Hello from Canada


New Member
Good day, just wanted to introduce myself and share a little bit of my story.

I'm 37, there is history of late bloomers in my family so at age 12 I was started on T cyp by a "specialist". Stopped taking T at 16, who knows why.
At 22 went and saw a specialist and was started again first on T capsules and eventually on T cyp, underwent virilization, grew hair everywhere, got taller, chased girls around all day long.
At 25 got married and moved to Canada and for 5 years I would buy a year's worth of T cyp supply everytime I went back home to see my parents, until the year when I couldn't go back, so no T for about a full year.
At 30 and weighing at 315 poundsI was finally diagnosed with Kallmann's S, pituitary MRI came back normal, low Testosterone, LH and FSH were low-normal. Was started on HCG, 2500 IU 3x/week.

There was the question of primary vs secondary, being on HCG was supposed to provide us with that answer, in 8 months got down to 240 lbs, rode a 3 day 200 km bike charity event, mood improved, libido went up, testosterone was up in 650 range. My Dr. felt confident my reaction to the HCG was a good sign.

Plan was to stay on HCG for a year and then add FSH to try and stimulate spermatogenesis, the thing is that before the year was done I started to develop symptoms I now suspect were related to high E2. Which makes sense as KS patients have 4x the aromataze receptors a non KS person has.

I said I wasn't feeling well so we upped HCG to 3300 IU 3x a week, and then left on a 4 week vacation to southern Europe, after a week there I started to feel better AND for the first time ever I saw my penis and testicles hanging down instead of trying to dissapear into my pubis. Those were probably the best 3 weeks since being on TRT.

Long story short, FSH didn't work, went back to feeling crappy, gave up on HCG/FSH and was started on Test Enanthate, felt crappy still until 4 weeks ago.

What changed? Instead of using 100 mg/week I now use 70 mg every 5 days.

I also kept trying to pinpoint what I did different during those 4 weeks in Europe and suddenly it clicked! I ate a lot of Olive Oil, I tried those two changes and the difference is unbelievable.
My Test is at 750 and I have no idea where my E2 is at, I'm not where I want to be but I'm very pleased with what seems like turning a corner.

So folks, in a few words that is my story.
Thanks for reading and for making this forum what it is,
Welcome, interesting story. It's sad that some idiot of a doctor would put a young boy before puberty on testosterone.
If you felt better taking that much HCG then it's hard to believe you have an E2 problem. For me HCG doesn't seem to affect my E2 but injecting test cyp does. It's backwards I know but I'm also hypopituitary.
If you felt better taking that much HCG then it's hard to believe you have an E2 problem. For me HCG doesn't seem to affect my E2 but injecting test cyp does. It's backwards I know but I'm also hypopituitary.

That's part of what I don't get, to do so well for so long on that kind of a dose and then change. In any case, without good comprehensive labs and the right E2 test all I can do is guess that was the issue.

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