ED, low libido on TRT...e2 not the problem


New Member
I am experiencing problems with ED and low libido. Current protocol is 150mg test cyp bi-weekly, .25mg aromasin ED, 5mg cialis daily (for BP and attempt to remedy ED).

I thought it had to be e2 related, but bloodwork (yes sensitive test) came back 16.3. Lipid panel, HDL high end of normal, LDL a bit over normal. BP is normal, hematocrit is just above top end of normal. Test and free test are both slightly above normal range.

Does anyone have any advice as to what this could be, or what I should get tested in order to determine the problem?

BTW, this is not mental. I'm not stressed or anxious or anything like that. And Me and the little lady are doing great, and she is the best looking woman in 3 counties.
I am experiencing problems with ED and low libido. Current protocol is 150mg test cyp bi-weekly, .25mg aromasin ED, 5mg cialis daily (for BP and attempt to remedy ED).

I thought it had to be e2 related, but bloodwork (yes sensitive test) came back 16.3. Lipid panel, HDL high end of normal, LDL a bit over normal. BP is normal, hematocrit is just above top end of normal. Test and free test are both slightly above normal range.

Does anyone have any advice as to what this could be, or what I should get tested in order to determine the problem?

BTW, this is not mental. I'm not stressed or anxious or anything like that. And Me and the little lady are doing great, and she is the best looking woman in 3 counties.

Your estradiol level is low enough that it may be causing you significant problems. In most men, low e2 is a more sinister problem than elevated levels. Please post the rest of your test results. Your total/freetestosterone and your SHBG (particularly). You wrote that your injecting "biweekly;" in Canada, where I live, that can mean either twice a week or every two weeks. So that there isn't any confusion, how often are you injecting? Thanks.
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This is very subjective but my libido and erections are at their best when my estradiol is in the 20s. Higher 20s is best but then i get gyno issue. So i try to keep mine in the low 20s.
You would be surprise how much of a difference just a few points in estradiol levels can make. Worth checking DHT levels as well.
But like coastwatcher said we would need to see a your full test results to try to help better. Total Testosterone and free testosterone specially.
So, the reason I say e2 is not the culprit, is the last time I had e2 tested (admittedly I was on a blast--750testcyp per week) it was 17.2 and I felt great...perfect even.

The only levels I had tested were the ones mentioned. Test was 1394 and Free test was 39.6. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I take 150mg of test cyp 2X per week, for a total of 300mg per week.

So after reading these two posts, I need to get my DHT levels and SHBG levels checked as well?
So, the reason I say e2 is not the culprit, is the last time I had e2 tested (admittedly I was on a blast--750testcyp per week) it was 17.2 and I felt great...perfect even.

The only levels I had tested were the ones mentioned. Test was 1394 and Free test was 39.6. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I take 150mg of test cyp 2X per week, for a total of 300mg per week.

So after reading these two posts, I need to get my DHT levels and SHBG levels checked as well?

You're E now is completely irrelevant to what it was then. Most any of us are going to state that ~16 is low. It's just not linear that way that you can have E = 16 and your T be whatever you want it to be, 16 isn't your magic number per se, also depends on where you TT is resting at, either 300/wk or 750 does not mean your E number is 16. Sorry I'm just trying to explain it right not beat the drum incessantly.
Vince are you referring to the test/e2 ratio? I've read some things that suggest the higher test levels are, the higher E2 levels need to be. But wouldn't that also suggest that if my test level was really high (whatever it was on 750mg per week) and I felt great at at e2 level of 17, then when I dropped down to 300mg per week or test that a lower level of e2 (than 17) would produce the same or similar results?

Health Man, no Test and Free test were significantly higher (i was running 750mg per week) in the 1st e2 Test. I don't remember the number but it was north of 3500 I believe. In the 2nd e2 test, test and free test were 1394 and 39.6 respectively.
It could possibly be DHT. Higher testosterone cypionate will in most cases lead to higher DHT. But tough to know given you didnt test DHT.
For example my libido was much higher using cream compared to injections (although my total and free testosterone were lower and same estradiol levels) because usually creams convert more easily to DHT. So maybe in your case the higher testosterone dosage was putting your DHT in your sweet spot.
Expanding slightly on what Coastwatcher said, in my experience and observation, you want to err on the high side for E2 and then gradually adjust down if absolutely necessary. A related point is that aromasin takes about 4-5 days for the process of regenerating the aromatase enzyme to run its course, so dosing every day could easily create a much stronger affect than you want and you could easily overshoot. Finally, the body tends to adjust a wide array of factors (e.g neurotransmitters) to achieve a steady state, so if you make a major change like B&C, it can take a while to regain a good steady state. Once you get to a good steady state again at a permanently maintainable T level...STAY THERE! It's not worth the risk to mess with. It's the people who don't have the little lady that have to B&C. If I were you (and I have done just this) I would cut back or stop the Asin and then reintroduce gradually if necessary. Low E2 is not what you want and seems to be much more difficult to resolve than high E2.
Vince are you referring to the test/e2 ratio? I've read some things that suggest the higher test levels are, the higher E2 levels need to be. But wouldn't that also suggest that if my test level was really high (whatever it was on 750mg per week) and I felt great at at e2 level of 17, then when I dropped down to 300mg per week or test that a lower level of e2 (than 17) would produce the same or similar results?

Health Man, no Test and Free test were significantly higher (i was running 750mg per week) in the 1st e2 Test. I don't remember the number but it was north of 3500 I believe. In the 2nd e2 test, test and free test were 1394 and 39.6 respectively.

Yes, ratio...there's a common thought on ratio of it between 14-20 (T divided by E) = 14-20

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