Hello my new friends! Curious about Test Prop..


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Hello my friends! Long time lurker, first time poster. I absolutely adore the valuable information on this board! A lot of you guys really know your stuff! Im 38, 6'1, 195lbs 12-15%BF, trt for 5 years due to uneducated cycling in my early 20s. Sure wish I knew what i know now, back then. Ive been extremely stable on Test C, 25mg EOD SQ. That keeps me at about 800 total test, 23 free test, and 25 E2. Very little exemestane is needed. Matter of fact, the longer I use stane, the less I need. Took a while for me to figure what the hell was the problem. When I first started trt, it was the cookie cutter approach. 200mg once a week IM. Worked great for about a year, with 12.5mg stane 2x a week. Then I switched to 100mg 2x a week IM. Felt waaaaay better at 6.5mg stane 2x a week. Fast forward a couple of years, and I take 25mg EOD test C SQ. All i need now is literally 1-2mg a WEEK of stane. Even that crashes me to single digit e2 sometimes. Its been the same batch of stane the entire time in case your wondering. I tend to go by feel now, outside of 2x yearly blood work. I now understand high and low E2 symptoms, and only dose about .5mg once a week.Yes, you read that right, HALF mg weekly of Stane. Im terrified of crashing E2 again, thats absolutely awful. Stane has obviously done something with my aromatase enzymes, and not sure if i like that. Hope that helps some that are struggling in with Stane. With that said, id really really like to get off stane completely. Im SUPER SUPER curious about Test prop as a daily TRT regimen. Ive read great things, and not so great things. Theres quite a few threads on the boards about 10mg daily doses of test C, test E. Ill eventually try that dosage, but right now Id like to try 15mg IM a day of test Prop. I have a question about it though. Since its a short ester, and I have lower SHBG, Im wondering if I should take it in the morning, or the evening before bed. Im probably going to take it in the morning at first, as im scared of not being able to sleep with a fresh dose of androgens flowing through my body. Ill try it nightly after a couple months as well. Can we hear some recent feedback on Daily Test Prop TRT regimens? Dose, Time of day, AI's needed, IM or SQ, improvements over long ester test. Etc, Etc. Not to mention the negatives! Thanks guys!!
I used prop initially because I think it's much easier to change dosages with, however I did the opposite of you and am now on cyp which I seem to do do fractionally better on. I don't use an AI for either although I do use DHEA. I used around 70mg per week on prop and now do about 90 on cyp. I inject at night as I think that mimics natural release fairly well and I don't have problems sleeping. I've use both sub Q and IM and I don't see much difference between the two, although some guys do. You will need to take some time for the cyp to get out of your system so it will take 6-9 weeks for you reach steady state I would guess. Remember that prop is effectively a higher dosage per mg.
As far as whether to take it at night or morning, I would say just try it out. I think it’s most likely very improbable that someone can know how you’re going to metabolize prop based off of your SHBG and the half life of prop. It’s so quick acting, if there is a difference for you between morning and night injections, you’re probably going to notice it within a week. So it’s not like you have experiment for that long to figure it out.
Thanks for the responses!
I used prop initially because I think it's much easier to change dosages with, however I did the opposite of you and am now on cyp which I seem to do do fractionally better on. I don't use an AI for either although I do use DHEA. I used around 70mg per week on prop and now do about 90 on cyp. I inject at night as I think that mimics natural release fairly well and I don't have problems sleeping. I've use both sub Q and IM and I don't see much difference between the two, although some guys do. You will need to take some time for the cyp to get out of your system so it will take 6-9 weeks for you reach steady state I would guess. Remember that prop is effectively a higher dosage per mg.
Thanks for the input my friend!
As far as whether to take it at night or morning, I would say just try it out. I think it’s most likely very improbable that someone can know how you’re going to metabolize prop based off of your SHBG and the half life of prop. It’s so quick acting, if there is a difference for you between morning and night injections, you’re probably going to notice it within a week. So it’s not like you have experiment for that long to figure it out.

Thanks Gman. I needed to hear that. Ive been doing this a while now, and understand how it works. Im not gonna lie though, im nervous as hell trying a new protocol. It was a slightly bumpy ride getting dialed in at first.
Thanks Gman. I needed to hear that. Ive been doing this a while now, and understand how it works. Im not gonna lie though, im nervous as hell trying a new protocol. It was a slightly bumpy ride getting dialed in at first.

