How long for sperm production to return after starting HCG?

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Started hcg this week @125iu every day. Just wondering how long it will take for my body to start sperm production. I've been on trt without hcg for almost a year, the wife and I are trying to have a baby now. I've never had my sperm tested, but I know testosterone shuts down production.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I would think it will start quickly, but it may take some time to build up to a 'usable' level for lack of a better word.
From what I understand, but I may be wrong...I am sure someone knowledgeable will correct me if this is incorect but:

It is almost impossible/incredibly difficult to get a girl pregnant while you are on Testosterone. People get pregnant all the time while their mate is on testosterone because "it only takes 1 swimmer" but the chances are still very very low. Taking HCG while on Testosterone only keeps your testicles functioning and makes recovering fertility a lot easier should you choose to stop testosterone to try and have kids. When I first started TRT I was very concerned about the fertility part of it and I eventually want to have kids one day. My Doctor had a sperm analysis done before I started and I was indeed fertile and he said taking HCG during TRT will help insure fertility and when the time comes to have kids he said he would have me come off of testosterone temporarily and prescribe me Clomid and getting my girl pregnant should not be a problem since I was fertile before I started TRT and I took/have taken HCG throughout my TRT. Clomid basicly jump starts your testicles and whatever natural testosterone production you have and the HCG makes the "jump start" easier and more effective. Double check me to make sure this is all correct with your Doc but if I remember correctly this is the way my Doctor explained it to me.

Best of luck having kids!
Keep us posted on what happens because I am going to be in your shoes one day soon :)
From what I understand, but I may be wrong...I am sure someone knowledgeable will correct me if this is incorect but:

It is almost impossible/incredibly difficult to get a girl pregnant while you are on Testosterone. People get pregnant all the time while their mate is on testosterone because "it only takes 1 swimmer" but the chances are still very very low. Taking HCG while on Testosterone only keeps your testicles functioning and makes recovering fertility a lot easier should you choose to stop testosterone to try and have kids. When I first started TRT I was very concerned about the fertility part of it and I eventually want to have kids one day. My Doctor had a sperm analysis done before I started and I was indeed fertile and he said taking HCG during TRT will help insure fertility and when the time comes to have kids he said he would have me come off of testosterone temporarily and prescribe me Clomid and getting my girl pregnant should not be a problem since I was fertile before I started TRT and I took/have taken HCG throughout my TRT. Clomid basicly jump starts your testicles and whatever natural testosterone production you have and the HCG makes the "jump start" easier and more effective. Double check me to make sure this is all correct with your Doc but if I remember correctly this is the way my Doctor explained it to me.

Best of luck having kids!
Keep us posted on what happens because I am going to be in your shoes one day soon :)
I just talked to my new general practitioner today and we decided to put my sperm under the microscope and see what kind of count and fuction is there. If it doesn't look good I'm going to come off of trt and go from there. I'm really trying to avoid coming off but if that's my only chance at conceiving then I will. We didn't have any luck before trt either, so a fertility specialist may be in the future. Thanks for the good luck
I just talked to my new general practitioner today and we decided to put my sperm under the microscope and see what kind of count and fuction is there. If it doesn't look good I'm going to come off of trt and go from there. I'm really trying to avoid coming off but if that's my only chance at conceiving then I will. We didn't have any luck before trt either, so a fertility specialist may be in the future. Thanks for the good luck

No problem, just some advice if you are on TRT and just started HCG you are almost wasting your time/money testing your's count/quality is going to be terrible and your Doc should know that. I would go directly to a fertility specialist. Like I said it's not impossible to get her pregnant while on Testosterone but it is very very unlikely. Your best shot (no pun intended LOL) is seeing a fertility specialist and they will most likely have you come off (just temporarily) and put you on some kind of Clomid and possibly a large HCG dose to start.

Keep us posted :)
No problem, just some advice if you are on TRT and just started HCG you are almost wasting your time/money testing your's count/quality is going to be terrible and your Doc should know that. I would go directly to a fertility specialist. Like I said it's not impossible to get her pregnant while on Testosterone but it is very very unlikely. Your best shot (no pun intended LOL) is seeing a fertility specialist and they will most likely have you come off (just temporarily) and put you on some kind of Clomid and possibly a large HCG dose to start.

Keep us posted :)

Agreed. 3 months of HCG then test it.
I'm a big fan of the benefits of coq10, I've posted on the benefits of it. Here's one for sperm.
In sperm cells, the majority of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) an energy promoting agent and antioxidant, is concentrated in the mitochondria of the midpiece, so that the energy for movement and all other energy-dependent processes in the sperm cell also depend on the availability of CoQ10. The reduced form of CoQ10-ubiquinol also acts as an antioxidant, preventing lipid peroxidation in sperm membranes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of CoQ10 on sperm motility in vitro, after incubation with 38 samples of asthenospermic and normal motility sperm, and to evaluate the effect of CoQ10 administration in vivo in 17 patients with low fertilization rates after in vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for male factor infertility. All 38 sperm samples from patients registered in our infertility clinic had normal concentrations and morphology. Of these, 16 patients had normal motility (mean 47.5%) and 22 patients were asthenospermic (mean motility 19.1%). Sperm samples were divided into four equal parts and incubated for 24 h in: HAM's medium alone, in HAM's medium with 1% DMSO and HAM's with 5 microM or 50 microM CoQ10. While no significant change in motility after incubation was observed in the samples with initial normal motility, a significant increase in motility was observed in the 50 microM CoQ10 subgroup of sperm from asthenospermic men, with a motility rate of 35.7 +/- 19.5%, as compared to 19.1 +/- 9.3% in the controls (P < 0.05). The 17 patients with low fertilization rates after ICSI were treated with oral CoQ10, 60 mg/day, for a mean of 103 days before the next ICSI treatment. No significant change was noted in most sperm parameters, but a significant improvement was noted in fertilization rates, from a mean of 10.3 +/- 10.5% in their previous cycles, to 26.3 +/- 22.8% after CoQ10 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the administration of CoQ10 may result in improvement in sperm functions in selective patients. Further investigation into the mechanisms related to these effects is needed.

I use a lot more than what they used in the study.
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