How to overcome Obesity.


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I am Alex, I am a freelancer and mostly work from home. My weight is around 234lbs and I want to cut atleast 50lbs in a month. Is this task possible and if Yes then what need to be done to achieve this. I also like eating very much. So, is there any way that I don't have to quit on my eating and achieve my goal. Is it possible to lose my extra weight by use of some drug or so, If true please let me know.
Alex, I won't BS you, I've never had to lose weight on that level. I can't personally see any healthy method of losing that much weight in such a short period of time. With that said, I would love to hear about you achieving this goal, but by no means do we want to hear that you had to cut some serious corners to make it happen.

Maybe others that have gone through similar ordeals will share their insight on how to go about this. And actually, if you start changing your diet up to where you are eating smaller, but more frequent meals, plus changing up when and what you do with your carbs/protein/fat, you will ultimately change how your metabolism reacts. Combine this with the correct formula of exercise, supplements & sleep and you will be amazed what takes place with the body. Maybe not 50bs/month amazed, but going in the right direction none the less.
People that work from home in front of a computer tend to spend many hours sitting. They do not spend the necessary calories for weight loss.

Not only you have to cut down your calories, you also have to get up every hour or so to walk for at least 5 minutes. Some studies have found that taking 10,000 steps per day (about 3 miles) makes it easier to keep weight off.

I have myself on a timer to get up for a few minutes every 90 minutes. I also try to make it to the gym 3 to 4 times per week. I do 30 min of resistance exercise plus 30 min of light cardio until I sweat. Practical Exercise Tips
I also try to follow this diet:

The Science of Healthy Eating
Hi Alex,
How tall are you 234lbs is not that heavy if you 6ft.
I have been there an still have some to lose. (289 down to 255) I will tell you that to lose 50lbs in a month is not going to happen. I am sure you didnt put it on in a month so why would you think it would come off faster then you put it on. :-) You have to think of it that way. Also if you start lifting then you gain muscle and lose fat but not weight. The scale is not your friend. it lies all the time.

You have to find a way to eat that works for you. For example I took up cycling and lost a lot of size but didn't lose a lot of weight. I do not eat any dairy products and limit my meat intake. goal is to be vegan, but hard to be vegan when your the only one in the house. I eat a high carb, low protein, low fat diet. about 80-90% (good)carbs, 10% protein and 10% fat. Most of what I eat is fruit and veggies. Salad example. 1lbs of spinach and strawberries with no dressing. Bad example is pasta with with meat sauce, garlic bread with butter. Pasta good, Meat has fat, butter has fat. The fat you eat is the fat you wear.... Durian rider quote. Corn past with vegan sauce would be a better choice.

I eat at least 3000 cal a day and lose but I also cycle over 150 miles a week. You have to have the fuel to workout, the days when I dont eat as much a have no energy to workout. I do not subscribe to the cut calories method of losing. It never works and you will always fail. Look up Raw till 4 on ******** or youtube. You will find Durianrider and Freely who tell it like it is and if you do what they say it does really work. Its not easy to make life style changes. Raw till 4 is 100% Vegan raw foods (80-10-10) only till 4 (nothing cooked). Then 80-10-10 vegan dinner. Good Luck
With all due respect, Durainrider and Freely are hacks who disseminate bad nutrition advice that will end up destroying your health. Fat does not make you fat, and it is vital for your over all health. 80-10-10 will place you in a perpetual catabolic state, destroying your muscle tissue, skeletal system, immune system, which will result in fatigue, zero sex-drive, anxiety, depression and insomnia.
No worries JW everyone has their own opinion. If the American diet is so dang good why is obesity such an issue.
That is why I said everyone has to find the diet that works for them. Palio, Medertainian, Adkins, SAD (Standard American Diet) or whatever. I can tell you from my own experience that the RawTill4 works and I am type II diabetic. I do my best to stick to 80-10-10 and my labs show me it works for me. A1C is lower then it was before I moved to RawTill4 all other labs are good and my doctors agree with the diet. I tried the Palio diet and always had massive blood sugar swings, I dont get those now.