Trust me, it’s definitely nerve wracking. I completely took a leap of faith and switched from cyp to prop, lowered my dose pretty drastically from 171/ week to 122.5/ week, dropped my ai, and dropped HCG. Basically started from scratch, with the start low and go slow method. I also started treating my thyroid with NDT at the exact same time. So far things are going well. Haven’t noticed any negatives really. Only thing I’ve noticed is that I may be a bit more foggy headed, but that part might have more to do with my eating, than the hormones. When I eat bad the fogginess is a lot worse. Just got back from getting labs done about 20 mins ago tho, so can’t wait to get the results back for everything and adjust my prop dose, and either up my NDT dose, or drop my NDT dose a bit and start adding T3, depending on where my reverse T3 comes back at. Regardless, when I get my labs back, and dial myself in even further, I would imagine I can only feel better. So really optimistic. Hopefully with you making the change you either feel the same, or better as well.
Trust me, it’s definitely nerve wracking. I completely took a leap of faith and switched from cyp to prop, lowered my dose pretty drastically from 171/ week to 122.5/ week, dropped my ai, and dropped HCG. Basically started from scratch, with the start low and go slow method. I also started treating my thyroid with NDT at the exact same time. So far things are going well. Haven’t noticed any negatives really. Only thing I’ve noticed is that I may be a bit more foggy headed, but that part might have more to do with my eating, than the hormones. When I eat bad the fogginess is a lot worse. Just got back from getting labs done about 20 mins ago tho, so can’t wait to get the results back for everything and adjust my prop dose, and either up my NDT dose, or drop my NDT dose a bit and start adding T3, depending on where my reverse T3 comes back at. Regardless, when I get my labs back, and dial myself in even further, I would imagine I can only feel better. So really optimistic. Hopefully with you making the change you either feel the same, or better as well.

Let us know about your lab results! Probably best to get T values at peak (12h post injection) and trough (24h post injection) as T prop peaks at around 24h (+/-6h) and then drops within a couple hours to almost nothing. So if its peaking at 18h for you then it'll drop to almost nothing for the last 4h.
I used prop initially because I think it's much easier to change dosages with, however I did the opposite of you and am now on cyp which I seem to do do fractionally better on. I don't use an AI for either although I do use DHEA. I used around 70mg per week on prop and now do about 90 on cyp. I inject at night as I think that mimics natural release fairly well and I don't have problems sleeping. I've use both sub Q and IM and I don't see much difference between the two, although some guys do. You will need to take some time for the cyp to get out of your system so it will take 6-9 weeks for you reach steady state I would guess. Remember that prop is effectively a higher dosage per mg.

You changed several things simultaneously so you cannot identify the cause. I suspect its more likely because you changed the dose of Testosterone. 70mg prop = 80mg Cyp, yet you jumped to 90mg, so in order to know which ester you do best on you need to try 80mg prop/cyp.
Hello my friends! Long time lurker, first time poster. I absolutely adore the valuable information on this board! A lot of you guys really know your stuff! Im 38, 6'1, 195lbs 12-15%BF, trt for 5 years due to uneducated cycling in my early 20s. Sure wish I knew what i know now, back then. Ive been extremely stable on Test C, 25mg EOD SQ. That keeps me at about 800 total test, 23 free test, and 25 E2. Very little exemestane is needed. Matter of fact, the longer I use stane, the less I need. Took a while for me to figure what the hell was the problem. When I first started trt, it was the cookie cutter approach. 200mg once a week IM. Worked great for about a year, with 12.5mg stane 2x a week. Then I switched to 100mg 2x a week IM. Felt waaaaay better at 6.5mg stane 2x a week. Fast forward a couple of years, and I take 25mg EOD test C SQ. All i need now is literally 1-2mg a WEEK of stane. Even that crashes me to single digit e2 sometimes. Its been the same batch of stane the entire time in case your wondering. I tend to go by feel now, outside of 2x yearly blood work. I now understand high and low E2 symptoms, and only dose about .5mg once a week.Yes, you read that right, HALF mg weekly of Stane. Im terrified of crashing E2 again, thats absolutely awful. Stane has obviously done something with my aromatase enzymes, and not sure if i like that. Hope that helps some that are struggling in with Stane. With that said, id really really like to get off stane completely. Im SUPER SUPER curious about Test prop as a daily TRT regimen. Ive read great things, and not so great things. Theres quite a few threads on the boards about 10mg daily doses of test C, test E. Ill eventually try that dosage, but right now Id like to try 15mg IM a day of test Prop. I have a question about it though. Since its a short ester, and I have lower SHBG, Im wondering if I should take it in the morning, or the evening before bed. Im probably going to take it in the morning at first, as im scared of not being able to sleep with a fresh dose of androgens flowing through my body. Ill try it nightly after a couple months as well. Can we hear some recent feedback on Daily Test Prop TRT regimens? Dose, Time of day, AI's needed, IM or SQ, improvements over long ester test. Etc, Etc. Not to mention the negatives! Thanks guys!!

Best to do it at night to mimic diurnal variation of young healthy males. It doesn't peak quickly like Enanthate (6h post injection), instead it takes 24h to peak, which corresponds to 12h when pinning daily.

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