FURIOUS about my doc. Refusing to continue to treat me...


So I went to my endo again, 6 weeks after we started TRT (IM injections E2W), to discuss blood work. (Been diagnosed with primary)

He started me on a horrible protocol (125mg E2W), so after 4 weeks I told him via email I want to switch to weekly injections, to which he agreed.

The labs drawn after 6 weeks confirmed how I felt:

Test: 7.1 nmol/l, down from 11.0 before we started (range 8.64-29)
Fee test: 118.3 pmol/l, down from 173.9 (range 198-619)
Bioavailable: 2.9 nmol/l, down from 4.2 (range 4.36 - 14.3)
Estradiol: BELOW the threshold the lab can measure (18 pmol/l, range 41-159)
SHBG: 40 nmol (range 14.5 - 48.4, down from 45.8)

Basically, worse than before.

Before we even got to discussion the blood results, we got into a heated argument as he said he met with some other „experts“ (some endo friends) and discussed my case. My case being: I insisted on injections vs. gel (I hate gels and have 3 small girls at home), I also insisted on injecting myself at home, plus I now insisted on weekly injections.

He went on a ramble on how my case is „absolutely unheard of amongst experienced professionals“, I should do gels anyway and Me injecting weekly is a risk he cannot take, as there have been deaths from lung embolisms because people were self-injecting into veins etc.

Last time we met he was short on time so he agreed, but after discussing with his experts he is not willing the risk anymore and will not prescribe injections, UNLESS he administers them weekly (which I can‘t and am not willing to do) OR I‘m switching to gel.

So basically, he cut me off and said I should find another doctor who is willing to take the risk.

I spare you the details of this part of the ridiculous discussion.

When we went to discuss the lab results, he said - „what do you think?“. I said, as I told him in my email a few weeks earlier, I believe the dose is too low, suppresses my own prodcution but doesn‘t help me. How shitty I felt was a confirmation.

He basically replied - „Ha! It‘s not too low - it‘s TOO HIGH! We‘re suppressing your own production. If we would go lower, the testosterone would be an „add-on“ to your little bit of own production that you had, that would lift you up to normal levels“.

We then had another fight about peaks and troughs of my „ridiculous“ request to up the dose to 125mg / week, and he told me that frequent injections do NOT help with peaks and troughs, and I basically am too stupid to understand the VARIOUS studies that I showed him (I was prepared...) about half-life and pharmacokinetics of testosterone enanthate.

That‘s when I basically stopped the discussion.

I‘m really considering to sue for malpractice, just to annoy the heck out of him after he basically called me unable to read medical studies because I‘m no doctor.
(Btw, I‘m a business consultant who has worked with some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies on internal projects and all of my family are basically doctors, so I *do* understand.)

This, by the way, is the SAME guy who wanted to start me on E4W, is happy that my estradiol is undetectable because „the lower, the better - men do NOT need any kind of estradiol“ and „the smallest syringe available are 3ml syringes“.


Well anyway. I‘ll just continue myself, luckily a family member is willing to write prescriptions.
Just wanted to share this with you guys...

BTW, my thread/question about „non-supressing low dose test“ is here: Is it true that low-dose TRT does NOT suppress own production?
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So I went to my endo again, 6 weeks after we started TRT (IM injections E2W), to discuss blood work. (Been diagnosed with primary)

He started me on a horrible protocol (125mg E2W), so after 4 weeks I told him via email I want to switch to weekly injections, to which he agreed.

The labs drawn after 6 weeks confirmed how I felt:

Test: 7.1 nmol/l, down from 11.0 before we started (range 8.64-29)
Fee test: 118.3 pmol/l, down from 173.9 (range 198-619)
Bioavailable: 2.9 nmol/l, down from 4.2 (range 4.36 - 14.3)
Estradiol: BELOW the threshold the lab can measure (18 pmol/l, range 41-159)
SHBG: 40 nmol (range 14.5 - 48.4, down from 45.8)

Basically, worse than before.

