo can be used to validate the occurrence of fertilization of the oocyte with paternal and maternal DNA contributions. The application phase includes the selection and use of spermatozoa for in vitro fertilization–intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI). FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; MACS, magnetic-activated cell sorting; qPCR, quantitative PCR; SSCs, spermatogonial stem cells. Contextual framework adapted for human spermatogenesis from ref. 172, CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0).
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Key points

• Spermatogenesis includes a complex and highly regulated series of steps required for the production of mature, motile sperm. Efforts to recreate this process in vitro are ongoing to support the treatment of male factor infertility, particularly non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)

• Advances in the ex vivo production of mature spermatids in animal models have provided new insights for the successful achievement of these results in humans

• Several approaches to achieve human in vitro spermatogenesis have been described, such as 2D and 3D cultures including scaffold, organoid-based, and bio-printed systems, which are supported by a variety of media and biomaterials

• Complete spermatid differentiation in vitro has been shown in some studies, although this process frequently occurred at an accelerated rate compared with the expected course in vivo; moreover, these results still need to be independently replicated by other research groups

• The future perspective of using gene editing to investigate and rescue NOA phenotypes is promising but is limited by regulatory and ethical considerations
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