HIV bodybuilder about to start his first cycle


New Member
I am a 30 y.o. male who was recently diagnosed with HIV a few months ago.
As a dedicated lifter, I'm concerned about the effects HIV might have on my physique.

I was put on treatment right away and my viral load is now undetectable with CD4 being in the 900 range.

I have been lifting for over 10 years and was about to start my first AAS cycle right before my diagnosis, so I decided to wait until I was undetectable.

My trainer has proposed a 10-week boldenone with a test base as my first cycle. He has reassured me that I would be injecting a relatively low and "harmless" dose, however I am concerned with potential interactions with my meds.

I have been on Odefsey, which is a relatively new drug with virtually no sides as far as I can tell. I know test has no real interactions to speak of but I couldn't find any studies regarding boldenone.
I am also concerned abut possible interactions with PCT, though my trainer has assured me that it shouldn't be needed with low dosages.

Does anyone know how safe this combo might be?
This is not a bodybuilding site. I have only used nandrolone, testosterone, and oxandrolone in the past due to wasting. Those products are produced by compounding pharmacies like if your doctor faxes a prescription. I would NOT use street anabolic steroids for fear of affecting my liver or immune system.

There is no known interaction with Odefsy but keep in mind that your creatinine may increase and freak out your doctor.

Please download my free book and educate yourself before you inject any product.

FREE Nelson's First Book: Built to Survive- Medical Use of Anabolic Steroids
This is not a steroids forum, cycles, and AAS, it is a mens health forum that supports the therapeutic use of testosterone and TRT. Please make yourself welcome here within that scope but you will not get help with what you're asking.
HIV wasting is a health concern, even though originally my cycle was intended for bodybuilding purposes, so preventive TRT is something that belongs here.

In fact, I was specifically redirected to this forum because I was told it was the right place to ask such questions.

If the OP was misleading then I apologize for that, just know that I'm looking into this subject for both reasons.

@Nelson Vergel

I appreciate and understand your concern. I will look for safer alternatives. Thank you for your reply.
I would suggest to keep monitoring your bloodwork with your doctor regarding your hemocrit and CD4 levels. AAS cycles may raise your Hemocrit levels, or separately lower your CD4 levels. You will have to monitor these levels to understand how your body will react with AAS cycles.
Dear All,

I was diagnosed at October 18th, 2018. Since then I gave up from tennis and soccer and dedicated myself at Gym training 4 times a week, better nutrition and healty cares.

I found Mr. Vergel as an inspiration. And now got into this community do get some helpfull info and also help someone if I can. Now I'm training (with personal), using good food (with
nutritionist monitoring) and using Whey protein and Glutamina everyday.

My personal trainer told me abt to use Testosterone in against my abt Belly Fat Accumulation. I'm very insecure abt that.

See Yaa...
Many Tks for you support and Help!

By my Tests results, I don't think I need testosterone now (total 653,0 ng/dL and Free T. 9,81 ng/dL).

I´m 6′ 1″ ft height and my weight is around 198,5 lbs. My abdominal circunference is 94 cm never changed so much since the training start (chest, back, arm got bigger).

I want to loose this belly for two reason, maybe three. 1 - Take out of my mind that it is a effect from HIV or treatment. 2 - Get a better shape looking. 3 - Take out my shirt in front of mirror and don't find myself as a pear.

I also forgot to mention before I'm taking also vitamin C and Centrum Vitamin everyday.


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