folks on nandrolone what are some typical protocols for TRT

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My friend who is 5 foot 6 and 68kg is Brain washed to thinking anything under 200mg is too low for trt
Obviously it's the hrt clinic he goes to that tells him that
I wonder why

You can blame the run of the mill T-clinics, so called internet gurus, goo tube and all those bumass forums loaded with those you iknow blast n cruizerzzz!

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My friend who is 5 foot 6 and 68kg is Brain washed to thinking anything under 200mg is too low for trt
Obviously it's the hrt clinic he goes to that tells him that
I wonder why
At the end of the day it’s all about enjoying the short time we have in this life as much as possible, and being as happy as possible, as much of the time as possible. Me and @Sly are just chill, happy, open minded guys that are doing what’s best for our overall happiness, and not trying to hide anything, while still being very cognizant of our health, and just trying to support other members here on the forum. Who cares what someone is on is called. What matters is I’m happy, healthy, labs all look great, vitals are perfect, and I commonly get mistaken for being in my 20‘s. I just turned 37. All I want to do is spread love and happiness, and help/ support any and all members here. Regardless of their personal choices.

Meanwhile, u and madman just want to spend ur time on this planet judging others and putting people down for their personal choices that make them happy. There’s no changing madman. He’s gonna be this salty and judgmental guy till the day he dies. But don’t be like him man. Focus on spreading love and support others more than casting judgment. U’ll lead a much happier and more fulfilled life, I promise u.

But this isn’t an us vs u guys thing. I’m all about community and everyone working together to help eachother achieve their goals, and just help everyone feel as good and happy as possible, and just enjoy this life as much as possible. Including u man. I’m not offended by what u said. I’m sure ur not purposely trying to hate or put us down for pushing the limits and doing what is best for us personally in our lives. I understand where ur coming from, to a degree. And I don’t think either me or @Sly really consider ourselves on conventional “HRT”. But I don’t think either of us really care about titles or labels. And I don’t think anyone else should either. I think any and all people should be welcome here, as long as they’re here to learn about and help others with optimizing their overall health and happiness, and ideally are knowledgeable about hormones, and/ or want to learn about hormones. Let’s just love and support eachother, and help eachother be as happy as possible, and enjoy our time here as much as we can. Not judge and put others down for their personal life decisions that are making them happy, and improving their lives, and the lives of everyone around them. The happier I am, the better I am to everyone around me. Including u, and every member here. So call what me and @Sly are doing whatever u want. We’re happy, our health is good, and u won’t ever catch either of us putting other members down for decisions they’re making that are improving their overall happiness and well being. Not saying u have to be just like us, but I just wouldn’t spend anymore time being like madman. Be a better version of urself. Like I said, u’ll be a lot happier and feel more fulfilled supporting others, than judging and putting them down. I guarantee it
Most recently I have experiments with low test, 35mg to 70mg, along with 200-300mg of Nandrolone and I can honestly say this is the best I have ever felt on HRT. Sexual function is better than all previously mentioned protocols. I feel motivated but calm. Assertive but not aggressive. Emotions are controllable and I am clearheaded. Gym performance is wonderful.
How did this work out for you in the long run? @DixieWrecked
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We’re happy, our health is good, and u won’t ever catch either of us putting other members down for decisions they’re making that are improving their overall happiness and well being. Not saying u have to be just like us, but I just wouldn’t spend anymore time being like madman. Be a better version of urself. Like I said, u’ll be a lot happier and feel more fulfilled supporting others, than judging and putting them down. I guarantee it

I'm no bodybuilder. I increased the dose until I felt mentally good, good in terms to be like it was 15yrs ago. No ancillaries. I would need some proviron on lower dose. Guess the 250mg TU per week provides enough dht and no 'estrogenic' issues. Hematocrit is high but blood pressure is normal. Might try this naringin.
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Did you have a short time period when it was the best that you have ever felt on HRT and then you experienced side effects?
Yeah its always good for a while. Until the "side effects" start to really set in. Seems to be the case for me for any anabolic.

There is this initial honeymoon period for each one of them, similar to any drug used chronically, its good at the begining until the negatives outweight the positives. For me, each anabolic has a distinct mental effect that really sets in over time. They seem to all be stimulative-dopaminish but once the dopamine goes back to baseline, you can truly assess the effects the compound has on your body systems.

nandrolone (50-900 weekly): fidgety, uncomfortable, low drive, "beta feeling" trouble sleeping, high heartrate, negative perspective in general. Paranoia. Not good for an easygoing relationship. Did some weird sexual stuff that I've never thought about and haven't since dropping it.

Primo (70-200): become a loner, really that's it. I Just give zero shits about social interaction. Kinda nice actually. I am an independent thinker naturally and I am inherently obstinent to trends and hivemind but this kicks that up a notch. Basically an anti-femminist/conformist. Doesnt make me a dick or rude, just kind of ok with doing my own thing. I look down on people that have the herd mentality and want to empathize with destructive behaviors. Instead of fighting the nonsense, i just do my own thing.

Masteron (70-200): SImilar to primo but instead of doing my own thing I am ready to uphold my principles. Self rightuous. quick to cut off the slightest tresspass. the self rightouesness makes it difficult to empathize to a dysfunctional level.

tren (35-70): sleeping not as good. Self righteous. sensetive. can get frustrated. Bold. Rolling down a window to yell at a dude that has a problem with my driving for example.

There's just no free lunch. I know some people love these compounds but I find the fact that they alter my behavior to be extremely interesting and unsettling. How much of our American culture is affected by hormonal changes caused by our water supply, or foods we eat.

Sorry about any typos.
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I'm no bodybuilder. I increased the dose until I felt mentally good, good in terms to be like it was 15yrs ago. No ancillaries. I would need some proviron on lower dose. Guess the 250mg TU per week provides enough dht and no 'estrogenic' issues. Hematocrit is high but blood pressure is normal. Might try this naringin.
Nice man, glad u figured out what works for u. Where’s the rest of ur labs sit on this protocol?

When u say HCT is high, where exactly is it sitting? Like 54-55ish?
There's just no free lunch. I know some people love these compounds but I find the fact that they alter my behavior to be extremely interesting and unsettling.
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Normal range

Jawohl, right there. It was already 52% with T in normal mid range
For most guys I wouldn’t worry at all about a 54-55ish hct, especially if BP is good, and platelets are below half, which basically everyone is, from all the labs I’ve seen over the years. If u feel good, I wouldn’t change a thing
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For most guys I wouldn’t worry at all about a 54-55ish hct, especially if BP is good, and platelets are below half, which basically everyone is, from all the labs I’ve seen over the years. If u feel good, I wouldn’t change a thing
Thank god, I have been waiting for your ok ;)
Seriously, had also a discussion with the readalot tard about hct: it's complicated. To avoid misunderstandings, I don't promote high hct. I increased my dose for health reasons and not for sports performance.
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