Before we even got to discussion the blood results, we got into a heated argument as he said he met with some other „experts“ (some endo friends) and discussed my case. My case being: I insisted on injections vs. gel (I hate gels and have 3 small girls at home), I also insisted on injecting myself at home, plus I now insisted on weekly injections.

He went on a ramble on how my case is „absolutely unheard of amongst experienced professionals“, I should do gels anyway and Me injecting weekly is a risk he cannot take, as there have been deaths from lung embolisms because people were self-injecting into veins etc.

Last time we met he was short on time so he agreed, but after discussing with his experts he is not willing the risk anymore and will not prescribe injections, UNLESS he administers them weekly (which I can‘t and am not willing to do) OR I‘m switching to gel.

So basically, he cut me off and said I should find another doctor who is willing to take the risk.

I spare you the details of this part of the ridiculous discussion.

When we went to discuss the lab results, he said - „what do you think?“. I said, as I told him in my email a few weeks earlier, I believe the dose is too low, suppresses my own prodcution but doesn‘t help me. How shitty I felt was a confirmation.

He basically replied - „Ha! It‘s not too low - it‘s TOO HIGH! We‘re suppressing your own production. If we would go lower, the testosterone would be an „add-on“ to your little bit of own production that you had, that would lift you up to normal levels“.

We then had another fight about peaks and troughs of my „ridiculous“ request to up the dose to 125mg / week, and he told me that frequent injections do NOT help with peaks and troughs, and I basically am too stupid to understand the VARIOUS studies that I showed him (I was prepared...) about half-life and pharmacokinetics of testosterone enanthate.

That‘s when I basically stopped the discussion.

I‘m really considering to sue for malpractice, just to annoy the heck out of him after he basically called me unable to read medical studies because I‘m no doctor.
(Btw, I‘m a business consultant who has worked with some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies on internal projects and all of my family are basically doctors, so I *do* understand.)

This, by the way, is the SAME guy who wanted to start me on E4W, is happy that my estradiol is undetectable because „the lower, the better - men do NOT need any kind of estradiol“ and „the smallest syringe available are 3ml syringes“.


Well anyway. I‘ll just continue myself, luckily a family member is willing to write prescriptions.
Just wanted to share this with you guys...

BTW, my thread/question about „non-supressing low dose test“ is here: Is it true that low-dose TRT does NOT suppress own production?

When you had your first consultation pre-trt when he stated that his prescribed injection protocol is E2W.....you should have walked away to save you the from the losing battle!

Most endos are already set in their pre-historic ways and according to them.....no layman is going to change that.
While flying high on Andro gel I was sent to an internist because I asked tomany questions. After telling him I felt awesome, bettor than last 20 years, he informed me we would do clomid to get off that messy gel. I also asked him about bio- identical hormones, and he infromed he was a BOARD CERTIFIED INTERNIST and had no idea what I was talking about. I was to new to know much about this other than if I felt great now, how much greater was this going to be!. That was two years ago, and I have still not gotten back to where I was. Count your blessings, and run. Bettor yet, print out a hundred coies of this and leave them in waiting room.
He did you a favor. There are options out there. As a business consultant, I’d assume you have good insurance and can articulate pretty well. Call some TRT specialists and see what insurances they take. If you need a PCP referral, then argue with him. You need to advocate for yourself.
Thanks guys - I totally see what you mean, unfortunately where I live (Switzerland) to find a doc willing to prescribe TRT is almost impossible, so it was better than nothing. For the moment, the family member is prescribing me (but only because I was diagnosed with hypogonadism by the endo), but I'd rather have an "independent" doc at hand that I can rationally talk to, and not a family member that I "owe" :)

The search continues.... at least, I'm on my own terms, so no pressure...
There are some good papers and PowerPoints on TRT by DR John that are for DRs.
If you can find a home DR that is open minded and willing to think out side the box the papers may help educate and the DR can learn.
Just a thought...

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