Full labs


Protocol up to these labs is 40mg Test cyp EOD, 1.5mg NDT. NO HCG, NO AI

Give me your thoughts/questions/concerns while I wait for my appt with Dr. Saya.

I'd like opinions on Total test, prolactin, dhea, and dht for sure. e2 has been addressed and tested since these labs were run.
0.125mg 2x week brought e2 down to 19.8 on the sensitive test. currently trying .0625mg 2x week, will test again shortly. I would like sexual ability to be considerably better. Havent found the magic formula....yet.

Maybe some input on thyroid function as well. Maybe(hopefully:)) Vettetester will chime in on this.

Estradiol 61H <=39 (not sensitive)
Testosterone, Total 767H 300-623 (VA range:confused: quest goes to 250-1100)
Testosterone, Free 256.3H 46-224
Prolactin 14.1 3.7-17.9
DHT 49 16-79
SHBG 23 10-50
DHEA-S 158L 280-640
PSA 0.439 0.0-4.0

TSH 0.592 0.465-4.68
FT4 1.04 0.85-2.37
RT3, 13 8-25
T3, TOTAL 145 76-181
FT3 4.8H 2.3-4.2

IGF-1 134 53-331
Z-SCORE -0.2 2.0
VIT D 25-OH TOTAL 34 30-100
VIT D3, 25-OH 34
VIT D2, 25-OH <4
CORT AM 7.33 4.5-22.7

RBC 5.50 3.95-5.79
GLUCOSE 102H 70-100
HDL 46 >40
LDL CALC 149H <=100

ALT 42 13-69
AST 36 15-46
Protocol up to these labs is 40mg Test cyp EOD, 1.5mg NDT. NO HCG, NO AI

Give me your thoughts/questions/concerns while I wait for my appt with Dr. Saya.

I'd like opinions on Total test, prolactin, dhea, and dht for sure. e2 has been addressed and tested since these labs were run.
0.125mg 2x week brought e2 down to 19.8 on the sensitive test. currently trying .0625mg 2x week, will test again shortly. I would like sexual ability to be considerably better. Havent found the magic formula....yet.

Maybe some input on thyroid function as well. Maybe(hopefully:)) Vettetester will chime in on this.

Estradiol 61H <=39 (not sensitive)
Testosterone, Total 767H 300-623 (VA range:confused: quest goes to 250-1100)
Testosterone, Free 256.3H 46-224
Prolactin 14.1 3.7-17.9
DHT 49 16-79
SHBG 23 10-50
DHEA-S 158L 280-640
PSA 0.439 0.0-4.0

TSH 0.592 0.465-4.68
FT4 1.04 0.85-2.37
RT3, 13 8-25
T3, TOTAL 145 76-181
FT3 4.8H 2.3-4.2

IGF-1 134 53-331
Z-SCORE -0.2 2.0
VIT D 25-OH TOTAL 34 30-100
VIT D3, 25-OH 34
VIT D2, 25-OH <4
CORT AM 7.33 4.5-22.7

RBC 5.50 3.95-5.79
GLUCOSE 102H 70-100
HDL 46 >40
LDL CALC 149H <=100

ALT 42 13-69
AST 36 15-46

Couple of questions first:

1. When was this taken relative to injection?
2. How long have you been on TRT?
3. How did you feel?
4. Were these fasted and in the morning?
5. How old are you?

That is by far the worst testosterone range I have ever seen. Honest to God, it's saying that being at 650, a perfectly average range for a young guy, is something that would be flagged as high? I imagine they mostly test older vets with injuries unfortunately, so that could explain the range.

I do find it interesting you had standard and sensitive ran, for science, thank you!

Only thing I'd say is cortisol is a bit concerning, it's rather low for an AM draw, I'd look into that more.

DHEA-S is low, might be age caused or not, either way Dr saya will probably discuss a supplement.

Glucose is a bit high for fasting.

Vitamin D is rather low. 5000IU a day works for many.

Prolactin looks rather okay to me, could be raised by eating or ejaculation, but since PSA is low I'd assume no ejaculation. If you're having symptoms after resolving the E2 issue(and don't go too low, especially if you're attempting to improve sexual function!) I'd look into prolactin a bit.

