Everything You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
From the cool site Art of Manliness

Back in 2013 when I published the results of my testosterone-boosting experiment, I got chided by many commenters for recommending a diet high in cholesterol and fat. According to them, I was promoting a dangerous diet that would lead to heart disease and obesity, despite the fact that I also published the results of my blood test which showed stellar cholesterol numbers.

I don’t blame these guys for their criticisms. Like me, most of them probably grew up during the 80s and 90s when it was an article of faith that diets high in cholesterol and fat would result in heart disease and other health problems.

But everything most everyone knew about cholesterol has turned out to be wrong. (And that includes me and what I thought was a conclusive link between this lipid molecule and testosterone!)

Read more of this great article:
Get your cholesterol from ["Scrambled eggs with squirrel brains"] worry about the prions latter.

["Make your own Vit D from cholesterol and sunlight"]
I'm living proof that 25-OH, D serum levels will not, in every case, reach the "healthy" level with this recipe.

["if you have a family history of early arterial diseases, you should get your Lp(a) levels checked. Inflammation plays a huge role in disease"]

He points out a few major categories such as LDL-A and LDL-B and that Lipoprotein A is a "third type" which Sinatra sings about as the "Alpha Wolf". O.K. call this Lipids 101. It was worthy to note that genetics play a huge role in lipid metabolism making universal dietary guidelines difficult. Studying emerging science is great but occasionally it comes at the price of being overly sedentary.

If your family history is one of coronary heart disease pay more attention to what you eat but don't forget about the big C. For most of us staying clear of processed foods, eating a diet rich in male friendly organic produce and modest amounts of whole grains, grass fed organic meats cooked properly at low temperature is the recipe for good health.

The excellent stickies on this site are worth the read. Aside from what is eaten, strive to reduce exposure to environmental toxins both natural and man-made. This is especially true for young folks. Thank you Nelson for condensing your years of experience and presenting them in an easy to understand format.
Very nice article........thanks for sharing Nelson. I have what they call "high cholesterol" and was on statins for years. The high dosed statins literally induced pre-diabetes on me.........my A1C had progressed to 6.4. I've always been very lean, leanly muscled, never overweight. It took a while form GP to admit that the statins he had me on for 15 years caused the high A1c. Now, honestly, I don't worry about my cholesterol numbers because I do not have cardiovascular risks. If anyone on this Excel Forum is concerned about their cholesterol and are on statins, I emphatically urge you to please, please invest 12 minutes on watch this 12 minute video.......it's totally worth your time:

Statin Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNDqtZWbSpM
Ive read a couple articles posted here about statins. For several years I was on a statin and suffered from leg cramping that came at times of very little exertion that I wrote off to hydration or electrolite issues as I am very active outdoors.
Not until I read some of these studies and articles did it make sense.
I stopped all statins about 6 months ago and have not had a single cramping incident since. I did add 3000mg niacin daily in order to keep LDL in check but will nevet take a statin again
Ive read a couple articles posted here about statins. For several years I was on a statin and suffered from leg cramping that came at times of very little exertion that I wrote off to hydration or electrolite issues as I am very active outdoors.
Not until I read some of these studies and articles did it make sense.
I stopped all statins about 6 months ago and have not had a single cramping incident since. I did add 3000mg niacin daily in order to keep LDL in check but will nevet take a statin again

Why are you trying to keep your LDL low? The studies keep showing "cholesterol" is not the problem or a real risk factor to cardiovascular disease. Inflammation in the arteries is the risk factor. Foods that cause inflammation: Sugar, white carbs etc and........trans fats. Not saturated or unsaturated fats. According to the latest "admission".....findings.... unless you already have cardiovascular disease, no need to control your cholesterol. Cholesterol is best "not kept in check" and let it do it's thing. Did you watch the video? People with higher cholesterol live longer.
I have high bp and some heart issues related to 30 years on my job. Although I have had no incidents related to cardiovascular problems, I want to keep arteries clear, using copius amounts of fish oil and niacin. Currently bp is in check and no clogging evident from my last ecocardiogram and ultrasound, so something I am doing is working
Who, in a position of power, will finally wake up and realise that the vast database of medical research stinks of bias and manipulation. Who can we call upon to take up the gigantic and painful task of clearing out the Augean stables?

First Intelligent Design, then Kendrick the Low-Carb crackpot - you sure like posting dubious resources --

The Con Artist: http://carbsanity.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-great-cholesterol-con-artist.html

And Kendrick the Hypocrite -- (ProKardia) -

"He writes about conflict of interest, then recommends the supplement he had a financial interest in, to patients (without scientific backing from peer-reviewed journals)"

The blog is interesting and some of the statements he indicates in part 3 may be challenged later
I accept that statins do not benefit in lowering of cholesterol but what about in managing inflammation

@ factors which increase blood clot formation increase the risk of dying from CVD and things that reduce blood clot formation reduce the risk of dying from CVD

@ I would like to introduce statins to the list of factors that reduce the risk of blood clots - if the studies are to be believed they do reduce the risk of CVd not to a great extent but the effect certainly does exist

@ one could quite sensibly propose that statins do much the same as aspirin

@ recent studies show that statins reduce thrombosis via multiple pathways including inhibiting platelet formation

@ could it be that plague formation and blood clot formation are 2 different manifestations of the same underlying disease process
Hi cholesterol, trigs, metabolic issues, chronic low serum 25-hydroxy D resistant to medical supplementation stem from years on tough pharma regimens which are also implicated in my hypo-g. Add to this familial predispositions for both vision, diabetes and cardio issues and I become highly absorbed in this emerging science. I've developed an aversion to anything being pushed by an MD, statins included. Never have taken any and never will.

One of the many touted benefits of Astaxanthin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astaxanthin is it's alleged anti-inflammatory properties. A-X is a new addition to my regimen. I suspect money is well spent on high quality carotenoids sourced from fresh food as well as supplements.

Been taking Zeaxanthin/lutein in 5/25 ratio for years as I am predisposed to familial eye trouble. I've tried both the Bioastin and the TruNature in A-X which is a metabolite of Zea-X. The TruNature tastes much cleaner when crushed. Its A-X is sourced from AstaReal. I try to imbibe as many anthocyanins and phenols as possible from a combination of food and supplements.

The latest hyped study is that "fish oil" drops trigs but has no reduction in cardio events. This follows the scare a couple of years ago allegedly linking fish oil to prostate cancer.

None of my docs want to make the distinction between Lovaza and fish oil. I do. I enjoy my fish oil as a natural component of the cold water fish I eat but never from boat loads of squished fish scraps. Consumers will do well to realize that their olfactory senses are valuable assay tools.

It's taken almost a year on Excelmale to zero in on those things likely to have the most benefit for me. Before coming here it was head-xploady. I've made huge strides in reduction of diabetes markers and blood pressure and improving sleep, cognition and energy levels. 15 months ago I felt so poorly at the hands of multiple well respected Bay Area physicians that I was actually settling my estate. I still have a long way to go. Thank you Nelson and all those who contribute here.

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