Read the book The China Study. :-)
I was born on a diet:)

Been down a lot of different diet roads.
This seems to be working for me.
I have lost 10lbs with another 40 or so to go.
Sound concept and easy to follow.
Slow and steady based on the research done with no neg impacts.
Here is a link to a Suppversity article that caught my eye.
A LOT of good stuff at Suppversity and a great ******** page with regular post about the articles.
Notice that Varady is referenced 5 times as background data for the article (Her research studies).

I got the following book

The Every-Other-Day Diet: The Diet That LetsYou Eat All You Want (Half the Time) and Keep the Weight Off Hardcover– December 24, 2013

Krista Varady(Author)
The first 1/3 has the scientific basis for why it works and reference a number of research studies that back the concept up. The last 2/3's is standard diet book fill with page after page of menu suggestions, etc.
Basically it is 500 cal every other day and eat regular every other day.
I skip breakfast and have an apple and orange for lunch and a lean cuisine thing for dinner on fast day.
Next day is regular meals.
Hope this helps.
at least 30 minutes workout is required for you to lose weight. you should manage your diet plan, do some exercise which is beneficial for your weight loss.
There are various reasons attributed for the casues of Obesity
There are certain genetical factors plays a vital role in obesity.
excess consuption of fatty or foods.OVER EATING is not a smart sign but a one step towards to OVER WEIGHT.
Slow metabolism- Metabolism is a process in which calories are burned. Some women feels very much disappointed that even after rigrous excercise they do not reduce weight. studies confirms the fact that women have less muscle than men and muscle burns more calories than tissue. As a result women have slower metabolism which causes weight reduction difficult for women.
Less physical activities: Unless regular physical activities calaries will not burn. National health and examination survey exhibit that physical inactivity was strongly correlated with weight gain in both male as well female.
Certain medications trigger weight gain. Psychiatric drugs like olanzepine, BP medications as well certain diabetic medications.
Psychological factors: Some women over come anxity and depressive mood by eating more and eating caually.
Lack of sleep is an another cause of obesity.

Thanks nelson for he useful tip

People that work from home in front of a computer tend to spend many hours sitting. They do not spend the necessary calories for weight loss.

Not only you have to cut down your calories, you also have to get up every hour or so to walk for at least 5 minutes. Some studies have found that taking 10,000 steps per day (about 3 miles) makes it easier to keep weight off.

I have myself on a timer to get up for a few minutes every 90 minutes. I also try to make it to the gym 3 to 4 times per week. I do 30 min of resistance exercise plus 30 min of light cardio until I sweat. Practical Exercise Tips

I also try to follow this diet:

The Science of Healthy Eating
i totally understand that i have set a high target, but thats how its gonna work for me, if i achieve even half of it, it will be great, thanks for reply
I was at 240 lbs, started doing morning cardio 1 hours walks for about 8 months, lost about 40 pounds but with strict diet, low carbs, low fats, high protein, also spending one hour resistant training everyday on top of cardio. it ain't that simple unless you starve yourself and cause more harm to your health. oh and there is no magic pill BTW, no pain no gain!

my suggestion is whatever your goal is start today but do it the healthy way.
I am Alex, I am a freelancer and mostly work from home. My weight is around 234lbs and I want to cut atleast 50lbs in a month. Is this task possible and if Yes then what need to be done to achieve this. I also like eating very much. So, is there any way that I don't have to quit on my eating and achieve my goal. Is it possible to lose my extra weight by use of some drug or so, If true please let me know.
Lose weight quickly in 12 hours for the wedding, New Year's Day or the welder you will only surgeon (and not advice)!
AIR contains no calories !!! You can not "almost nothing is" and gain 10 pounds of fat per month.
STOP malnourished FINALLY !!!
The only correct and painless way to weight loss - eat less and move more. There are people on the nature prone to obesity if you are among them then the first thing to learn is what will have to sweat. Fat itself is not going away. The best effect was observed with a diet, exercising at the gym and aerobic exercise. The very first thing to do is to clean up your diet.
Many people think that fat burner - a magic pill taking which can do nothing and lose weight.
NO! Remember one thing - the more effective means, so it is more harmful.

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