DHT, not sure what you think is wrong with this lol that's a perfectly mid range number, not high, not low. Nothing more to say there!

EGFR is rather low for a young guy, but again, no idea how old you are.

Cholesterol is a bit less optimal, but this is not something I am well informed on, and believe it's more genetic AFAIK.

Hope that answers your questions!
Couple of questions first:

1. When was this taken relative to injection?
2. How long have you been on TRT?
3. How did you feel?
4. Were these fasted and in the morning?
5. How old are you?

That is by far the worst testosterone range I have ever seen. Honest to God, it's saying that being at 650, a perfectly average range for a young guy, is something that would be flagged as high? I imagine they mostly test older vets with injuries unfortunately, so that could explain the range.

I do find it interesting you had standard and sensitive ran, for science, thank you!

Only thing I'd say is cortisol is a bit concerning, it's rather low for an AM draw, I'd look into that more.

DHEA-S is low, might be age caused or not, either way Dr saya will probably discuss a supplement.

Glucose is a bit high for fasting.

Vitamin D is rather low. 5000IU a day works for many.

Prolactin looks rather okay to me, could be raised by eating or ejaculation, but since PSA is low I'd assume no ejaculation. If you're having symptoms after resolving the E2 issue(and don't go too low, especially if you're attempting to improve sexual function!) I'd look into prolactin a bit.

DHT, not sure what you think is wrong with this lol that's a perfectly mid range number, not high, not low. Nothing more to say there!

EGFR is rather low for a young guy, but again, no idea how old you are.

Cholesterol is a bit less optimal, but this is not something I am well informed on, and believe it's more genetic AFAIK.

Hope that answers your questions!

Thanks JDS,

1. I cant recall when this was relative to injections but EOD injections wont make to much of a difference. My last 2 total T labs were both in the 1100 range. This one is an abnormality for some reason.

2. Roughly 4 years.

3. I just feel "blah" if that makes sense. Sex drive and ability is really really hit or miss.

4. These are fasting labs. 9am so no exactly 1st thing in the morning but fasting none the less. fasting Glucose is always right about 100. Has been for years no matter what.

5. 32 years old.

Yep you got it on the Testosterone range. It's a quest test, the same test number that quest lists as 250-1100. Why the VA uses their own range on a test that has an established range is beyond me.

Cortisol has always been about 14 on past draws. I will discuss this with Dr. Saya for sure.

Dhea will be discussed with Dr Saya as well.

I live in the frigid north. Today's high is -4f. windchill is -31f as I type. Not much sun exposure here in the winter. For reference, this past summer, Vit D was 67 on no supplementation. Just good ol' sunshine.

DHT- I was wondering if pushing it to towards the top of the range would help with sex drive and ability. That's where I was going with that.

Did you mean IGF-1?

HDL Cholesterol has been improving slightly. Always borderline high, Thanks Dad:)
Blood cortisol really isn't useful for anything, cortisol should be tested with the four tube kit at set 24hr intervals.

D3 about 5000iu could help treat that number for you in the winter months at least.

Even on EOD you have a trough and need to test in the trough. There are multiple Testosterone tests and not eveyone selects 'one' from the menu of available tests, perhaps why the lab range is different but I think the actual number still applies. Though since it is abnormally low for your history I would not use it to adjust protocol, I would retest. But still...trough...hit the bloods right before your injection even on EOD.

I would continue the Cyp but i see you're going to need a little AI, maybe .25mg once a week for starters. 48 means youre not that far off so don't over do it with AI.

I used to treat DHT with a daily cream on the scrotum in addition to my injections, worked very well for DHT but i subjectively didn't feel anything from it but then for me that was a time when my E was too high, also. Dr Saya provided the cream so he knows about it if you ask.
Thanks JDS,

1. I cant recall when this was relative to injections but EOD injections wont make to much of a difference. My last 2 total T labs were both in the 1100 range. This one is an abnormality for some reason.

2. Roughly 4 years.

3. I just feel "blah" if that makes sense. Sex drive and ability is really really hit or miss.

4. These are fasting labs. 9am so no exactly 1st thing in the morning but fasting none the less. fasting Glucose is always right about 100. Has been for years no matter what.

5. 32 years old.

Yep you got it on the Testosterone range. It's a quest test, the same test number that quest lists as 250-1100. Why the VA uses their own range on a test that has an established range is beyond me.

