Hip Replacement Surgery Experiences

i'll need to lose nearly 15kg more to get my op.
I would try semaglutide.

August 17 2023 I will get a full hip arthroplasty.
How did it go?


It has been a year since my hip replacement.

Since about March, I have experienced pain again in the hip that got replaced. It happens when I walk for over 15 minutes. My medical team is looking into it. So far, Xrays look OK. MRI and CT scan results are to be reviewed on Tuesday. I am starting to think that my pre-existing spine issues are influencing my hip flexor at the L2/L3 level. I will know more next week.

hip replacement.webp
An anecdote:

I was having a fairly scary level of hip pain in one hip for several years, and although I did all the usual suspects to try to fix it, the thing that had the most immediate short-term benefit which basically made all the pain go away for a while, has been stretching my hamstrings. My stretch was standing on my good leg/hip and elevating the bad leg onto something about the height of a table and holding that for a minute or two while leaning into the stretch and adding angle variations. I wouldn't have thought that would make a difference, but it certainly did and I think what may have been happening was that my tight hamstring was pulling my hip out of alignment somehow. Although I hate stretching as much as most guys, it is now 99% better and I am staying consistent with my stretching.
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I would try semaglutide.

How did it go?


It has been a year since my hip replacement.

Since about March, I have experienced pain again in the hip that got replaced. It happens when I walk for over 15 minutes. My medical team is looking into it. So far, Xrays look OK. MRI and CT scan results are to be reviewed on Tuesday. I am starting to think that my pre-existing spine issues are influencing my hip flexor at the L2/L3 level. I will know more next week.

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I tried to message @andrewBwinter but it says I can't contact him. I am researching hip replacements as well.

In addition, if TRT raises hemoglobin and HCT, does that create post-op complications related to the open section of femur (is the marrow exposed) that the implant sits in? I would think that that stopping TRT would help to reduce blood density if clots are a possible post-op complication.
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Currently lay in the hospital bed having had my left hip replaced yesterday (Thu 15th Aug). I hardly slept a wink all night as the nurses came in every 2hrs to take blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation levels. Finally fell asleep just before they put the lights on in the ward to wake us all up!! All day i was told how well i was doing and that i'd be leaving to go home today - then the surgeon popped in to say he wants me here another night as there were red spots around the wound and he wants me being monitored and having more antibiotic injections through my cannula. UK hospitals are always far too hot on the wards, and i just can't wait to (hopefully) go home tomorrow. Not too impressed with the oxycodone's, i was expecting to be totally pain free and flying, lol! May as well be sugar pills.
Good luck, buddy. Before they sent me home, they made me walk up and down the hallway and go up some stairs. I was full of pain killers, so it was all good.

When I got home, I spent 2 days with buttock cramps. I suggest that you have some Gatorade at home. Also, sitting down on the toilet was hard for me during the first week.

I stopped painkillers on the 4th day.

I recommend that you walk with a walker frequently around the house. It is the fastest way to recover.

My only regret was not asking the surgeon to send me to therapy. The hip muscle on the hip that was replaced overdeveloped compared to the other side, which has activated issues with my lumbar area due to putting more weight on the replaced hip than the other (I had a long history of lumbar discectomies and sciatica).

Most people are back to driving and to the gym within 6 weeks.
Back home now. I know i'll sound a pussy saying this, i've gotta say, i found the experience pretty bad - not the op itself, but being back on the ward. I don't know what hospitals are like in the USA, but UK ones always seem to be very hot on the wards. After the first night, they had to change all my bedding as i'd sweated so much. It was like being in a very humid greenhouse. Because of that, and the dire food they serve you, my stress levels felt through the roof constantly, and i was constantly asking for more pain relief. Now i've been home a couple of hours, i'm not even thinking about pain relief (i have pain, but removing the stress i felt there is making it much less bothersome). Fingers crossed, hopefully now i'm home and i have all my creature comforts at hand, recovery can start properly.
When my parents passed away, i had my fathers powered recliner chair (he'd also had a hip replacement). I'm glad i had it - i couldn't get in my bed without help last night, and struggled to get out too (even in hospital with their powered bed i had trouble due to my other hip also needing replacing). So i went downstairs and slept in the chair. Although i woke up twice for the toilet, i got my first full nights sleep and feel much better for it. So far today, i've only needed paracetamol, so it just goes to show how crucial sleep is for recovery. I will use the stronger meds if needed (i've read that the pain can get worse around days 3 to 4), but so far i'm pleased i got through a night pretty much undisturbed.

@Nelson Vergel @Cataceous @madman

I thought this study was very interesting, especially now i'm one week on from my surgery. Thought you guys might be interested too. I have several bottles of 25mg DHEA pills, i reckon now would be a good time to start taking them daily.

