Estradiol levels


New Member
Hello everyone,

I've been reading this forum for months but only registered now. My doctor started me TRT on May 1, right before we did the first injection we did some blood work.

Estradiol (<162) 109.00 pmol/L
Testosterone Total (8.4 - 28.8) 2.30 nmol/L
Testosterone Boiavailable (3.6 - 11.2) 2.40 nmol/L
Testosterone Free (196 - 636) 93.00 nmol/L

I was placed on 150mg E Test per week, injected twice at 75 mg, I opted to do 3 weekly injections at 50 mg M/W/F, I was also placed on 500iu, 3 times a week totaling 1500iu. No anastrozole (Arimidex). By the second week of May I had gained almost 12 pounds of water, so I dropped my dose of HCG back to 300iu 3 times a week totaling 900 iu/week. The doctor had asked me to keep a log of how I felt. Below is the log I provided

I seem to be responding slowly to the T and HCG injections, but I seem to also be a high aromatizer of testosterone, one week after starting injections I had gained 12 lbs of water, acne started and my nipples became extremely hard and sensitive. I had early morning erections as well. Reducing hCG and splitting the T dose to 3 injections a week has helped with the nipples, but no change for acne or water retention, nor has there been any return of morning erections, by the beginning of the 3rd week I have been having some slight joint pain (mostly elbow and shoulder)

On May 29 we did some more blood work and the results are below, please note that the blood work was done about 12 hours after the Monday evening injections.

Estradiol (<162) 306.00 pmol/L
Testosterone Total (8.4 - 28.8) 28.60 nmol/L
Testosterone Boi (3.6 - 11.2) 21.40 nmol/L
Testosterone Free (196 - 636) 915.00 nmol/L

additional info: Before getting the results back my doctor had a change of heart and pumped my E test to 250 mg per week, considering the numbers I had when we started we figured the initial dose of 150 was too low and based on my log. The doctor is doing his best to help me out since he is a family friend, I had seen two family doctors, 3 Endos and 2 Urologists and I was getting extremely frustrated. I had been asking for TRT and HCG for 3 years, but no one is willing prescribe HCG and I was concerned about fertility. I'm 44 years, 6ft, 240 pounds, and I'm about 50 pounds over weight which is probably not helping with the E2 conversion. The doctor gave me a script for anastrozole 1mg, we thought i would start at 0.25 a week and go with how i feel, but considering that my E2 is at 309 (almost tripled within 28 days), we had that discussion and he gave me the script before the E2 test came out, we knew I would need some sort of E2 inhibitor just not how much, which is my question to you guys?
Your E2 is probably through the roof (you need a sensitive E2 test). Take the AI. Start with 0.125 with every shot (3x per week). I wouldn't stop the HCG. It will add to your Total T number. Yes, it adds to E2, but this can be brought under control.

Otherwise lower your dose of T.

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