Nelson Vergel

Phthalates are used in a large variety of products, from enteric coatings of pharmaceutical tablets and nutritional supplements to viscosity control agents, gelling agents, film formers, stabilizers,dispersants, lubricants, binders, emulsifying agents, and suspending agents. End-applications include adhesives and glues, electronics, agricultural adjuvants, building materials, personal-care products, medical devices, detergents and surfactants, packaging, children's toys, modeling clay, waxes, paints, printing inks and coatings, pharmaceuticals, food products, and textiles.
Phthalates are easily released into the environment because there is no covalent bond between the phthalates and plastics in which they are mixed. As plastics age and break down, the release of phthalates accelerates. People are commonly exposed to phthalates, and most Americans tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have metabolites of multiple phthalates in their urine. Because phthalate plasticizers are not chemically bound to PVC, they can easily leach and evaporate into food or the atmosphere. Phthalate exposure can be through direct use or by indirect means through leaching and general environmental contamination. Diet is believed to be the main source of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and other phthalates in the general population. Fatty foods such as milk, butter, and meats are a major source.
Reprod Toxicol. 2013 Oct 15. pii: S0890-6238(13)00356-0. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2013.10.001. [Epub ahead of print]
Human urinary phthalate metabolites level and main semen parameters, sperm chromatin structure, sperm aneuploidy and reproductive hormones.
Jurewicz J, Hanke W, Radwan M, Sobala W, Ligocka D, Radwan P, Bochenek M, Hawuła W, Jakubowski L.
Department of Environmental Epidemiology; Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland (address: 8 Teresy St; 91-362 Lodz, Poland). Electronic address: [email protected].
The aim of the study was to assess the association of phthalate metabolites levels in urine with semen parameters (sperm concentration, motility, morphology, CASA parameters), sperm chromatin structure, sperm aneuploidy and reproductive hormones. The study population consisted of 269 men who were attending an infertility clinic and had normal semen concentration (20-300 mln/ml) or slight oligozoospermia (15-20 mln/ml). Participants were interviewed and provided a semen sample. The phthalate metabolites were analysed in the urine using a procedure based on the LC-MS/MS method. Urinary phthalate metabolites levels were significantly associated with a decrease in sperm motility (5OH MEHP, MEHP, MINP), CASA parameters (MBP), testosterone level (MEHP) and an increase sperm DNA damage (MBP) and sperm aneuploidy (MBzP, MBP, MEHP, MEP). In view of the importance of human reproductive health and the widespread usage of phthalates, it is important to further investigate these correlations.
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