Follow up bloodwork at 8 months on TRT - high prolactin?

Hi all!!!

My Test Cyp dosage varied initially from .5ml/week to 1ml/week with 250 iu HCG every day. I've settled on .5ml/week with 250iu hcg every day.

Initial prolactin was measured at 4.8ng/ml with a range of 4-15.2ng/ml when I started TRT back in Feb 2014. Two weeks ago I got my new lab results and prolactin is at 16.3ng/ml with a range of 4-15.2ng/ml.

Three months ago dr had me start in adrenal supplements so I stopped taking my armour 45mg dose and hoped for the best. I did not notice a difference in fatigue. I was and still am sleeping through the night. At the same time my e2 levels were barely detectable so i stopped taking 1g of arimidex a week.

Going back to prolactin....something to do with dopamine and prolactin, my Dr was not comfortable giving me cabergonile. He ordered an MRI for my pituitary. At my insistence, he gave me a script for 30mg of adderall since a coworker of mine suggested I try it (he's add and talked about how adderall increases dopamine). Well, I tried adderall but in all honestly all I feel is being somewhat hyped up with more confidence.....very authoritative when I talk.

Please give me some feedback.


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Your prolactin blood level does not justify cabergoline or an MRI. Your estradiol was tested using the old method which tends to overestimate E2. Talk to your doctor about using the ultrasensitive estradiol test using LCMS (liquid chromatography) instead.

What daily dose of Adderall are you taking?
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Thanks for the feedback Nelson! I was freaking out about the prolactin. I'm taking 20mg adderall morning on an empty stomach.

There are two estradiol results; the normal one and the ultrasensitive. Ultrasensitive result was 33 while the other one was 66.
Cabergoline works as a dopamine agonist and encourages the release of dopamine in the brain.

Adderall works by increasing activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, namely norepinephrine and dopamine.

I take .25 mg of cabergoline twice a week and it has had a significant impact on my libido and orgasm intensity.
Cabergoline works as a dopamine agonist and encourages the release of dopamine in the brain.

Adderall works by increasing activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, namely norepinephrine and dopamine.

I take .25 mg of cabergoline twice a week and it has had a significant impact on my libido and orgasm intensity.

Gene, do you take Cabergoline because of high prolactin levels? Why do you take it and how can I approach my Dr to let me try it?
Gene, do you take Cabergoline because of high prolactin levels? Why do you take it and how can I approach my Dr to let me try it?

My prolactin levels were mid range before using Caber.

I use it to increase libido and orgasm intensity and it achieves this for me in spades!

I asked my TRT Doc for it as Dr. Shippen uses the same protocol for his men who claim of low libidio while on TRT under his care and he gets good results as well.

Dr. Shippen is one of the preeminent TRT Physicians and respected by many practitioners in the space.

My Doc is open minded, knows of Dr. Shippens use of Caber to increase libido, so he prescribed it for me.

BTW, he's using it now for the same reasons and getting good results as well;)
Does TRT and hcg generally increase the amount of prolactin our bodies produce? I am 20 Y.O. and have been on TRT for 10 months now as my doctor finally convinced me and started hcg about 6 months ago because i believe the clomid 25mg 2x weekly he had me on was making me feel more depressed. Unforunatly as a college student I cant see my endo whenever id like to because he is in another state but has never tested it for me. My question to you Nelson and everyone else is could hyperprolactemia or some issue where the prolactin isnt metabolised and continues to dampen my dopamenergic function a possible cause of the strange phenomenon I have? Before being on TRT i was able to have very weak sex and sexual like activities with close girlfriends mostly for them despite my very low libido had the ability to have an alright orgasm but it always left me feeling much worse after in terms of being extremely fatigued, alot of brain fog and anhendonia(including a mild depression), risen anxiety, and essentially no motivation whatsoever for about 10 days and it would get progressively better about 60% better by about day 6. Now im on TRT and this period still exist but seems to be about half of what it used to be but none the less still there. However this is now much harder because my libido has definitely gone up 10X and i am surrounded by attractive college women that want to be physical but having sex or anything resulting in an orgasm(including masturbating) leaves me with this undesired feeling that basically makes it not worth it, especially masturbating. But I have found that my medications like vyvanse( very similar to adderall) do help lesson this when i am on it but isnt a drug that i enjoy taking. Any insight to what could be causing all of this? should I go get my prolactin checked 2 weeks abstinent and one time within a week after having sex? I really appreciate all input.
Charles, you're hijacking this thread for your own needs. Please consider starting in the "Introductions" forum, then feel free to post your own thread in one of the main forums.


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