Followup Labs-5 weeks into new dosage and concerned


Hey Fellas,

I just recieved my new labs after upping my dosage from 100mg 1x/wk to 80mg 2x/wk (160mg).
My reason for my anxiety is apparent but I am confused by the two different TT readings that were given. One says 779 and the other out of range at 1121. Aside from that, my Free T and Bio T SKYROCKETED. DHT went up into healthy range. Thinking about lowering the dose but not sure to what. Going to speak to the Doc about this. I also just started on .25mg Anastrazole 2x/wk day after injection. E2 went from 32 to 105, almost 3.5x that is was and I didn't even double my dose.

I was feeling flush and panicky so I went to donate blood. They told me my HCT was 50 but its obviously fine here. Actually, according to the labs, It didn't even go up at all despite me significantly increasing my dose.

Looking for pointers and suggestions

Labs taken in the afternoon right before my injection. img006.webp img007.webp
Some questions. How did you and your doctor arrive at the revised dose (80mg/twice weekly)? I ask because split-dosing, which you adopted, frequently leads to higher total testosterone levels in and of itself. Why run the LC, MS/MS testosterone lab? Your low SHBG is going to skew your free and bioavailable values...not too much to be concerned about in that respect. Finally...with the estradiol you posted, how much of the negative effects you're dealing with can be attributed to that? I'd line up your e2 at a respectable level and see how things settle.
Some questions. How did you and your doctor arrive at the revised dose (80mg/twice weekly)? I ask because split-dosing, which you adopted, frequently leads to higher total testosterone levels in and of itself. Why run the LC, MS/MS testosterone lab? Your low SHBG is going to skew your free and bioavailable values...not too much to be concerned about in that respect. Finally...with the estradiol you posted, how much of the negative effects you're dealing with can be attributed to that? I'd line up your e2 at a respectable level and see how things settle.
After injecting once a week 100mg and my TT coming back at 460, shbg at 14, Freet T at 79 and DHT at 18, I we agreed on a more frequent injection to hopefully raise everything. Being my TT is really subpar, we increased the amount of T too.

As far as why LC, MS/MS T labs were run, I believe the lab might have picked it. I can't think of any reason why there are two TT readings. Is the sensitive not good when running TT? I don't know which one to go by. Come to think of it, I believe the same test was ran last time when my TT came back at 460. The thread to those labs are posted in the forum as well.

As far as the estradiol, I was getting really anxious, shortness of breath, elevated BP, facial flushing, insomnia. I attributed that to possible high HCT so I went to donate blood last week and they said my HCT was 50 (this was before I received my labs which showed it was 44.4 so I am not sure how I tested 50). It wasnt until I just got my labs that shows my E2 at 105 which would explain my symptoms. For some strange reason, my HCT hasn't gone up at all from before TRT and from increasing the dose. It has stood the same which I find weird.
Hey Fellas,

I just recieved my new labs after upping my dosage from 100mg 1x/wk to 80mg 2x/wk (160mg).
My reason for my anxiety is apparent but I am confused by the two different TT readings that were given. One says 779 and the other out of range at 1121. Aside from that, my Free T and Bio T SKYROCKETED. DHT went up into healthy range. Thinking about lowering the dose but not sure to what. Going to speak to the Doc about this. I also just started on .25mg Anastrazole 2x/wk day after injection. E2 went from 32 to 105, almost 3.5x that is was and I didn't even double my dose.

I was feeling flush and panicky so I went to donate blood. They told me my HCT was 50 but its obviously fine here. Actually, according to the labs, It didn't even go up at all despite me significantly increasing my dose.

Looking for pointers and suggestions

Labs taken in the afternoon right before my injection.View attachment 4260View attachment 4261

From what I can read from this your total T is 1121 they have just broken the TT down into some of its parts Free and bio available.
As I understand it Free is the important one since that effects mood the most. Your SHGB is in the teens lots of posts here about guys with low shgb might be worth reading up on.

I don't see prolactin which usually goes up with E2 IMO that can be worse since prolactin can lead to man boobs.
Since you are on an AI now both should come down. Don't take more than prescribed crashing E2 is way worse than having it too high.

If your HCT was really 44 and not 50 (shows how inaccurate some of these tests are) and you gave whole blood you are now sitting around 40-41. Having iron added to your next blood test might be in order. I would not donate any more blood for a while. Some of your symtoms might be coming from your blood donation. I never trust the blood banks testing I always wait for my TRT blood test to determine if I donate. 50.5 is my cue.
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Hey Fellas,

I just recieved my new labs after upping my dosage from 100mg 1x/wk to 80mg 2x/wk (160mg).
My reason for my anxiety is apparent but I am confused by the two different TT readings that were given. One says 779 and the other out of range at 1121. Aside from that, my Free T and Bio T SKYROCKETED. DHT went up into healthy range. Thinking about lowering the dose but not sure to what. Going to speak to the Doc about this. I also just started on .25mg Anastrazole 2x/wk day after injection. E2 went from 32 to 105, almost 3.5x that is was and I didn't even double my dose.

I was feeling flush and panicky so I went to donate blood. They told me my HCT was 50 but its obviously fine here. Actually, according to the labs, It didn't even go up at all despite me significantly increasing my dose.

Looking for pointers and suggestions

Labs taken in the afternoon right before my injection.View attachment 4260View attachment 4261

Just so you have a better understanding Total T= 54% SHBG bound T,44%ALBUMIN bound T,2% FREE T and Bioavailable Testosterone= ALBUMIN bound T+ FREE T as the shbg fraction is strongly bound and considered unusable by the body where as the albumin fraction is weakly bound and also available to be used by the cells as is free t.
Thanks for the responses guys.
Please pardon my ignorance but I am still confused by the 779 TT count and then the 1121 TT LCMSMS count. Am I correct to think the LCMSMS is the sensitive? I don't know which one to go by.

Aside from that, everything looks good to you guys? TT not to high? I really don't want to be on an AI if I can avoid it and can't believe my estradiol shot up from 32 to 105, especially since I didn't even double my dose and I went to a more frequent schedule.

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