HCG - Yet another HCG thread


First Vial came today, 11,000 IU. Directions are pretty standard 11ml of bacteriostatic water or you can use 5.5 ml.

Background: Almost 1 year now on TestCyp without HCG, been experiencing pain and have a lot of difficulty not having sensitivity or coming to orgasm. Even when self-administered, haha but especially with a woman

The largest syringe I have is 3 ml, so if I were to use 11 that means 3-3-3-2. Is there any issue with 4 separate syringes of HCG? I know with Sermorelin it dissolves so easily that I'd have some concern about how evenly everything mixes. I guess we've all dealt with this is as long as we hold off the "swirling" of the bottle does it sill mix pretty evenly? I am not quite comfortable that it will but maybe this is a molecule situation where even distribution is almost assumed.

The dosage prescribed is .75ml 2X per week. This adds to 1.5 ML per week or 1500 IUs is that correct? By my math that is 7 weeks+. Using that amount if I switched to daily it's not quite even but going by what the doc said 1500 IUs at a daily dosage would be 214.29 or so.... Obviously a daily probably doesn't require the volume of a twice a weekly, would it be safe to assume if I adjusted to 200 IU daily? The overall amount per week is a little less. With that I'd get 55 days approximately. If I went with 250 daily it would be 44 days worth.

The question is should I use a wee bit more the first time around? I've read where Gene takes 125 IU daily. But he's also been on it since Day 1 I've not.

My goal really is to get rid of ball pain and get back to normal as reasonably quickly as possible. However no sense in overdosing. The other thing is if you reconstituted at 5.5 ML wouldn't 125 IU be the same thing as 250 IU at 11ml?
Are you being realistic of with your hcg expectations; getting back to normal, sexually? It's not a magic elixir...I;m not even sure you can restore your testes after a year, you mention "pain" so I presume shrunken nuts is the source. Remember in your treatment you're introducing a new variable in the mix and HCG will complicate your estrogen management. Not saying don't use it but be aware...
I am perhaps at a little wishful thinking. The ball pain does suck. I don't know how long it's expected to get this stuff working. Nelson in a recent thread said sensitivity returned and he was able to cum twice pretty consistently. The problem of course being the ladies feel as if they've done something wrong. So good news bad news I last a long time thanks to NO Stack, Tadalafil. In some ways I don't mind but most women would give up one or two to know I just had one.
midlifealpha, to answer your main questions

1. Using the 3ml syringe as you described is fine, as is going with 5.5ml instead of 11. If you have any other syringe, you can put it in the HCG bottle to help relieve air pressure. (The delicacy of the HCG molecule is sometimes overstated. Just be careful, don't drop it or shake it, and it'll be fine.)

2. Splitting the 1500 IU weekly into daily doses can be a good idea. The 200 IU per day you mentioned is fine. 150 IU may work too, or even less. Best to go with what the Dr. prescribed but keep in mind that you don't yet know how your body will respond. More is not necessarily better.

3. Frontloading with a higher dose doesn't usually make sense when using HCG for this purpose.

Assume you are aware that HCG needs to be refrigerated and that syringes can be pre-filled and frozen.

I would add that you could see results quickly that fade in over several days or a few weeks. If that happens, consult with your doctor and consider your estrogen levels, mind your nutrition (HCG stimulates the natural hormone metabolism which increases consumption of supporting nutrients) and if appropriate cut back on the HCG dose.
I do get prescribed Anastrozol which I've actually not been taking since I split my T injections. Really I'll need to see my blood work and my next scheduled is Sept. 30 and I'll probably take one for Defy either that same day or the next day.
If you've stopped taking Anastrozole (good for you!), why take one "for Defy" in conjunction with your blood work? Makes no sense at all, you're just manipulating the resulting E2 test...unless that's your intent.
I'm sorry I meant take Defy's blood tests. I don't know think my Anti-Aging releases the full information. If they release enough then Defy will allow me to bypass some of the tests but my point was just that I will know Estradiol after testing next Wednesday. I am moving to Defy anyway so I will get an idea of where I am within the next couple of weeks. Since I pay by the month (pre-pay) I was too late in canceling this month and I am due for a bloodwork checkup this month so I might as well take it.
@midlifeAlpha: any outfit that refuses to release labs is pro'ly breaking the law. I'd expect them to be offered up w/o asking.

@Craig: one might loose weight, remain stable or gain on hCG. hCG has an energizing effect on myself and others. I haven't lost any weight.

@torrential: links to storage studies? what data is there on freezing reconstituted hCG?

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