Free T too high


New Member
If my TT is 680 Ng/dL and free T is 208 pg/ml, am I too high? I read that there was an ideal ratio, but how is it calculated? My SHGB has dropped from 22 to 16 since my last lab, 6 weeks ago.
That’s what I was wondering. I couldn’t remember exactly what the ratio deal was, just that I had read a while back about some ratio that was ideal. I had TT/FT confused with TT/E2.

Are you saying that the TT/E2 is garbage?
I will jump in and amswer for my friend @Vince Carter. Don't invest time in the ratio (other than as one data pointout of many). It is an attempt to make some sense out of the somewhat bewildering flow of ideas on estradiol levels. It can not be used in isolation.
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Your free T is a calculated value, so you can compare it to that of anyone who has accurate measurements for SHBG and total testosterone. This is in contrast to measured free T, where labs can have entirely different ranges.

For example, my TT has been around 800 ng/dL, and SHBG around 30 nmol/L, so my free T is pretty close to yours. This level is getting to be high normal for a young guy. Guys on TRT are regularly going well above this, at least 25-30 ng/dL, and don't seem to run into problems. But it's still an individual thing, and you may need to experiment if you feel there's room for improvement. This is anecdotal, but my informal survey of guys visiting with symptoms of low T says that they most often have free T around or under 10 ng/dL (100 pg/dL).

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