Cortisol has always been about 14 on past draws. I will discuss this with Dr. Saya for sure.

Dhea will be discussed with Dr Saya as well.

I live in the frigid north. Today's high is -4f. windchill is -31f as I type. Not much sun exposure here in the winter. For reference, this past summer, Vit D was 67 on no supplementation. Just good ol' sunshine.

DHT- I was wondering if pushing it to towards the top of the range would help with sex drive and ability. That's where I was going with that.

Did you mean IGF-1?

HDL Cholesterol has been improving slightly. Always borderline high, Thanks Dad:)

Something I've noticed you said twice is "this result is usually this, but now it's not". I'm thinking it's the VAs testing that's altering results, if you've been on 4 years, then you know what your results should be.

But, on the other hand, you say you don't feel as good so it's possible these labs are right.

Did you feel good at one point, and now you don't? Or have you never felt good?

My theory regarding the VA and their shit lab ranges, is because they need to calibrate their machines, and some places use patient population for lab ranges. Glucose and HGB for example, almost ALWAYS have the exact same ranges, because those 2 are considered different, and use agreed on ranges. Plus they're higher concentrations in the blood than hormones are, thus are easier to accurately test. That's my understanding of lab ranges.

EOD injections shouldn't vary too much, and getting a suddenly lower level is odd, especially if you've never been below 1100. Did you always test at the VA?

DHT is a hard thing to increase exactly, as it is dependant upon total testosterone. Unless you want to use cream or gel on the scrotum. Dr saya will know way more about this than myself. Certainly worth discussing IMO, especially if it's been higher before.

IGF-1 is low, but I did mean EGFR, usually for a young guy it's above 100. Do you have the other CMP results?
Something I've noticed you said twice is "this result is usually this, but now it's not". I'm thinking it's the VAs testing that's altering results, if you've been on 4 years, then you know what your results should be.

But, on the other hand, you say you don't feel as good so it's possible these labs are right.

Did you feel good at one point, and now you don't? Or have you never felt good?

My theory regarding the VA and their shit lab ranges, is because they need to calibrate their machines, and some places use patient population for lab ranges. Glucose and HGB for example, almost ALWAYS have the exact same ranges, because those 2 are considered different, and use agreed on ranges. Plus they're higher concentrations in the blood than hormones are, thus are easier to accurately test. That's my understanding of lab ranges.

EOD injections shouldn't vary too much, and getting a suddenly lower level is odd, especially if you've never been below 1100. Did you always test at the VA?

DHT is a hard thing to increase exactly, as it is dependant upon total testosterone. Unless you want to use cream or gel on the scrotum. Dr saya will know way more about this than myself. Certainly worth discussing IMO, especially if it's been higher before.

IGF-1 is low, but I did mean EGFR, usually for a young guy it's above 100. Do you have the other CMP results?

I always use the VA for testing, so at least that's a constant.

Trying to make sense of the why and how of the VA is impossible. Including their ranges. But generally I can correlate to the actual Quest test by test number.

DHT has been from 16 at its lowest point to 67 at its highest. I'd say i felt better with it at 67 but that is speculative that it was because of the higher DHT level. I think since my protocol switched from E3.5d injections to EOD, has caused my DHT to slightly lower.

I've read that EGFR is not accurate for muscular people, I dont know the science behind that statement though. While there are certainly people who are far more muscular than myself, at 6'2" 230lbs and roughly 13% body fat I'd probably qualify by general populations standards.

Initially i felt great on TRT, Felt like a new person, sexual function and ability were stellar. But that waned after a year or so and frankly some days ED makes it impossible. I'm not sure if it is E2 related or possibly neurotransmitter related.

I've experimented with an AI and labs to back it up since these labs were ran.

Initially, Dr. Saya gave me 0.25mg anastrazole 2x week. I could tell immediately this pushed me to low. No labs here.
I cut the dose in half again to 0.125mg 2x week. This felt close to right, e2 sensitive tested at 19.8 (10-40) I'm currently trying half that dose again at .0625mg 2x week, and will test this again after a couple weeks.

For me anyway, this proves that i'll need a very small dose of AI to control e2.

I've got complete CMP. I'll get it edited in shortly.
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