High Doses of Testosterone Do Not Cause Liver Damage


At least in rats. The rats were given 10 mg/kg Sustanon a week. That would be the equivalent of 800 mg a week for an average sized man. After 8 weeks of administration liver enzymes were measured and no significant changes seen. The abstract says:

Previous studies have shown that resistance training (RT) is the main exercise modality practiced by AAS abusers. Thus, this work was carried out to evaluate the hepatotoxic effects of sustanon (Su) as an example of AAS in trained male rats. Rats were divided into sedentary/non-Su, sedentary/Su, RT/non-Su, and RT/Su. Su-administration groups received Su 10 mg/kg intramuscularly once a week for 8 weeks. In the 8-week RT, the rats climbed a vertical ladder 3 days/week. After Su administration, the mean values of serum parameters related to hepatic function were within normal ranges.
Well Testosterone does not cause liver enzyme elevation. However, this study proves nothing for high doses. The dose used was 10mg/kg. Many would think of this as 1,000mg for a 100kg men. However, what 99% of people don't know is that you have to apply a factor that accounts for the differences between rats and humans. That factor is 0.162. So 10mg/kg in a rat equals 162mg in a 100kg human. This is not a high dose

At least in rats. The rats were given 10 mg/kg Sustanon a week. That would be the equivalent of 800 mg a week for an average sized man. After 8 weeks of administration liver enzymes were measured and no significant changes seen. The abstract says:
It has been shown in the literature dating back to the early studies of aas/testosterone esters that the c-17 alpha alkylated oral steroids are responsible for most of the liver damage not injectable esterified testosterone. Regarding c-17 AA orals dosage/duration of the specific drug also play a big role in the severity and whether one will develope liver damage/issues.

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