Frustrated by latest results


Total Test (384-1197) - 1161
Free Test (8.7-25.1) - 29.4
Estradiol Sensitive (8-35) - 29.7
T4 direct (.82-1.77) .92
T3 free (2.0 - 4.4) 3.3

As I understand it, on paper these numbers are great. I still feel fatigued most days. My libido is down. I don't have a problem getting an erection, but they are not very strong. All around little ambition or passion about anything. I am just not sure what to adjust or if I should try to manipulate my estradiol levels? Or am I completely missing something else. I am just frustrated and concerned if I don't get this going in the right direction it will cost me my job....and/or my marriage.

I do have a consult with defy in 3 weeks.
You didn't mention your protocol. If libido is the concern I'd focus on e2. If it needs to be lower it's surely just a hair. I'd probably try just slightly higher.
I was at 50mg. Test cyp e3.5d
That set total t in the 900's. Free T in lower 20's. E2 at 26.
Current labs at 54mg, i bumped up to see effect on symptoms. I will drop back down.
I had tried 46mg prior to that, un fortunatly i felt the same and wasn't able to get labs done at that level. Thanks for responses.

Other meds:
25mg dhea daily (unchanged)
350iu hcg e3.5d (unchanged)
1.5 gr. Westhyroid daily
Are these trough?

Fatigue can often be completely unrelated to hormones. For example, I have narcolepsy, so TRT has done nothing for my sleepiness and fatigue.
Could it be the HCG? According to WEB MD, side effects are headaches, tiredness, restlessness are the common ones with swelling in ankles/feet, mental/mood changes i.e. depression are listed as serious side effects.

I too have had good numbers but, just didn't feel right with fatigue, moodiness, etc. I stopped my EOD 250 iu's 3 weeks ago to see if that may have been causing it.

So far, so good so, I'm off the HCG for the time being. When the boys start disappearing, I may try it again. You can always try dropping for a while. There have been other post here where some just never realized any benefits from HCG.
I am leaning towards adjusting HCG. I just read Dr. Crislers book. I am thinking of trying daily HCG injection. Same total weekly dosage. If i do, i will start a new post to update. Thanks everyone

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