@Nelson Vergel @Cataceous @madman

I thought this study was very interesting, especially now i'm one week on from my surgery. Thought you guys might be interested too. I have several bottles of 25mg DHEA pills, i reckon now would be a good time to start taking them daily.
Why not run oxandrolone at 20 mg/day for next 4 to 8 weeks then reassess (blood work, recovery, etc)?

Might as well consider something that works and works well unless you have particular constraints that would prohibit its use.
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Why not run oxandrolone at 20 mg/day for next 4 to 8 weeks then reassess (blood work, recovery, etc)?

Might as well consider something that works and works well unless you have particular constraints that would prohibit its use.

I had thought of it before having the op actually. But to be honest, i just like the idea of getting improvement from replacing something (dhea in this case) that's known to drop off a cliff after surgery. Plus, i have a ton of dhea in my stash. Also, i've been feeling mentally stressed since the op, and they mention mood improvement in the study.
I wouldn't have expected this (TRT to increase complications following joint replacement) -

"Rates of 90-day medical complications and 2-year joint complications were queried. Patients who received TRT had an increased risk of revision, periprosthetic joint infection, and pooled joint complications within 2 years following a THA and increased rates of septic and aseptic revisions, and aseptic loosening after TKA compared to the control cohort."

That's a bit concerning, but also confusing - why would correcting a hormone deficiency put someone at greater risk of complications?!
I wouldn't have expected this (TRT to increase complications following joint replacement) -

"Rates of 90-day medical complications and 2-year joint complications were queried. Patients who received TRT had an increased risk of revision, periprosthetic joint infection, and pooled joint complications within 2 years following a THA and increased rates of septic and aseptic revisions, and aseptic loosening after TKA compared to the control cohort."

That's a bit concerning, but also confusing - why would correcting a hormone deficiency put someone at greater risk of complications?!
See the conclusions and limitations section and the authors' excellent comments. Careful not to confound cause and effect. The folks on HRT may have already been busted by years of hormonal issues. Alot of the HRT group received HRT from their PCP. That tells me many of them had to be near death to be worthy of HRT from their family Doc LOL.

This is not a controlled study and they weren't able to tell how long HRT patients had been on.

Thanks for posting. Are you going to blast that oxandrolone? Seems like a great time.
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See the conclusions and limitations section and the authors' excellent comments. Careful not to confound cause and effect. The folks on HRT may have already been busted by years of hormonal issues. This is not a controlled study and they weren't able to tell how long HRT patients had been on.

Thanks for posting. Are you going to blast that oxandrolone? Seems like a great time.

Thanks aloetard - I should have read more thoroughly (i'm blaming poor, broken sleep since the op!) You've piqued my interest in the oxandrolone, i guess that's my next rabbit hole to go down...
Thanks aloetard - I should have read more thoroughly (i'm blaming poor, broken sleep since the op!) You've piqued my interest in the oxandrolone, i guess that's my next rabbit hole to go down...
Get to reading LOL. And get some rest! Pulling for you!!!

Also edited my response above to provide more color.
Do it for science!

Do it for science!


Just putting my glasses on...
I don't know how easy it is to get GH in the UK, I'm pretty sure the clinic Balance My Hormones used to offer it to all their patients and then stopped offering it to non UK-based patients after Brexit, but it might still be available to UK residents.

If I had surgery I would increase my dose of GH significantly temporarily and would also add to my protocol every healing peptide I can think of (TB-500, BPC-157), and probably add Oxandrolone as well.

There are plenty of (believable) anecdotes of men seeing significantly accelerated rates of healing post-surgery using those compounds, and I don't think you'd need to run them that long to see a difference
I don't know how easy it is to get GH in the UK, I'm pretty sure the clinic Balance My Hormones used to offer it to all their patients and then stopped offering it to non UK-based patients after Brexit, but it might still be available to UK residents.

If I had surgery I would increase my dose of GH significantly temporarily and would also add to my protocol every healing peptide I can think of (TB-500, BPC-157), and probably add Oxandrolone as well.

There are plenty of (believable) anecdotes of men seeing significantly accelerated rates of healing post-surgery using those compounds, and I don't think you'd need to run them that long to see a difference

I can get all those things actually, as my trt is ugl diy anyhow. The bpc-157 i've used in the past, but wasn't overly impressed if i remember right (it was a few years ago - i think the bac water i had for is is still in the back of the fridge). The operation, combined with blood thinners i'm having to inject for a month is causing a fair amount of water retention in my legs - not sure if GH would make that worse?
I can get all those things actually, as my trt is ugl diy anyhow. The bpc-157 i've used in the past, but wasn't overly impressed if i remember right (it was a few years ago - i think the bac water i had for is is still in the back of the fridge). The operation, combined with blood thinners i'm having to inject for a month is causing a fair amount of water retention in my legs - not sure if GH would make that worse?
Another piece to manage. Have you run GH previously?

Hope you can find the right anabolic stimulus with least complications to manage.

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